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Propaganda Techniques. Transfer- Builds a connection between things that are not logically connected Bandwagon- Encourages everyone to act because “everyone.

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Presentation on theme: "Propaganda Techniques. Transfer- Builds a connection between things that are not logically connected Bandwagon- Encourages everyone to act because “everyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Propaganda Techniques

2 Transfer- Builds a connection between things that are not logically connected Bandwagon- Encourages everyone to act because “everyone is doing it” Name-calling- Labeling intended to arouse powerful negative feelings

3 Card-stacking- Purposefully presenting a bias by hiding or discrediting opposing arguments or evidence Stereotypes- Presents a biased belief about a whole group based on insufficient or irrelevant evidence

4 Loaded words- Word choices meant to evoke or draw out strong positive or negative attitudes toward a person, group, or idea Emotional appeals- Statements intended to arouse powerful emotional reactions

5 Advertisement Examples Through The Library of Congress : bin/query/r?ammem/rbpebi b:@field(NUMBER+@band (rbpe+02301000)) bin/query/r?ammem/papr:@fi eld(NUMBER+@band(edmp+ 1353)) bin/query/r?ammem/wpapos:@f ield(NUMBER+@band(cph+3b4 8885)) bin/query/r?ammem/wpapos:@f ield(NUMBER+@band(cph+3b4 8994)) :// bin/query/r?ammem/eaa:@fi eld(DOCID+@lit(eaa000309 ))

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