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Graphics in EG and R HRP223 – 2009 November, 2010

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1 Graphics in EG and R HRP223 – 2009 November, 2010
Copyright © Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. Warning: This presentation is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction of this presentation, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to maximum extent possible under the law.

2 Robbins Creating More Effective Graphics by Naomi Robbins is a wonderful book showing the right and wrong ways to visualize scientific data. Read it when you have an afternoon off. It is an ideal read on a transcontinental flight.

3 Why Do Data Visualization?
Well designed pictures will show you the details and the whole pattern in your data. Numeric descriptions can easily hide important patterns. Some patterns are hard to detect in tables. Whenever data is reported over time or locations, you need art. YOU CAN LEARN A LOT BY JUST LOOKING. -Yogi Berra

4 Fisher’s Plot Data Reported in Cleveland
Year 1 Year 2 Based on code written by Robert Allison at SAS Institute

5 Scatter Plot for Correlations
Anscombe 1973, Graphs in Statistical Analysis All have r2 = .67

6 Bad Things First, I want to talk about bad graphics that I frequently see. 3d Pie Donuts Stacked graphics

7 General 3D graphics Don’t, Don’t, Don’t
While the SAS implementation of 3D graphics is relatively good, don’t use 3D effects, unless you are measuring something in 3D. Even then, don’t.

8 Tufte is a God to many. The empiricist in me is very nervous about the amount of pontificating in his books… I want to have evidence-based advice. His best advice is to put no extra ink on the page. Think about the ink-to-information ratio. Remove all chart junk. Note: the irony of the chart junk on this slide….

9 You can remove ink rather than adding .
Example Bar Chart Serum Samples in Each Trimester You can remove ink rather than adding .

10 Ink-to-Information Ratio
How much ink for seven numbers? Based on Soukup & Davidson, 2002 Visual Data Mining

11 Cleveland If you want to know how to do scientific visualization, you must read William Cleveland’s work. He attempted to quantify what makes a good graphic good. His early work on graphics is one of the reasons why R/S-plus is taking over the statistical world.

12 Pie is bad. Work by Cleveland (and experimental psychologists) suggests that: people are bad at judging the relative magnitude of angles if you twist the rotation of the pie you can cause people to systematically misjudge the size of the angles a 3rd dimension makes judgment worse If you get a glossy handout with a 3D pie, assume someone is lying to you. Don’t use them.

13 Don’t Explode! This exploded 3D pie (brought to you by Excel) is nearly useless for judging amounts.

14 Forbidden Donut…. Donut plots have the same problems as pies (if not worse) ….

15 Stacking is Bad Cleveland also quantified the fact that people are bad at judging the relative height of stacked data.

16 Wow, a cinnamon roll plot!
Good luck making rapid judgments using this stacked 3D pie.

17 What is a good graphic? Don’t make your audience think unnecessarily!
Minimize the amount of ink on the page. This needs to be studied. Show the central tendency and the variability. Plot the quantity (inference) that you want people to notice. Be sure colorblind people can understand it. Use a black and white photocopier and make sure you can distinguish all groups.

18 Avoid Thinking Put labels on the graphic directly instead of using a key. If you want people to compare the difference between two lines, plot the difference, not the two lines.

19 Bivariate Comparisons with Lines
People are extremely bad at judging the distance between two curves. Never ask people to judge up and down (vertical) distances between curves. The distance between the two curves is the same at all points. Based on: Robbins Creating More Effective Graphs, 2005

20 Plot Types Univariate (one variable) Categorical variables
Bar charts Dot plots Waffle plots Continuous variables Histogram Box plot Violin plots

21 Bar Charts The ink-to-information ratio is lousy.
A one dimensional quantity is being “expanded” into two dimensions. Doubling of the amount corresponds to how much of an increase in area?

22 SAS Bar Charts SAS makes the reader do extra work by rotating the axis labels in ActiveX images. They pointlessly include variable labels by default.

23 Notice you can Edit the data and apply filters.
How to do it? Notice you can Edit the data and apply filters. You can right click on variables and apply user-defined formats off the Properties dialog.

24 First create the format.
In the Data windowpane of the Bar Chart GUI, right click on the variable and change the format to the User Defined format you had created.

25 The GUI is Solid My only complaints are that the rotate grouping values text does not work (position in this example) and the summary statistics do not show up when you request ActiveX images.

26 Saving the Graphic for Publication
The easiest way to get publication quality graphics is to set the output type to be RTF.

27 .PNG format ActiveX image format

28 Default Output and Graphics
The default graphic format in EG is ActiveX. These images can be edited (even on the web) but they only display with Internet Explorer. I have set my graphics to display as ActiveX images. Tweak this with Tools> Options… > Graph.

29 Types of Images The default formats of the images are determined by the ODS destinations you are using: LISTING: pgn visible in the Windows Image Fax Viewer HTML: png, gif, jpg contained in web pages and visible in Internet Explorer, Firefox or Opera LATEX: PostScrpt, epsi, gif, jpeg, pgn are visible in GhostView PCL or PS: contained in Postscript file are visible in GhostView PDF: contained in pdf, which is visible with Adobe Reader RTF: visible in MS Word RTF graphics are done at 300 dpi by default

30 I Typically Use HTML This is the appearance template. For optimal results use: Analysis: color Default : overdistinguishes symbols for color or B&W Journal or journal2, etc: black and white Statistical or statistical2, etc: color Include image_dpi = 300 to set the resolution to be higher than the default 100 dots per inch. Try 300 for final images pasting into MS Office. This says the images should show tooltips with extra statistical details when you hover the mouse over parts of the graphic. (I can’t image these.)

31 Different appearance templates
What is ODS? The Output Delivery System (ODS) controls the type and appearance (aka the style) of SAS output. Different appearance templates Different output destinations/types.

32 You can browse the ODS appearance templates from the Style Manager on the Tools menu.

33 ods graphics on; This turns on the ODS statistical graphics.
Behind the scenes this combines your data with a pre-specified description of what to plot and the aesthetics of the appearance. Your data What Where? Graph template Colors Fonts Style template

34 Useful ods graphics options
If you set only width or height, it will use a 4:3 aspect ratio. ods graphics on / ods graphics / reset; ods graphics off; Width = 8in Height = 11in Imagefmt = jpg imagename = thingy imagefmt = staticmap ; Make a series of graphics called thingy1, thingy2, etc. Use pop-up tooltips with details. Reset the graphic counter back to 1 If you want to disable ods graphics for a procedure



37 ODS SGraphics Compared to the competition, for the last 10 years SAS graphics have been between poor and pathetic. Graphics procedures rendered with okay quality, at best . No “what you see is what you get” editing. Many plots were nearly impossible to render. Custom graphics required extensive programming. SAS 9.x has attempted to solve this problem.

38 Old vs. New Procedures The old (commonly used) graphics procedures were gchart, gplot. Now most analysis procedures have built in high quality graphics that can be invoked with an ODS graphics on statement. Early on in the class I told you to tweak the EG options to include “ODS graphics on” with every run. There are also new “easy to use” statistical graphics (sg) procedures.

39 New Graphics Statistical Graphics Procs
proc sgPlot general plotting procedure that replaces gplot proc sgScatter lots of tools for scatterplots and scatter matrices proc sgPanel quick and easy trellis/lattice/matrix/panel of plots Proc sgRender used with proc template to make totally custom plots It replaces proc greplay

40 Plot Types Univariate (one variable) Categorical variables
Bar charts Dot plots Waffle plots Continuous variables Histogram Box plot Violin plots Quantile and QQ plots

41 Categorical variables
You can get an okay looking graphic using sgpanel.

42 Categorical variables
I was able to get exactly the graphic I wanted using R.

43 If you want to use R Download R for Mac or PC

44 If you use a PC, also get PERL and Tinn-R
PERL is a text manipulation language that is used by a couple of key R packages. It ships with Mac OS X. PC users can get ActivePerl (what I use) or Strawberry Perl for Windows. Tinn-R is a text editor that knows the R language.

45 R Help R help files are user hostile. To learn about the options for dotchart type: ?dotchart Use:

46 Browse To see why people use R for graphics look here:

47 Additional Libraries If you see sample code that includes require() or library(), you will need to do a onetime download of the additional package. If you are using Vista, run R as the administrator (by right clicking on the R icon instead of just double clicking ) to install and update packages.

48 Waffle Plots (aka pixel plots)
Categorical variables Waffle Plots (aka pixel plots) I have not found software to do them. Image from: Visual language for Designers by Connie Malamed 2009.

49 Continuous variables Continuous Outcomes The Distribution Analysis menu option can do basic plots.

50 The resolution of the histogram is okay but the others are unacceptable.

51 Continuous variables Use sgplot for high resolution plots.

52 Continuous variables

53 Continuous variables Violin A violin plot mirrors the shape of the histogram (density). They can be done in R.

54 Grouped Categorical Variables
To graph categorical data in SAS you need to get Michael Friendly’s Visualizing Categorical Data. Unfortunately, his macros are copyrighted with the book… So I will show you the R versions. Fourfold plots Mosaic plots Association plots

55 45% male vs. 30% female admission
Grouped categorical variables Fourfold Plots 45% male vs. 30% female admission They draw 4 slices of pie with the area corresponding to the number of people in each cell of a 2x2 table and they have confidence bands such that if the confidence bounds overlap on adjacent pie pieces, they are not statistically significantly different.

56 Grouped categorical variables
More males were admitted than females. There is clear evidence of sexist policies in admissions!

57 Grouped categorical variables
Department A admitted more females than males and every other department had no bias! The joy of Simpsons paradox.

58 Grouped categorical variables
Mosaic Plots So you have an contingency table and you want to know if there is as an association. You do a chi-square test and it says there are associations between the rows and columns. What next?

59 Grouped categorical variables
Some basic voodoo in R shows which combinations are over (in blue) or under represented (in red). values = c(5, 29, 14, 16, 15, 54, 14, 10, 20, 84, 17, 94, 68, 119, 26, 7); values = matrix(values, nrow = 4, byrow=TRUE) rownames(values) = c("Green", "Hazel", "Blue", "Brown") colnames(values) = c("Black", "Brown", "Red", "Blond") mosaicplot(values, shade = TRUE)

60 Grouped categorical variables
I prefer the simpler association plots. values = c(5, 29, 14, 16, 15, 54, 14, 10, 20, 84, 17, 94, 68, 119, 26, 7); values = matrix(values, nrow = 4, byrow=TRUE) rownames(values) = c("Green", "Hazel", "Blue", "Brown") colnames(values) = c("Black", "Brown", "Red", "Blond") marg <- margin.table(values, c(1, 2)) assocplot(marg, main = "Relation between hair and eye color")

61 Grouped Continuous Variables
You can use the Distribution Analysis to get basic grouped plots. For better looking plots you need to write sgplot and/or sgpanel code.

62 Request distinct graphics by subgroups.
Grouped continuous variables Request distinct graphics by subgroups.

63 Grouped continuous variables

64 Grouped continuous variables
Actually this took a bit of voodoo.

65 Grouped continuous variables
2nd 1st

66 Put details on the histogram tweaks here.
Grouped continuous variables Put details on the histogram tweaks here. Double click here. I use/tweak nrow ncol and endpoints often. endpoints = 2 to 10 by 0.5 midpoints =

67 Grouped continuous variables

68 Grouped continuous variables

69 Side by Side Violin Plots
Grouped continuous variables Side by Side Violin Plots

70 Grouped continuous variables
Scatter Plot

71 Jittered Plot Why bother

72 Jitter vs. Sunflowers Grouped continuous variables
In R you can also do sunflower plots.

73 Ordinary Least Squares Regression
Grouped continuous variables Ordinary Least Squares Regression People typically plot a regression line to show a relationship between two continuous variables.

74 Grouped continuous variables
Bisquare Figure out what is an odd value and then put a weight on it to devalue it. There are many robust regression algorithms around. R and S-Plus software have them well implemented.

75 Grouped continuous variables
Loess and Splines Loess is a technique essentially creates a rolling window and gets a weighted average across the values visible inside the window. Splines are curved lines that allow different amounts of stiffness to the curves.

76 Smooth = 99 Smooth = 50 Smooth = 25

77 Tweaking Specialized Plots
Grouped continuous variables Tweaking Specialized Plots Most analysis procedures now have customized high resolution graphics. Most are automatically produced if you type ods graphics on. Proc Freq I wanted a deviation plot for a 2x2 (or really any sized table) showing which cell is driving a significant chi-square. They only give you a plot for a one-way table. The ORPlot is very nice.

78 Turn on editable graphics with ods listing sge= on.
proc freq data = sashelp.heart; tables smoking_status; run; proc format; value $amount "Non-smoker" = " Non-smoker" "Light (1-5)" = " Light (1-5)" "Moderate (6-15)" = " Moderate (6-15)" "Heavy (16-25)" = " Heavy (16-25)" "Very Heavy (> 25)" = "Very Heavy (> 25)" ; ods listing sge = on; ods graphics on; proc freq data = sashelp.heart order = formatted; format smoking_status $amount.; tables smoking_status /chisq plots = deviationPlot; ods graphics off; Specifying the plot name is optional in proc freq.

79 Deviance Plot

80 ODS Graphics Editor with EG
If you want to do extensive tweaking to a graphic, you can use the WYSIWYG ODS Graphics editor. Unfortunately it only works with ODS graphics procedures and you need to rerun the code in SAS to invoke it.

81 Move code from EG to SAS Use the query builder to put your data in a permanent SAS library (not the work library). Right click on the graphic node which is run on data in a permanent library and choose Open… Open Last Submitted Code. Copy the code beginning with the SQL that makes the data. Start SAS and paste the code into the program editor.

82 Move all your code to SAS
Because the ODS graphics editor is not in EG (yet), you can export the entire set of code for the project and then rerun it in SAS.

83 ODS Graphics Editor with EG(2)
After exporting all your EG project, open the code in SAS and add these lines at the top of the program: ods rtf file = "c:\blah\somefile.rtf"; ods listing sge = on; Then open the graphic of interest.


85 WYSIWYG Editing Right click and/or double click to set properties for objects in the plot. The tool is optimized for some of the ODS style templates but you can use custom colors.

86 Right click on things to set properties.
Colors, text details, fonts Point and click annotation Symbols, arrows, text, circles

87 Too Many Graphics If the ods graphics on statement gives you too many graphics, you can specify which graphics you want by including code designed for the procedure. Typically it looks like this: plot(only) = (table names). This design is poorly implemented because you need to know where to put the plot statement and what the table names are. Does it go on the proc line (like phreg), the tables line (like proc freq), or some other line? Also the table names specified with a plot statement do not always match the ODS table names.

88 Usually you can use an ODS exclude statement or an ODS select statement to pick the correct things to print. Using the plots(only) = syntax is more efficient.

89 Proc phreg has a lot of new features but nothing major in the graphics
Proc phreg has a lot of new features but nothing major in the graphics. With phreg, if you specify ods graphics on you do not automatically get any plots. Here I request survival and cumulative hazard plots including the global confidence limits option (cl). Once again the option names are not consistent with the table names.

90 This shows the number of people at risk after 20, 40 etc days.
Proc lifetest can show the number at risk but the implementation is weak. It labels the groups with numbers even if the strata are character strings. You have to manually edit them and this affords ample opportunity for mistakes. I don’t see a way to change the censoring symbol in the legend.

91 Splitting a Grid Some procedures produce a grid of plots. You can get access to the individual plots by specifying plots(unpack). Then you can use plots(only)=tableName to get just the right parts. ODS select or exclude statements will not work.

92 plots(GlobalOptionsGoHere)
plots(GlobalOptionsGoHere). The global options apply to all graphics in this procedure.

93 Beyond the Basic Univariate plots
There are 4 SG procedures that allow you to build up complex univariate plots and do multivariate (trellis/lattice) plots.

94 New Graphics Statistical Graphics Procs
proc sgPlot general plotting procedure that replaces gplot proc sgScatter lots of tools for scatterplots and scatter matrices proc sgPanel quick and easy trellis/lattice/matrix/panel of plots Proc sgRender used with proc template to make totally custom plots It replaces proc greplay

95 proc sgPlot Basic plots Fits curves and generates confidence bounds
scatter, series, band, needle Fits curves and generates confidence bounds loess, regression, penalized b-splines, ellipse Distributions boxplots, histograms, normal curves, kernel density Categorization dot plots, bar charts, line charts From Heath SAS/Graph procedures for creating statistical graphics

96 As you add more requests to the plot, it resizes and shifts things to make room. It draws them in the order you request them. It reads the requests from the first listed to the bottom. Change the order if you want to have an item appear layered on top of, or behind, another thing. Some colors are not set yet in the enhanced editor. Use the menu Tools>Options>Enhanced Editor… then click User Defined Keywords to add the coloring.

97 I want to add in a reference line showing what is normal and put the categories in order.



100 Grids You can produce lattices full of graphics with proc gpanel.


102 Spaghetti Plots Data from Singer and Willett:



105 Customizing graphics You can tweak the graphics that ship with SAS by modifying their graph template or you can create truly custom graphics by making your own statistical graph template. Your data Graph template Style template

106 If you do not want to explain what Kernel density estimation is… remove the lines.

107 product.procedure.Graphis.TemplateName
Finding the template Add before the procedure that draws the graphic add ods trace on; and include ods trace off; afterwards. This prints the names of all the templates used by the procedure in the log. product.procedure.Graphis.TemplateName

108 Looking at a Template You can easily tell proc template to display the template with the source statement: Remember to type this before you start editing: ods path (prepend) work.template (update);

109 Copy this into an editor window and add proc template.
This is a complete template except for the proc template statement here. Copy this into an editor window and add proc template. Don’t Panic

110 After adding proc template and commenting out the Kernel statements rerun the code.

111 Oops. Unknown key words…
You can fix the color coding on the template code easily.

112 Fixed (permanently) All your subsequent plots will have no density line.

113 Details on that new template.
You can ask SAS to list, into the log, all the locations where the graphics are stored by using the command ods path show: Your new template is stored here. The untouchable original is here but it is “masked” by the 1st one.

114 Want a temporary template?
You can request that your templates go into work instead of SASUSER with the command: ods path (prepend) work.template (update); When you quit SAS the template will be deleted along with everything else in work.

115 SGPlot vs Template You can replicate everything done with proc sgplot using the template language but don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t need to. You will want to use proc template to build custom graphics that use many panels. Proc sgplot uses statements that start like reg but template uses names like regressionplot. Similar but not identical names… boo.

116 layout gridded = ticks do not have to align
layout lattice = ticks must align



119 The syntax for proc template vs. proc sgplot
The following slides marked with: show the syntax that I have written into enhanced editor keyboard macros for sgplot and template. So, after downloading and installing the keyboard macros use the title on the following slides and it will auto-complete with useful syntax. keyboard macro

120 Instead of title statement
keyboard macros proc template scatter Required proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay / xaxisopts = (offsetmin=.05 offsetmax=.05 label=' ') yaxisopts = (offsetmin=.05 offsetmax=.05 label=' ' linearopts = (tickvaluesequence = (start = end = increment = ) viewmin = ) ); scatterplot y = x = / datalabel = LABELVARIABLE markerattrs = (symbol = circlefilled color = black size = 3px); endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME; Instead of title statement For a single panel Based on code in Statistical Graphics in SAS by Warren F. Kuhfeld

121 Edge of plot to fist tick
proc template; define statgraph classscatter; begingraph; entrytitle 'Weight by Height'; layout overlay / xaxisopts = (offsetmin=.05 offsetmax=.05 label='Class Height') yaxisopts = (offsetmin=.05 offsetmax=.05 label='Class weight' linearopts = (tickvaluesequence = (start = 50 end = 150 increment = 25) viewmin = 50) ); scatterplot y = weight x = height / datalabel = name markerattrs = (symbol = circlefilled color = black size = 3px endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = sashelp.class template = classscatter; Edge of plot to fist tick Tick range to consider Force to include the lower tick

122 keyboard macros proc sgplot scatter proc sgplot data = ; title ""; scatter y = x = / datalabel = markerattrs = (symbol = circlefilled color = black size = 3px); xaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = ""; yaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = "" values = ( to by ); run;

123 Using proc sgplot scatter
proc sgplot data = sashelp.class; title "Weight by Height"; scatter y = weight x = height / datalabel = name markerattrs = (symbol=circlefilled color=black size =3px); regressionplot y = weight x = height xaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = "Height"; yaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = "Weight" values = (50 to 150 by 25); run;

124 keyboard macros Proc template reg proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay; scatterplot y = x = ; regressionplot y = x = / degree = 3; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

125 keyboard macros Proc sgplot reg proc sgplot data = ; title ""; reg y = x = / datalabel = markerattrs = (symbol = circlefilled color = black size = 3px); xaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = ""; yaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = "" values = ( to by ); run;

126 keyboard macros Proc template loess proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay; scatterplot y = x = ; loessplot y = x =; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

127 keyboard macros proc sgplot loess proc sgplot data = ; title ""; loess y = x = / datalabel = markerattrs = (symbol = circlefilled color = black size = 3px); xaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = ""; yaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = "" values = ( to by ); run;

128 proc loess proc loess global
keyboard macros proc loess proc loess global ods graphics on; * Locally optimal; proc loess data =; model = ; run; * Globally optimal fit; proc loess data= ; model = / select = AICC(global);

129 keyboard macros Proc template bspline proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay; scatterplot y = x = ; pbsplineplot y = x =; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

130 proc sgplot bspline proc sgplot data = ; title "";
keyboard macros proc sgplot bspline proc sgplot data = ; title ""; pbspline y = x = / datalabel = markerattrs = (symbol = circlefilled color = black size = 3px); xaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = ""; yaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = "" values = ( to by ); run;

131 proc transreg For model informaiton on bsplines * Global optimum;
keyboard macros proc transreg For model informaiton on bsplines * Global optimum; proc transreg data =; model identity(OUTCOME) = pbspline(PREDICTOR); run; * Local optimum; proc transreg data = ; model identity(OUTCOME) = pbspline(PREDICTOR / sbc lambda = range);

132 Proc template reg group
keyboard macros Proc template reg group proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay; scatterplot y = x = / group =; regressionplot y = x = / group = degree = 3 name ="thingy"; discretelegend = "thingy" / title = ""; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

133 keyboard macros Proc sgplot reg group proc sgplot data = ; title ""; reg y = x = / group = datalabel = markerattrs = (symbol = circlefilled color = black size = 3px); xaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = ""; yaxis offsetmin = .05 offsetmax = .05 label = "" values = ( to by ); run;

134 Proc template barchart
proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay ; barchart y = x = / stat = mean /*freq pct sum */ orient= horizontal; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

135 proc sgplot hbar proc sgplot data = ; title ""; hbar GROUP / response = RESPONSE stat = mean /*freq mean sum */ numstd = 2 limitstat = /* clm stddev stderr */; run;

136 proc template histogram
proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay ; histogram VARIABLE / endlabels = true; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

137 Proc sgplot histogram proc sgplot data = ; title ""; histogram VARIABLE; run;

138 proc template density proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay ; histogram VARIABLE / endlabels = true; densityplot VARIABLE / kernel(); /* normal() */ endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

139 proc template fringe proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay ; histogram / endlabels = true; densityplot / kernel(); /* normal() */ fringeplot ; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

140 proc template boxplot proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay ; boxplot y = x = / orient = horizontal; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

141 proc sgplot boxplot proc sgplot data = noautolegend; title ""; boxplot OUTCOME / category = GROUP; run;

142 proc template series proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay ; seriesplot y = OUTCOME x = DATEVAR / group = GROUPVAR name = 'thingy'; discretelegend 'thingy' / title = "SOMETHING"; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

143 proc template dot proc means data = noprint nway; var OUTCOME; class THEGROUP; output out = tmp mean = OUTCOME lclm = lower uclm = upper; run; proc template; define statgraph dotplot; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay / yaxisopts = (type = discrete griddisplay = on reverse = true); scatterplot y = THEGROUP x = OUTCOME / xerrorlower = lower xerrorupper = upper markerattrs = (symbol = circlefilled) name = 'thingy' legendlabel = "mean and 95% Confidence Limits"; discretelegend 'thingy' / title = "whatever"; endlayout; endgraph; end; proc sgrender data = tmp template = dotplot; run;

144 proc template needle proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay; needleplot y = x = ; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

145 proc template step proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay; stepplot y = x = / display = (markers) markersize = (size = 3px); endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

146 proc template block proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay; blockplot x = DATE block = THEBLOCK / filltype=multicolor datatransparency=.3 valuevalign=top labelposition=top display=(fill values label) blockindex = IDNUMBER; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = template = TABLENAME;

147 Styles You can also tweak the style (aesthetics/ appearance) of your graphics. Your data Graph template Style template

148 What styles? You can use the GUI to look at the details of the styles or you can explore them with code: proc template; source styles.statistical; run; This template includes sections for: fonts IndexTitle GraphFonts IndexProcName Table SystemFooter Header GraphColors Data Graph Color GraphBackground GraphGridlines

149 There are a LOT of different parts of a template that can be tweaked.
Fonts SysTitleAndFooterContainer ListItem TwoColorRamp GraphMissing GraphFonts TitleAndNoteContainer Paragraph TwoColorAltRamp GraphControlLImits color_list TitlesAndFooters List ThreeColorRamp GraphRunText Color BylineContainer List2 ThreeColorAltRamp GraphStars GraphColors SystemTitle List3 GraphOutlier Html SstemFooter Graph GraphFit—GraphFit2 Text PageNo GraphWalls GraphConfidence—2 GraphClipping Container ExtendedPage GraphAxisLines GraphPrediction Layoutcontainer Index Byline GrapGridLines GraphPredictionLiimits Document Parskip GraphOutliens GraphError Body Continued GraphBox Frame ProcTitle GraphBorderLines GraphBoxMedian Contents ProcTitleFixed GraphReference GraphBoxMean Pages Output GraphTitleText GraphBoxWhisker Date Table GraphFootnoteText GraphHistogram BodyDate Batch GraphDataText GraphEllipse IndexItem Note GraphLabelText BraphBand ContentFolder noteBanner GraphValueText GraphContour ByContentFolder UserText GraphUnicodeText GraphBlock IndexProcName PrePge GraphBackground ContentProcLabel NoteContentFixed GraphFloor GraphAltBlock PagesProcLabel WarnBanner GraphLegendBackgrond GraphAnnoLine IndexTitle WarnContentFxed GraphHeaderBackground GraphAnnotext ContentsTitle ErrorBaner DropShadowStyle GraphAnnoShape PagesTitle ErrorContentFixed GraphDataDefault GraphSelection FatalBaner GraphData1—GraphData12 GraphConnectLine There are a LOT of different parts of a template that can be tweaked.

150 Data Header RowHeader Footer RowFooter Emphasis EmphasisFixed Strong StrongFixed

151 Your own You can customize a style template based on another:
proc template; define style myStyle; parent = styles.Statistical; style graphdata1 from graphdata1/ color = colors('docbg'); style graphdata2 from graphdata1/ color = violet; style graphdata3 from graphdata1/ color = turquoise; style GraphFonts from GraphFonts / 'GraphDataFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 9pt); end; run; Use everything in the statistical template except tweaks listed below. Make the graphic element match the background of graphic (invisible camouflage) Change the appearance of the font used for labeling data elements.

152 About the colors You can pick colors by names or specifying details
Contrast around 12th item in grouped data (typically confidence bounds) 12th item in grouped data

About those colors The weird color names are colors in RGB hexadecimal format prefixed with "cx" Go play at

154 Using the style template
Once the style is created you can apply it to an ODS destination (pipeline) with code like: ods listing style= myStyle; * stuff goes here; ods listing close; or something like this: ods html style= myStyle; ods graphics on / width = 11in height = 11in; proc sgrender data=whatWhen template=blockplot1; run; ods html close;

155 Trying to find a style element
One option is to look at the template used by the corresponding sgplot: proc sgplot data = blah tmplout= "c:\blah\"; title ""; histogram v; run;

156 How to set the color for a histogram
Search help for template histogram:

157 What is the Current color?
proc template; source styles.default; run;

158 setting the colors proc template; define statgraph TABLENAME; begingraph; entrytitle ''; layout overlay ; histogram v / fillattrs = (color = black) outlineattrs = (color=orange) ; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = blah template = TABLENAME; run;

159 Reference dynamic variables
proc sgrender data = blah template= thing; dynamic _var1Label= 'Dude'; run;

160 resolves to 1 or 0 depending on if the variable is used
dynamic You can see what things/variables are being passed to a template by a procedure by printing it in a title: dynamic _yvar; entrytitle "exists?" eval(exists(_yvar)) "_yvar: " _yvar resolves to 1 or 0 depending on if the variable is used

161 footnotes In the template use: or use the %modtmplt macro
entryfotnote halign=left textattrs=graphvaluetext "TEXT" or use the %modtmplt macro title; footnote "halign=left textattrs=graphvaluetext 'blah' " %modtmplt(template=NAME, step=t, options titles noquotes) Use the template then delete temp version: %modtmplt(template= NAME, step=d)

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