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연구분야 보유기술 의약후보물질 최적화를 위한 독성평가 화학물질의 체내 대사체 구조 규명 (1상 및 2상 대사체)

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Presentation on theme: "연구분야 보유기술 의약후보물질 최적화를 위한 독성평가 화학물질의 체내 대사체 구조 규명 (1상 및 2상 대사체)"— Presentation transcript:

1 연구분야 보유기술 의약후보물질 최적화를 위한 독성평가 화학물질의 체내 대사체 구조 규명 (1상 및 2상 대사체)
화학물질의 체내 대사경로 연구 장내 미생물에 의한 화학물질 대사 연구 약물 상호작용 연구 보유기술 간독성 및 면역독성 평가기술 (in vitro 및 in vivo) 대사체 구조 결정 (LC-MS) 약물 상호작용 평가 기술 간세포 분리 및 일차배양 기술 CYP 효소활성 측정기술

2 연구분야 소개 Metabolism The elimination of xenobiotics depends on their conversion to water-soluble metabolites by a process known as biotransformation, which is catalyzed by enzymes in the liver and other tissues.

3 Drug metabolite with modified activity Inactive drug metabolite
Phase Ⅰ and Phase Ⅱ Reactions ABSORPTION METABOLISM ELIMINATION Phase Ⅰ Phase Ⅱ Conjugate Drug metabolite with modified activity Urine Feces Inactive drug metabolite   Lipophilic Hydrophilic

4 UV Chromatograms of Rutaecarpine and its Metabolites
without NGS Rutaecarpine with NGS Rutaecarpine Metabolites

5 MS2 Spectra of Parent: Rutaecarpine
m/z 169 EE+ Rutaecarpine [M+H]+ 288 m/z 120 EE+ m/z 142 EE+ m/z 145 EE+ m/z 185 OE+ 145.0 142.0 185.0 [M+H]+ 288 120.0 168.9

6 Proposed Metabolic Pathway of Rutaecarpine in Human Liver Microsomes
β-Glucuronidation and Sulfation β-Glucuronidation and Sulfation M1 Only in vitro CYP3A4 M2 M5 CYP3A4 CYP3A4/1A2/2C9 CYP3A4/1A2/2C9 CYP1A2/2C9/3A4 Rutaecarpine M3 M4 β-Glucuronidation and Sulfation

7 Acute effects of 1-BP on serum activity of ALT and histopathology of liver tissue
Vehicle 200 mg/kg 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 6 hr 24 hr 48 hr 12hr X 100 magnification

8 T-dependent antibody response to SRBC
SRBCs (5×108) After 30 min 4 days later 1-BP treated BALB/c mice, po Sensitization, ip Single splenocyte Spleen 37oC 3 h later 0 h Splenocytes, SRBC, Complement (guinea pig) and 0.5% agar containing 0.05% DEAE-dextran Stereomaster plaque viewer, ×20 AFCs Splenocytes counting (Coulter counter) Cover glass (24×40 mm) Results: AFCs/106 spleen cells or AFCs/spleen (×103) Petri dish (100×15 mm)

9 CID Spectrum of Glutathione
+ +H+ a b c [M+H-129]+ 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 m/z 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Relative Abundance 179.0 162.0 233.0 308.0 290.1 Glutathione [M+H]+ 308 a b c [M+H-146]+ [M+H-75]+ [M+H]+

10 Fragmentation Mechanism and Proposed Structures of GSH
+ +H+ b c c Loss of neutral glycine [M+H] [M+H-75] b a Loss of amino glutamate Loss of glutamate + +H+ [M+H-146] [M+H-129]

11 Metabolism of 1-BP Excretion in urine GST CYP GST CYP GST CYP GST GST
N-acetyl-S-propyl cysteine S-propyl glutathione, m/z 350 Dehydrohalogenation (Enzyme-mediated) 1,2-Propane-diol (Ether extract) NADPH- dependence Propene (Volatile metabolite) NADPH- dependence CYP GST 1-Bromopropane CYP GST α-hydroxylation N-acetyl-S-(2-hydroxypropyl)cysteine S-(2’-Hydroxyl-1’-propyl) glutathione CYP 3-Bromo-2-propanol ALDH Propionic acid (Ether extract) NADPH- dependence Propionaldehyde C3 oxidation GST Excretion in urine 3-Bromo-1-propanol N-acetyl-S-(3-hydroxypropyl)cysteine GST 3-Bromopropionic acid Barnsley et al., 1966, Jones and Walsh, Tachizawa et al., 1982 N-acetyl-S-(2-carboxyethyl) cysteine

12 Effects of 1-BP on content of GSH and formation of S-propyl GSH in liver and spleen: Dose-response

13 ? Overall ranking of toxicity:
stabilizer the wool chemical syntheses cleaning agent Overall ranking of toxicity: 1,2-DBP, 1,3-DBP > 1-BP >> 2-BP extraction solvents Increased the serum ALT activity and tissue damage Liver spray form chemical intermediates Exposure Depletion of GSH Increased oxidative stress Suppressed the antibody response to SRBCs Suppressed the splenic intracellular IL-2 production Spleen ? Dependent mechanism Glutathione S-propyl GSH (1-BP) S-Isopropyl GSH (2-BP) S-2-hydroxypropyl(oxopropyl) GSH & their mercapturic acid (1,2-DBP) S-2-79/81bromopropenyl GSH (2,3-DBPE) S-3-79/81bromopropyl GSH (1,3-DBP)

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