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Control & Safety The concept of our project is to devise a warning system that providing some feedback, visual and sound, to catch the driver’s attention.

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Presentation on theme: "Control & Safety The concept of our project is to devise a warning system that providing some feedback, visual and sound, to catch the driver’s attention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control & Safety The concept of our project is to devise a warning system that providing some feedback, visual and sound, to catch the driver’s attention. Especially to help the driver when driving or parking in the blind spot. Background JOSIAH WONG CHING HSU CHUNLING LIU

2 Sketches Final DraftFirst Draft

3 Components We will use the infrared sensor and range sensor to detect the upcoming vehicles near the blind spot area. Then, we will use the LED and speaker to warn the driver if a vehicle is detected in the blind spot zone when they turned their signal light switches. infrared sensor range sensor Speaker LEDs switch

4 Conceptual This is the conceptual design of what the final product will be look like

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