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L EARNING C ENTERS More than just play... 5 B ASIC L EARNING C ENTERS Art Blocks Dramatic Play Library Music.

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2 L EARNING C ENTERS More than just play...

3 5 B ASIC L EARNING C ENTERS Art Blocks Dramatic Play Library Music

4 A RT C ENTER Sample Materials Drawing Paper Construction Paper Crayons Pencils Markers Chalk Rulers Stencils Glue Scissors Paint/Watercolors Play Dough/Clay Collage Materials 3D Materials

5 T HINGS W E L EARN I N A RT Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Cognitive/Intellectual Learning Demonstrates an interest in using writing for a purpose Uses know letters or approximation of letters to represent written language Recognizes patterns and can repeat them Shows understanding of different relationships of objects in space Social/Emotional Development Demonstrates ability to play independently Demonstrates willingness to try new things Uses planning in approaching a task or activity Demonstrates ability to make choices

6 T HINGS W E L EARN I N A RT Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Creative/Aesthetic Learning Shows creativity and imagination in play with materials and props Creates drawings and paintings that gradually become more detailed and realistic Preplans art project and then works with care Physical Development Uses writing and drawing tools with control and intention Coordinates eye and hand movements to complete tasks

7 B LOCKS C ENTER Sample Materials Wooden Blocks Vehicles People Animals Road Signs

8 T HINGS W E L EARN I N B LOCKS Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Cognitive/Intellectual Learning Demonstrates an interest in using writing for a purpose Demonstrates the ability to order and sequence Shows understanding of awareness of objects in space Uses words to describe the characteristics of objects Makes comparisons Finds more than one solution to a problem Shows awareness of the roles people play in society Language Uses words to communicate ideas and feelings Uses language to problem solve

9 T HINGS W E L EARN I N B LOCKS Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Social/Emotional Development Demonstrates ability to make choices Uses planning in approaching a task or activity Works cooperatively with others on completing a task Uses compromise and discussion to resolve conflicts Creative/Aesthetic Learning Shows creativity and imagination in play with materials and props Physical Development Shows balance and coordination

10 D RAMATIC P LAY Sample Materials Furniture Dress-up Clothing Play Food Cooking Utensils Eating Utensils Babydolls Doll Accessories

11 T HINGS W E L EARN IN D RAMATIC P LAY Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Cognitive/Intellectual Learning Understands that print conveys a message Classifies objects by physical feature such as shape or color Shows awareness of the roles people play in society Language Uses effective communication skills Uses language to problem solve Social/Emotional Development Seeks out adults and children Shares, respects the rights of others Works cooperatively with others on completing a task Become involved in solving social problems/conflicts

12 T HINGS W E L EARN I N D RAMATIC P LAY Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Creative/Aesthetic Learning Shows creativity and imagination in play with materials and props Participates in dramatic play themes that become more involved and complex Assumes various roles in dramatic play situations Physical Development Uses small muscles for self-help skills

13 L IBRARY Sample Materials 25 Picture Books Diversity Books Fiction Books Non-Fiction Books

14 T HINGS W E L EARN I N L IBRARY Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Cognitive/Intellectual Learning Demonstrates phonological awareness Shows enjoyment of books and stories and discussion of them Tells a story in sequence, following the pictures in a book Understands that print conveys a message Identifies some letters and make some letter-sound matches Language Expands vocabulary Recognizes and identifies by name most common objects and pictures Engages in two-way conversation with children and adults Uses words to describe the characteristics of objects

15 T HINGS W E L EARN IN L IBRARY Social/Emotional Development Demonstrates ability to play independently Shows curiosity and desire to learn Shares; respects the rights of others

16 M USIC Sample Materials Bells Sand Blocks Drums Xylophone Cd Player Music Cds Scarves

17 T HINGS W E L EARN I N M USIC Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Cognitive/Intellectual Learning Recognizes patterns and can repeat them Demonstrates the ability to order and sequence Shows an understanding of different relationships of objects in space Finds more than one solution to a problem Social/Emotional Development Demonstrates willingness to try new things Uses planning in approaching a task or activity Demonstrates ability to make choices Physical Development Freely participates in gross motor activities Shows balance and coordination

18 T HINGS W E L EARN I N M USIC Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks Creative/Aesthetic Learning Shows creativity and imagination in play with materials and props Participates freely in music activities Enjoys singing games, dramatizing songs, and moving to music Expresses through movement what is felt and heard in various musical tempos and styles Moves in time to the beat

19 R EFERENCES Arkansas Early Childhood Benchmarks df/aeceframwork.pdf df/aeceframwork.pdf ASU Childhood Services

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