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CSE115: Introduction to Computer Science I Dr. Carl Alphonce 219 Bell Hall 645-4739 1.

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1 CSE115: Introduction to Computer Science I Dr. Carl Alphonce 219 Bell Hall 645-4739 1


3 Announcements Exam 2 – 1.5 weeks away –covers material from exam 1 up to & including 10/15 –review on Monday 10/18 –exam on Wednesday 10/20

4 Agenda association relationship –null (review) –this –interfaces and realization

5 ‘null’ ‘null’ denotes the null reference, a reference which does not refer to any object. We can use ‘null’ to solve the two dogs, one collar problem (see code on next slide):

6 removeCollar rather than getCollar public class Dog { private Collar _collar; public Dog(Collar collar) { _collar = collar; } public void setCollar(Collar collar) { _collar = collar; } public Collar removeCollar() { Collar temp = _collar; _collar = null; return temp; }

7 Can also use in constructor public class Dog { private Collar _collar; public Dog() { _collar = null; }. } Now a Dog can be created without a Collar

8 4925 4850 Consider this code (assume association via constructor) Dog fido = new Dog(new Collar()); Dog rover = new Dog(new Collar()); fido – 3500 rover – 4000 fido’s _collar – 3600 rover’s _collar – 4100 two collars are at 4850 and 4925 3500 4000 fido rover 3500 3600 4000 4100 _collar 4850 4925

9 Dog fido = new Dog(new Collar()); Dog rover = new Dog(new Collar()); fido.setCollar(rover.removeCollar()); public Collar removeCollar() { Collar temp = _collar; _collar = null; return temp; } Consider this code (assume association via constructor) temp 4925 4850 3500 4000 fido rover 3500 3600 4000 4100 _collar 4850 4925

10 Dog fido = new Dog(new Collar()); Dog rover = new Dog(new Collar()); fido.setCollar(rover.removeCollar()); public Collar removeCollar() { Collar temp = _collar; _collar = null; return temp; } Consider this code (assume association via constructor) What happens here? Which _collar are we referring to here? temp 4925 4850 3500 4000 fido rover 3500 3600 4000 4100 _collar 4850 4925

11 fido.setCollar(rover.removeCollar()); public Collar removeCollar() { Collar temp = _collar; _collar = null; return temp; } this the object on which a method is invoked this 4000 4925 temp 4925 4850 3500 4000 fido rover 3500 3600 4000 4100 _collar 4850 4925 What happens here? Which _collar are we referring to here?

12 fido.setCollar(rover.removeCollar()); public Collar removeCollar() { Collar temp = this._collar; this._collar = null; return temp; } this implicitly in code this 4000 4925 temp 4925 4850 3500 4000 fido rover 3500 3600 4000 4100 _collar 4850 4925 What happens here? Which _collar are we referring to here?

13 rover.setCollar(fido.removeCollar()); public Collar removeCollar() { Collar temp = this._collar; this._collar = null; return temp; } this 3500 4850 temp 4925 4850 3500 4000 fido rover 3500 3600 4000 4100 _collar 4850 4925 What happens here? Which _collar are we referring to here?

14 Interfaces and Realization form of interface definition function of an interface realization (“implements”) relationship

15 Form of an interface header + body –header access control modifier keyword ‘interface’ name (generally an adjective, following class name conventions, but prefixed with an upper- case ‘ I ’) –body method specifications (method headers followed by ‘;’, also called method declarations, as opposed to method definition)

16 Example public interface ICollarable { public void addCollar(Collar collar); public Collar removeCollar(); }

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