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Lisa Evans, Nathan Haines, Ronald Kerr, Shiou Li Lin, and Scott Schaefer.

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Presentation on theme: "Lisa Evans, Nathan Haines, Ronald Kerr, Shiou Li Lin, and Scott Schaefer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lisa Evans, Nathan Haines, Ronald Kerr, Shiou Li Lin, and Scott Schaefer

2  Energy Prices  Current Solar Status  Basic Technology  Possible Target Markets  Competitor Analysis  S.W.O.T



5  Demand for renewable energy sources is increasing  Percentage of Energy Consumption by Source ▪ Fossil Fuels - ~85% ▪ Renewable Energy Sources - ~6.7% ▪ Solar/PV Energy - ~0.08%

6  Current systems are based on silicon  Our product uses 2nd material in conversion  Efficiency range is from 8% to 15%  Our system is targeted at 35-40%  Utilizes wider range of light spectrum  Light concentration

7 Possible MarketsNotes US Military25% target by 2025 Federal Government7.5% target by 2013 State GovernmentsCalifornia: 33% by 2020 Energy CompaniesPGE: 25% by 2025 Heavy IndustryLargest consumer of electricity HospitalsLess dependence on grid European MarketsUp to $0.46/kWh! Remote LocationsFar from grid Residential (apartments, condos, homes)Millions of customers

8 SOLAR CELL  SunPower Corporation  #1 solar panel provider in North America  SunTech  Works in semi-shade HIGHER EFFICIENCY III-V CELLS  Spectrolab  Working on 41.6% efficient III- V solar cell  Spire Semiconductor  Awarded grant to develop 42% efficient III-V solar cell

9  Strengths  Higher efficiency rate  Smaller space  Better shade tolerance  Higher heat tolerance  Weaknesses  Pricing relies on future developments  Many competitors ▪ Oil ▪ Coal ▪ Other solar companies

10  Opportunities  Oil and gas prices continue to rise  Military and government interest in high efficiency  Takes up less space than normal solar panels  Threats  Pricing depends on development of other parts  Oil and gas prices could take longer to rise

11  Energy prices rising  Governments & energy companies adopting renewable energy  Strong advantages Questions?

12 Department of Energy - Federal Government Increases Renewable Energy Use Over 1000 Percent since 1999; Exceeds Goal. (2005, November 3). Retrieved October 27, 2009, from Department of Energy – Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government(2009, October). Retrieved October 26, 2009, from European Household Electricity Price Index for Europe. (2009, June 16). Retrieved October 26, 2009, from www.e- Gov. Schwarzenegger and Secretary Salazar Sign MOU to Expedite Renewable Energy Development in California. (2009, October 12). Retrieved October 27, 2009, from Our Products: Pluto Cells. SunTech. Retrieved 16 October 2009, from http://www.suntech- Our Track Record. SunPower Corporation. Retrieved 16 October 2009, from experience/our-track-record.php. experience/our-track-record.php Renewable Energy: 25 by 25 Renewable Standard | PGE. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2009, from Reuters and New Scientist staff. (2008, August 8). US military launches war on global warming - environment - 08 August 2008 - New Scientist. Retrieved October 27, 2009, from warming.html warming.html Spire Semiconductors: Precision, Quality, & Performance. Spire Semiconductors. Retrieved 21 October 2009, from Spectrolab. Spectrolab. Retrieved 21 October 2009, from

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