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Toward Object Discovery and Modeling via 3-D Scene Comparison Evan Herbst, Peter Henry, Xiaofeng Ren, Dieter Fox University of Washington; Intel Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Toward Object Discovery and Modeling via 3-D Scene Comparison Evan Herbst, Peter Henry, Xiaofeng Ren, Dieter Fox University of Washington; Intel Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toward Object Discovery and Modeling via 3-D Scene Comparison Evan Herbst, Peter Henry, Xiaofeng Ren, Dieter Fox University of Washington; Intel Research Seattle 1

2 Overview Goal: learn about an environment by tracking changes in it over time Detect objects that occur in different places at different times 2 Handle textureless objects Avoid appearance/shape priors Represent a map with static + dynamic parts

3 Algorithm Outline Input: two RGB-D videos Mapping & reconstruction of each video Interscene alignment Change detection Spatial regularization Outputs: reconstructed static background; segmented movable objects 3

4 Scene Reconstruction Mapping based on RGB-D Mapping [Henry et al. ISER’10] Visual odometry, loop-closure detection, pose-graph optimization, bundle adjustment 4

5 Scene Reconstruction Mapping based on RGB-D Mapping [Henry et al. ISER’10] Surface representation: surfels 5

6 Scene Differencing Given two scenes, find parts that differ Surfaces in two scenes similar iff object doesn’t move Comparison at each surface point 6

7 Scene Differencing Given two scenes, find parts that differ Comparison at each surface point Start by globally aligning scenes 7 (2-D)(3-D)

8 Naïve Scene Differencing Easy algorithm: closest point within δ → same Ignores color, surface orientation Ignores occlusions 8

9 Model probability that a surface point moved Sensor readings z Expected measurement z* m ϵ {0, 1} Scene Differencing 9 z*z* z0z0 z1z1 z2z2 z3z3 frame 0 frame 10 frame 25 frame 49

10 Sensor Models 10 Model probability that a surface point moved Sensor readings z; expected measurement z* By Bayes, Two sensor measurement models With no expected surface: With expected surface:

11 Sensor Models Two sensor measurement models With expected surface Depth: uniform + exponential + Gaussian 1 Color: uniform + Gaussian Orientation: uniform + Gaussian 11 1 Thrun et al., Probabilistic Robotics, 2005 zd*zd*

12 Sensor Models Two sensor measurement models With expected surface Depth: uniform + exponential + Gaussian 1 Color: uniform + Gaussian Orientation: uniform + Gaussian With no expected surface Depth: uniform + exponential Color: uniform Orientation: uniform 12 1 Thrun et al., Probabilistic Robotics, 2005 zd*zd*

13 Example Result 13 Scene 1 Scene 2

14 Spatial Regularization 14 Points treated independently so far MRF to label each surfel moved or not moved Data term given by pointwise evidence Smoothness term: Potts, weighted by curvature

15 Spatial Regularization 15 Points treated independently so far MRF to label each surfel moved or not moved Scene 1 Scene 2 pointwise regularized

16 Experiments Trained MRF on four scenes (1.4M surfels) Tested on twelve scene pairs (8.0M surfels) 70% error reduction wrt max-class baseline 16 Count% % Total surfels8.0M1008.0M100 Moved surfels250k3 3 Errors250k355.5k0.7 False pos004.5k0.06 False neg250k351.0k0.64 BaselineOurs

17 Experiments Results: complex scene 17

18 Experiments Results: large object 18

19 Next steps All scenes in one optimization Model completion from many scenes Train more supervised object segmentation Conclusion Segment movable objects in 3-D using scene changes over time Represent a map as static + dynamic parts Extensible sensor model for RGB-D sensors 19

20 Using More Than 2 Scenes Given our framework, pretty easy to combine evidence from multiple scenes: w scene could be chosen to weight all scenes (rather than frames) equally, or upweight those taken under good lighting Other ways to subsample frames: as in keyframe selection in mapping 20

21 – Color, normal: uniform + Gaussian; mixing controlled by probability that beam hit expected surface First Sensor Model: Surface Didn’t Move Modeling sensor measurements: Depth: uniform + exponential + Gaussian * 21 * Fox et al., “Markov Localization…”, JAIR ‘99 zd*zd*

22 Experiments Trained MRF on four scenes (2.7 Msurfels) Tested on twelve scene pairs (8.0 Msurfels) 250k moved surfels; we get 4.5k FP, 51k FN 65% error reduction wrt max-class baseline Extract foreground segments as “objects” 22

23 Overview Many visits to same area over time Find objects by motion 23

24 (extra) Related Work Prob. Sensor models Depth only Depth & color, extra indep. Assumptions Static + dynamic maps In 2-d Usually not modeling objs 24

25 Spatial Regularization Pointwise only so far MRF to label each surfel moved or not moved Data term given by pointwise evidence Smoothness term: Potts, weighted by curvature 25

26 Depth-Dependent Color/Normal Model Modeling sensor measurements: Combine depth/color/normal: 26

27 Scene Reconstruction Mapping based on RGB-D Mapping [Henry et al. ISER’10] Surface representation: surfels 27

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