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ACADEMIC QUALITY & STANDARDS TEAM External Examiner Arrangements, Reports and Dissemination 2011-12.

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Presentation on theme: "ACADEMIC QUALITY & STANDARDS TEAM External Examiner Arrangements, Reports and Dissemination 2011-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACADEMIC QUALITY & STANDARDS TEAM External Examiner Arrangements, Reports and Dissemination 2011-12

2 ACADEMIC QUALITY & STANDARDS TEAM UUK/Guild HE Review of External Examining arrangements in universities and colleges in the UK – Report and Recommendations April 2011 14 Recommendations Key for Leeds for 2011/12 – Induction Programme – Report form revisions – Availability to students

3 ACADEMIC QUALITY & STANDARDS TEAM Responding to your feedback website – NSS statistics – School Action Plans – External Examiner Reports plus School responses – External Examiner details

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