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Vlad Soukhovei, John Marcantonio, Kara Bongiovanni, Eric James, Sean Rivera, Daniel Flora 11/30/10 Fall 2010 Final 11-30-10.

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Presentation on theme: "Vlad Soukhovei, John Marcantonio, Kara Bongiovanni, Eric James, Sean Rivera, Daniel Flora 11/30/10 Fall 2010 Final 11-30-10."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vlad Soukhovei, John Marcantonio, Kara Bongiovanni, Eric James, Sean Rivera, Daniel Flora 11/30/10 Fall 2010 Final 11-30-10

3  Ascend to 30 km, collecting data regarding temperature, air density, sound  Compare air density to sound to confirm expected relationship  Compare amounts of Carbon dioxide with sound data  Hypothesis: air density goes down=frequency increases, amplitude decreases  Large amounts of carbon dioxide result in new recorded frequencies  Why? Use sound as means of detecting gas




7 l Launch l Burst Recovery

8 ?

9 Launch 30,000 ft Burst

10 Post Flight CO 2 Test


12  MICROPHONE WASN’T TURNED ON.  Temp Probe  Brunton temp  Post-test  Next Flight:  New temp probe  Don’t make same mistake twice.

13  Teamwork is important  Work ahead  WE FAILED TO TURN EVERYTHING ON.  Never again  Correlation between CO 2 undiscernable with further ground testing  Engineering involves failing

14  Smaller, warmer BalloonSat  PRESS DA BUTTON!  Increase amplitude of speaker  Press just one itty bitty button  Test HOBO more  Test for a gas that is more prevalent than carbon dioxide

15  For storage, batteries in weather channel should be taken out  Isolate speaker  For flight, TURN ON and insert microphone and weather channel  Seal top panel  Flip speaker switch, heater switch  Paper-clip the camera switch

16  Final Budget: $283.97  Final Weight: 990 grams

17 RequirementResult BalloonSat internal temperature shall remain above -10 degrees Celcius Unknown BalloonSat shall not exceed 850 gramsBalloonSat is currently overweight (app. 940 g) Budget shall not exceed $300.00Final Budget : $283.97 Materials/Components (HOBO, foam core, temp probes, flight string/tube, camera, scientific experiment, flag,heater) All necessary components are accounted for

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