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JMP output. Circuit Design Noise 1 19 1 20 1 19 1 30 1 8 2 80 2 61 2 73 2 56 2 80 3 47 3 26 3 25 3 35 3 50 4 95 4 46 4 83 4 78 4 97.

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Presentation on theme: "JMP output. Circuit Design Noise 1 19 1 20 1 19 1 30 1 8 2 80 2 61 2 73 2 56 2 80 3 47 3 26 3 25 3 35 3 50 4 95 4 46 4 83 4 78 4 97."— Presentation transcript:

1 JMP output

2 Circuit Design Noise 1 19 1 20 1 19 1 30 1 8 2 80 2 61 2 73 2 56 2 80 3 47 3 26 3 25 3 35 3 50 4 95 4 46 4 83 4 78 4 97


4  Oneway Anova  Summary of Fit   Rsquare0.803293  Adj Rsquare0.76641  Root Mean Square Error13.57571  Mean of Response51.4  Observations (or Sum Wgts)20  Analysis of Variance  SourceDFSum of SquaresMean SquareF RatioProb > F  Circuit Design312042.0004014.0021.7797<.0001*  Error162948.800184.30  C. Total1914990.800  Means for Oneway Anova  LevelNumberMeanStd ErrorLower 95%Upper 95%  1519.20006.07126.33032.070  2570.00006.071257.13082.870  3536.60006.071223.73049.470  4579.80006.071266.93092.670  Std Error uses a pooled estimate of error variance

5  Level Mean  4A 79.800000  2A 70.000000  3 B36.600000  1 B19.200000  Levels not connected by same letter are significantly different.

6  Comparisons for each pair using Student's t  tAlpha  2.119910.05  Abs(Dif)-LSD 4231  4-18.202-8.40224.99842.398  2-8.402-18.20215.19832.598  324.99815.198-18.202-0.802  142.39832.598-0.802-18.202  Positive values show pairs of means that are significantly different.  LevelMean  4A 79.800000  2A 70.000000  3 B36.600000  1 B19.200000  Levels not connected by same letter are significantly different.  Level - LevelDifferenceStd Err DifLower CLUpper CLp-ValueDifference  4160.600008.58603542.398478.80158<.0001*  2150.800008.58603532.598469.00158<.0001*  4343.200008.58603524.998461.401580.0001*  2333.400008.58603515.198451.601580.0013*  3117.400008.586035-0.801635.601580.0597  429.800008.586035-8.401628.001580.2705

7  Level Mean  4A 79.800000  2A 70.000000  3 B36.600000  1 B19.200000  Levels not connected by same letter are significantly different.

8  Comparisons for all pairs using Tukey-Kramer HSD  q*Alpha  2.861020.05  Abs(Dif)-HSD 4231  4-24.565-14.76518.63536.035  2-14.765-24.5658.83526.235  318.6358.835-24.565-7.165  136.03526.235-7.165-24.565  Positive values show pairs of means that are significantly different.  LevelMean  4A 79.800000  2A 70.000000  3 B36.600000  1 B19.200000  Levels not connected by same letter are significantly different.  Level - LevelDifferenceStd Err DifLower CLUpper CLp-ValueDifference  4160.600008.58603536.035285.16482<.0001*  2150.800008.58603526.235275.364820.0001*  4343.200008.58603518.635267.764820.0006*  2333.400008.5860358.835257.964820.0064*  3117.400008.586035-7.164841.964820.2195  429.800008.586035-14.764834.364820.6703



11  Parameter Estimates  TypeParameterEstimateLower 95%Upper 95%  Location μ 5.329e-16-5.830495.8304903  Dispersion σ 12.4579299.474135518.195698  -2log(Likelihood) = 156.651833483169  Goodness-of-Fit Test  Shapiro-Wilk W Test  W Prob<W  0.926866 0.1344  Note: Ho = The data is from the Normal distribution. Small p-values reject Ho.


13  LevelCountStd DevMeanAbsDif to Mean MeanAbsDif to Median  10351.961540.0000030.00000  15377.674557.7777863.33333  203107.857982.2222276.66667  25310.00006.6666710.00000  TestF RatioDFNumDFDenProb > F  O'Brien[.5]0.9839380.4475  Brown-Forsythe1.0266380.4308  Levene4.2528380.0451*  Bartlett1.97973.0.1146

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