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ONC Standards and Interoperability Framework Use Case Simplification Key Steps Forward 27 October 2011.

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1 ONC Standards and Interoperability Framework Use Case Simplification Key Steps Forward 27 October 2011

2 Awareness at Kickoff 1) UCS Awareness at Use Case Project Kick-off –What would you make all workgroups aware of today? –Presentation of what the S&I environment entails and importance of [UCS] charter –Assignment: TBD

3 Expanded Charter 2) Review current Use Case Simplification charter –Expand scope to overall S&I –Assignment: Gary, Erik, Ed, Bob, Mike

4 Current Charter/Objectives A cross-cutting sub-workgroup open to all Use Case members, e.g., ToC and Lab Results Interface, to simplify the use case and requirements outline, template, and artifacts and make recommendations to all WGs and S&I Framework teams. To identify a core set of constructs broadly applicable to (and re-usable in subsequent specification of) Use Cases.

5 5 Challenge Scope Statement Value Statement Target Outcomes Timeline Expected Deliverables Standards and Stakeholders StandardsStakeholders Potential Risks

6 Data Scope, Form and Alignment 3)Index/Inventory of data captured to date Define access paths with a user guide depending on points of entry Assignment: Robin/John 4) Use Case Process template To be used by new work group Assignment: Robin/John 5) DES/CIM Relationship Assignment: John, Robin

7 Registration and Maintenance 6) Ongoing support –Determine value of having a Registration Authority and define a the scope of the RA role for S&I? –Consider Change Request process for S&I –Assignment TBD

8 Tooling 7) What tooling do we need and how fast? –Concern about cost, sustainability, etc –a) Integrated plan for tooling –b) Value to the community –Assignment: Kevin

9 And… Identify, in All Use Cases: –Use of Existing DESs –Need for New DESs Establish Path for DES to Template Ballot –DESs 38-40, 101-109 –DESs “Below the Line” Drill down: Conceptual to implementable –DESs –Actions

10 Data Drill-DownSub Work Group Use Case Requirements Abstract (Conceptual) Identify Common Use Case Components Across Use Cases, Scenarios, User Stories UC Simplification UCS Core Matrix Identify Common Data Element Sets (DES) Across Use Cases, Scenarios, User Stories UCS Core Matrix DES Identify DES Elements DES Analyze DES/Element Alignment Across Use Cases, Scenarios, User Stories, HITSP C154, CDA Consolidation, Applicable Implementation Guides DES Harmonization Specific (Implementable) Detail Element Properties ID, Description, Data Type, Range, Format, Unit of Measure, Value Set, Coding Scheme… DES TOC Stds Analysis LRI IG Analysis Identify Applicable Standards TOC Stds Analysis LRI IG Analysis Identify/Assert Implementation Guidance TOC Stds Analysis TOC CIM LRI IG Analysis S&I Framework – Use Case Simplification Data Drill Down 18 October 201110S&I Framework Use Case Simplification

11 Action Drill-Down Sub Work Group Use Case Requirements Abstract (Conceptual) Identify Common Use Case Components Across Use Cases, Scenarios, User Stories UC Simplification UCS Core Matrix Identify Common Actions UCS Core Matrix Detail Action Properties ID, Description, Requirements Satisfied, DES Input/Output, System Functionality needed to take Action… UCS Core Matrix, in part Harmonization Specific (Implementable) Identify Applicable Standards, Profiles Including EHR/PHR System Functional Models/Profiles, SOA Modules, Integration Profiles TOC Stds Analysis LRI… Identify/Assert Implementation Guidance Including Conformance/Certification Criteria For System Functionality TOC Reference Implementation LRI… S&I Framework – Use Case Simplification Action Drill Down 18 October 201111S&I Framework Use Case Simplification

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