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EXtensible Catalog Software Portfolio Part 1: Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "EXtensible Catalog Software Portfolio Part 1: Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 eXtensible Catalog Software Portfolio Part 1: Overview

2 XC Software Overview eXtensible Catalog is open source, user- centered, next generation software for libraries. It comprises four software components that can be used independently to address a particular need or combined to provide an end-to-end discovery system to connect library users with resources. 2

3 XC Software Overview Implement next generation catalog interfaces on an extensible and adaptable architecture Offer innovative services to end users Migrate local customizations into future version upgrades Maximize cataloging investments and leverage existing staff in new way 3

4 XC Software Overview User Interface: – Faceted, FRBRized, customizable search interface – Web application framework for libraries Metadata Tools: – Automated metadata processing: Enable libraries to aggregate metadata and run services on it Connectivity Tools: – Harvest and synchronize metadata with OAI-PMH – Circulation and authentication with NCIP 4

5 MARCXML DC XC Software Components User Interface for searching and browsing Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit Tools for automated processing of large batches of metadata XC Metadata Services Toolkit Tools for connectivity between XC and an ILS XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit 5 XC OAI Toolkit

6 Download XC software at

7 eXtensible Catalog Software Portfolio Part 2: Drupal Toolkit (User Interface)

8 User Interface for searching and browsing Tools for automated processing of large batches of metadata Tools for connectivity between XC and an ILS Drupal Toolkit 8 Integrated Library System MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit Integrated Library System MARCXML DC Repository XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit

9 Drupal Toolkit Integrated Library System MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit Features XC OAI Toolkit Integrated Library System MARCXML DC Repository XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit Single search interface across: – Library catalog – Digital repository – Website resources Faceted browsing of results Extensive customization Integration with ILS circulation system 9

10 Drupal Toolkit Features Adds support for library metadata into Drupal XC Schema – MARC is converted to XC Schema using the Metadata Services Toolkit – XC Schema is FRBRized to enable a new kind of results navigation 10 Integrated Library System MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit Integrated Library System MARCXML DC Repository XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit

11 Drupal Toolkit: Search Interface 11 The XC Drupal Toolkit provides a public search interface for XC on top of the Drupal platform. It uses the default Drupal theme (colors, fonts, layout) which can be customized. In this example, the user has done a keyword search for “xml.” The XC Drupal Toolkit provides a public search interface for XC on top of the Drupal platform. It uses the default Drupal theme (colors, fonts, layout) which can be customized. In this example, the user has done a keyword search for “xml.”

12 Drupal Toolkit: Search Interface 12 Features: - Simple keyword search - Facets - Customizable metadata display - Circulation status - Syndetic Solutions content - Why am I getting these results for my query? Features: - Simple keyword search - Facets - Customizable metadata display - Circulation status - Syndetic Solutions content - Why am I getting these results for my query?

13 Drupal Toolkit: Search Interface 13 Features: - Additional facets - Navigation Features: - Additional facets - Navigation

14 Drupal Toolkit: Full Record Display 14 Features: - Customizable metadata display for full record - XC Schema enabled… - MST Normalization enabled… Features: - Customizable metadata display for full record - XC Schema enabled… - MST Normalization enabled…

15 Drupal Toolkit: Modular 15 Features: - Image zoom feature - “Lightbox2” module ( Features: - Image zoom feature - “Lightbox2” module (

16 Drupal Toolkit: Full Record Display 16 Features: - Reviews from Syndetic Solutions - Related Subjects - Configurable “Browse Similar Items” - Full record metadata (XC Schema) available for display Features: - Reviews from Syndetic Solutions - Related Subjects - Configurable “Browse Similar Items” - Full record metadata (XC Schema) available for display

17 Drupal Toolkit: Staff Interface 17 Form to customize element display: This form determines how to display the creator element of a (FRBR) manifestation on the results screen. Select a metadata schema: The Drupal Toolkit can handle multiple metadata formats, it is a platform for library metadata. Select a FRBR level: XC metadata is FRBRized. The “element template” box allows libraries to write simple PHP code and offers more flexibility. All options are pre-filled with “good” defaults. Menus take staff to other configuration options. Form to customize element display: This form determines how to display the creator element of a (FRBR) manifestation on the results screen. Select a metadata schema: The Drupal Toolkit can handle multiple metadata formats, it is a platform for library metadata. Select a FRBR level: XC metadata is FRBRized. The “element template” box allows libraries to write simple PHP code and offers more flexibility. All options are pre-filled with “good” defaults. Menus take staff to other configuration options.

18 Drupal Toolkit: Staff Interface 18 Form to customize “More Like This” Solr is free open-source software that XC incorporates. “More Like This” is a feature of Solr that displays related items. This administrative web form makes configuration easy. Form to customize “More Like This” Solr is free open-source software that XC incorporates. “More Like This” is a feature of Solr that displays related items. This administrative web form makes configuration easy.

19 Drupal Toolkit: Custom Search/Browse Pages Create database-driven web applications to browse catalog content. Examples: – Search/Browse eJournals – Search/Browse databases by subject – Browse new titles – Search/Browse collections The following example shows a browsable list of videos and DVDs that could be created without any programming. 19

20 Drupal Toolkit: Custom Search/Browse Pages 20 This example allows users to browse a subset of the catalog: the videos and DVDs collection On this page, users can browse by language. Other tabs support browse by director and genre. Limits can be set for format: VHS or DVD This example allows users to browse a subset of the catalog: the videos and DVDs collection On this page, users can browse by language. Other tabs support browse by director and genre. Limits can be set for format: VHS or DVD

21 Drupal Toolkit: Custom Search/Browse Pages 21 Custom Search/Browse Page: On this page, users can do a keyword search, or browse the collection alphabetically. Custom Search/Browse Page: On this page, users can do a keyword search, or browse the collection alphabetically.

22 Drupal Toolkit: Custom Search/Browse Pages 22 Several web forms were used to construct this application. Note the “Browse By Title” controls. Several web forms were used to construct this application. Note the “Browse By Title” controls.

23 Drupal Toolkit: Custom Search/Browse Pages 23 This is the form used to add the “Browse by Title” (A to Z list) to the user interface.

24 Drupal Toolkit: Custom Search/Browse Pages 24 Again, several web forms were filled out to create this custom search/browse page.

25 Drupal Toolkit: Custom Search/Browse Pages 25 The Drupal Toolkit provides this summary of the options that were selected.

26 Metadata storage features: - Multiple schemas - Support for MySQL and SOLR - Drupal hooks Metadata storage features: - Multiple schemas - Support for MySQL and SOLR - Drupal hooks Drupal Toolkit: Provided Modules 26 The Drupal Toolkit is actually a collection of Drupal add-on modules.

27 Drupal Toolkit: Provided Modules 27 XC Drupal Modules: - OAI-PMH Harvester - Metadata Import and export - NCIP Integration - Authentication - EZProxy - Syndetic Solutions - Search XC Drupal Modules: - OAI-PMH Harvester - Metadata Import and export - NCIP Integration - Authentication - EZProxy - Syndetic Solutions - Search

28 Download XC software at

29 eXtensible Catalog Software Portfolio Part 3: Metadata Services Toolkit

30 User Interface for searching and browsing Tools for automated processing of large batches of metadata Tools for connectivity between XC and an ILS MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit Metadata Services Toolkit XC 30 Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit

31 Metadata Services Toolkit Features: New type of staff client for processing large batches of metadata through an orchestrated set of services. Harvest from multiple sources (silos) to address format and quality issues. Aggregate and de-dupe metadata. Automatic synchronization propagates changes in source metadata through services and on to discovery interface. 31 MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit XC

32 MST: Login and Setup 32 Library staff are able to use the username and password they are already familiar with. The MST includes both local and LDAP authentication options. New users are greeted with clear, unobtrusive instructions on what to do first. For most users, the first step is to add a “repository.” This feature allows staff to tell the MST about remote sources of metadata that they are interested in aggregating. New users are greeted with clear, unobtrusive instructions on what to do first. For most users, the first step is to add a “repository.” This feature allows staff to tell the MST about remote sources of metadata that they are interested in aggregating.

33 MST: Adding a Repository 33 Telling the MST about a repository is easy. Assign a name of your choice and enter the URL. After adding a repository, the MST will automatically do a “handshake” with it and provide “Success” or “Error” messages for each step in the handshake. When successful, the MST reports on what formats and sets are available in the remote database. The MST supports all XML schemas, but individual services are schema-specific. When successful, the MST reports on what formats and sets are available in the remote database. The MST supports all XML schemas, but individual services are schema-specific. In case of an error, the “View Log” button takes you to more information. Errors can occur when a remote server is not responding, or does not implement the protocol correctly.

34 MST: Harvesting 34 The next step is to schedule the harvesting of metadata from the remote repository. Options - Set the schedule - Choose start and end dates - Select sets and formats Options - Set the schedule - Choose start and end dates - Select sets and formats Features - Performance: millions of records per hour depending on hardware and network - Incremental updates: only changed records are sent on successive harvests - On screen status indicator Features - Performance: millions of records per hour depending on hardware and network - Incremental updates: only changed records are sent on successive harvests - On screen status indicator

35 MST: Adding a Service 35 The next step is to install a metadata service. A service is a separate program, written in Java, that is managed by the MST. Services can be downloaded from the XC website or you can write your own by following the developer’s manual. The next step is to install a metadata service. A service is a separate program, written in Java, that is managed by the MST. Services can be downloaded from the XC website or you can write your own by following the developer’s manual. In order to use a service, you place the downloaded file in a directory by following the MST manual. This screen can then be used to install the service in the MST. In order to use a service, you place the downloaded file in a directory by following the MST manual. This screen can then be used to install the service in the MST.

36 MST: Services and Processing Rules 36 This example shows two services already installed in this Metadata Services Toolkit (MST): MARC Normalization and MARC-to-XC-Transformation. Now we need to tell the MST which metadata records we want proccessed through which services, and in what order. This is called service orchestration. We will now add a “Processing Rule” Now we need to tell the MST which metadata records we want proccessed through which services, and in what order. This is called service orchestration. We will now add a “Processing Rule”

37 MST Service Orchestration: Add Processing Rule 37

38 MST Service Orchestration: Add Processing Rule 38

39 MST: Browse Records 39 “Browse Records” is a feature of the MST that includes faceted browse and full-text search. The MST has a local copy of all harvested metadata and all metadata produced by each installed service. “Browse Records” is a feature of the MST that includes faceted browse and full-text search. The MST has a local copy of all harvested metadata and all metadata produced by each installed service.

40 MST: Browse Records 40 Library staff use “Browse Records” to verify that services are functioning properly and to debug any issues.

41 MST: Browse Records 41 Navigation to full record display (MST handles display of any XML schema) Whenever a record is processed by a service, the original record is preserved and one or more new records may be produced. These records are called successors. Navigation links take you to predecessor and successor records. In this case, links connect MARC records to their normalized successor. In another case, links connect a normalized MARC record to its successor Work, Expression and Manifestation records. Whenever a record is processed by a service, the original record is preserved and one or more new records may be produced. These records are called successors. Navigation links take you to predecessor and successor records. In this case, links connect MARC records to their normalized successor. In another case, links connect a normalized MARC record to its successor Work, Expression and Manifestation records.

42 MST: Browse Records 42 Each service can register error messages with the MST upon installation. In this example the MARC Normalization service has attached errors to specific records. Errors are facets in the MST. The “i” icon links to a customizable webpage with instructions for staff to address the error.

43 MST: View Full Record 43 Full Record Display: MARC Holding Record Administrative metadata managed by the MST Predecessor and successor links XML viewer (supports any XML schema) Full Record Display: MARC Holding Record Administrative metadata managed by the MST Predecessor and successor links XML viewer (supports any XML schema)

44 MST: Log Files 44 Log file management system with navigation. This page shows MST system log files. Each installed service as well as harvest-in and harvest-out logs are available.

45 MST: XC Schema XC Schema: FRBRized - Work - Expression - Manifestation - Holdings - Item RDA (Resource Description and Access) - First implementation of an RDA schema - MST offers a testbed for RDA and FRBR Linked Data 45 MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit XC

46 MST: XC Schema Features: The XC Schema combines metadata fields from multiple standard schemas (RDA and DC) plus adds new XC schema elements. 46 MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit XC 2004012234 GBA466907 012991839 99809225526 55518224 2726457 Christopher Sawyer- Lauc anno. E.E. Cummings : a biography / Naperville, Ill. : Sourcebooks, c2004. xvi, 606 p., [32] p. of plates : 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. [545]-588) and indexes. Their son -- In just- Spring -- Poet of simplicity -- A smattering of languages, a first taste of independence, and the truest friends -- The graduate student as poet -- Poetic excursions -- La Guerre -- Singing of Olaf and Elaine -- Poet, painter, and papa in New York -- The enormous room -- Abroad -- An American in Paris -- Tulips and chimneys - - Marriage and unmarriage -- The life and times of Edward Seul -- Anne -- Him -- Viva Cummings -- Worlds of was (and is) -- Carefully into growing and into being and into loving -- Nourish my failure with thy freedom -- Never the soft adventure of undoom -- Freedom as breakfastfood -- Allegiance only to the imagination -- We know who we are -- Xaipe and controversy -- Ordeals by audience -- When such marvels vanish -- Steering for dream. MAG Stacks copy signed by the author, Christopher Sawyer- Lauc anno.

47 Download XC software at

48 eXtensible Catalog Software Portfolio Part 4: ILS Connectivity (OAI and NCIP Toolkits)

49 MARCXML DC XC Software Components User Interface for searching and browsing Library Website (on Drupal) Integrated Library System Repository XC Drupal Toolkit Tools for automated processing of large batches of metadata XC Metadata Services Toolkit Tools for connectivity between XC and an ILS XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit 49 XC OAI Toolkit

50 ILS Connectivity Integrated Library System MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC OAI Toolkit + XC NCIP Toolkit = Connectivity between a range of ILSs and XC software Standards based to enable other next- generation catalog products to work with many legacy ILSs 50 XC OAI Toolkit

51 OAI Toolkit Integrated Library System MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication XC NCIP Toolkit DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Overview: Expose ILS metadata to XC’s next generation catalog interface and metadata tools. Synchronize ongoing changes in ILS records with XC software automatically. XC NCIP Toolkit 51 XC OAI Toolkit Web services make ILS metadata available to the XC search interface and to other web applications. MARC metadata metadata

52 OAI Toolkit: Compatibility Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Compatibility: The XC OAI Toolkit works with virtually any ILS that includes MARC export capabilities. XC NCIP Toolkit ILS Export Script-writers Manual ILS system administrators can program the OAI Toolkit with a familiar scripting language. No Java programming is required to make the OAI Toolkit work with a particular ILS. Voyager ILS Aleph ILS NTT ILS III ILS III/Oracle... 52 XC OAI Toolkit

53 OAI Toolkit: Cleanup Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Cleanup: The XC OAI Toolkit includes tools to address data issues. XC NCIP Toolkit XC OAI Toolkit Built-in XSLT processor includes scripts for common data issues, or library staff can write their own. XSLT Processor (includes script library) MARCXML Schema (modifiable) Library staff can even modify a local copy of the MARCXML.xsd file, if necessary. 53 XC OAI Toolkit

54 OAI Toolkit: Transformations Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Metadata Transformations: The XC OAI Toolkit converts batches of metadata into other formats. XC NCIP Toolkit Output Formats MARCXML Dublin Core MODS HTML Output Formats MARCXML Dublin Core MODS HTML Input Formats MARC MARCXML Input Formats MARC MARCXML 54 XC OAI Toolkit

55 OAI Toolkit: Multiple ILS Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Multiple ILS Environments: One OAI Toolkit can be loaded with metadata from multiple Integrated Library Systems. XC NCIP Toolkit 55 XC OAI Toolkit Voyager ILS Aleph ILS Note: Each metadata record must include an ILS- specific identifier. The XC OAI Toolkit includes an option to add the identifier if necessary. XC OAI Toolkit Script A Script B Records from multiple ILSs are now harvestable from one repository.

56 OAI Toolkit: Interfaces Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Interfaces XC NCIP Toolkit Interfaces are used by people or by other applications to interact with the OAI Toolkit The OAI Toolkit includes 3 interfaces: – Command Line Interface – Web Interface – OAI-PMH Provider Interface 56 XC OAI Toolkit

57 OAI Toolkit: Command Line Interface Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Command Line Interface XC NCIP Toolkit Convert and Load Convert, Modify and Load Sample Scripts Included sample scripts are set with the most commonly used options to get you started. Convert Modify Load Each of the commands offer an array of complex and powerful options. 57 XC OAI Toolkit

58 http://localhost/OAIToolkit OAI Toolkit: Web Interface Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Web Interface XC NCIP Toolkit Configure XC OAI Toolkit with a web admin interface – OAI-PMH Identify response – Performance settings – Default MARCXML schema – Select storage: mySQL or Lucene View user manual Send test OAI-PMH requests with a single click 58 XC OAI Toolkit

59 OAI Toolkit: OAI-PMH Interface Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication OAI-PMH Provider Interface XC NCIP Toolkit Users do not need to understand the OAI-PMH protocol to use XC. OAI-PMH allows other XC applications, such as the XC Metadata Services Toolkit to synchronize metadata with the ILS. Since OAI-PMH is a web- based protocol, you can try it out with any web browser. 59 XC OAI Toolkit MARCXML

60 Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit NCIP Toolkit XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Overview Enable XC’s next generation catalog interface access to ILS authentication, circulation and patron services. XC OAI Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication 60 XC OAI Toolkit XC or other discovery software sends requests in real time while the user is interacting with the search interface. live request XC NCIP Toolkit ILS-specific driver live request Example Requests - Circulation status lookup - Renew an item - Lookup patron information XC OAI Toolkit MARCXML

61 NCIP Toolkit: Compatibility Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Compatibility: The XC NCIP Toolkit works with many Integrated Library Systems. XC OAI Toolkit NCIP Developer Manual Build your own Java driver to allow the NCIP Toolkit to support an additional ILS. The NCIP Toolkit allows developers to focus on interfacing with their ILS rather than learning the details of the NCIP protocol. Circ. Status/Req. Authentication 61 Voyager ILS Aleph ILS NTT ILS III ILS III/Oracle...

62 NCIP Toolkit: Authentication Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Enables Authentication: XC software includes features to manage user login credentials. Users will not need to learn a new username and password to access any feature. XC OAI Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication 62

63 NCIP Toolkit: Authentication Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Enables Authentication: Support for complex IT environments. XC OAI Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication ILS Local authentication Scenario 1: ILS configured for built-in authentication XC NCIP Toolkit 63 LDAP Server ILS External authentication Scenario 2: ILS configured for external authentication XC NCIP Toolkit

64 NCIP Toolkit: Circulation Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Enables Circulation Services: XC displays live circulation status at the item level for materials in the ILS. XC users can place requests (such as holds and recalls) without leaving the XC user interface. XC OAI Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication 64 Lookup live circulation status and location: XC NCIP Toolkit ILS 1) Send request to lookup circulation status with a Bibliographic, Holding or Item ID(s) 2) Return circulation status and location

65 NCIP Toolkit: Patron Services Integrated Library System XC NCIP Toolkit MARCXML DC Library Website (on Drupal) Repository XC Drupal Toolkit XC Metadata Services Toolkit XC Circ. Status/Req. Authentication Enables Patron Services: The XC “my account” page shows a list of checked out items with options to renew. XC offers a platform for combined “my account” page that pulls information from multiple ILSs and/or the interlibrary loan system. XC OAI Toolkit Circ. Status/Req. Authentication 65

66 Download XC software at

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