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Presentation on theme: "WHAT CAN I DO WITH A MAJOR IN... PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY"— Presentation transcript:


2 phys·ics The scientific study of matter and motion.* *"physics." The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005. 05 Aug. 2009..

3 as-tron-o-my The scientific study of the universe beyond the earth, especially the observation, calculation, and theoretical interpretation of the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.* *"astronomy." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 05 Aug. 2009..

4 Physics And Astronomy Majors Study Laws of matter, motion, heat, light and electricity The universe beyond the earth, especially the observation, calculation, and theoretical interpretation of the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena...And more

5 Specializations Bachelor's degree/entry level –Test engineer –Process engineer –Meteorologist –Industrial hygienist –Technical writer –Computer systems engineer Further education required –Mathematician –Aerodynamist –Physicist –Physics researcher –Astronomer –Astrophysicist Most undergraduate programs offer a general course of study as well as many specializations that can be pursued with additional study. These include (but are not limited to):

6 Physics And Astronomy At The University Of South Carolina Undergraduate Degrees Degrees: Bachelor of Science (BS) Majors: Physics Engineering Physics The university also offers a Minors in Astronomy and Physics

7 Physics And Astronomy At The University Of South Carolina Graduate Degrees Master of Arts (MA) Master of Industrial Statistics (MIS) Master of Sciences (MS) Master of Mathematics (PM) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

8 Physics And Astronomy Majors Develop Skills In Investigation –Define research problems –Develop research models –Establish hypotheses –Gather/analyze data –Evaluate ideas –See relationships among factors Communication –Develop/write research proposals –Review scientific literature –Summarize research findings –Inform, explain, instruct –Prepare technical reports –Draw meaningful conclusions

9 Statistics Majors Develop Skills In Computational –Measure distances/ relationships –Perform calculations –Mathematical modeling –Maintain records –Utilize math formulas Technical –Design equipment –Identify/classify materials –Observe data –Establish experimental designs –Use instruments

10 Employment For those interested in careers in research or industrial science, astronomy, meteorology, marine sciences, biophysics, geophysics or the health sciences, the B.S. degree in physics provides a good background for employment as lab technicians, field researchers and production assistants or for graduate study. Many physics and astronomy B.S. graduates continue study in graduate school, after which they may work as professional physicists in industry, universities or government laboratories.

11 Employment Settings Business & Commerce: Includes management and direction of for-profit organizations including the development of business plans, marketing strategies, product development, and human resource management.

12 Sample Occupational Titles Associated With Business & Commerce Industrial Hygienist Medical Products Designer Optical Device Designer Automotive Engineer Occupational Safety Specialist Environmental Analyst Nuclear Power Plant Project Manager Systems Analyst Environmental Health Specialist Quality Control Manager

13 Employment Settings Actual Field Work: Includes both studying and working with and in the actual field. Encompasses everything from management to hydrology

14 Sample Occupational Titles Associated With Actual Field Work Acoustics Physicist Agriculture Scientist Atomic Physicist Chemical Physicist Nuclear Physicist Astronomer Hydrologist Solid Earth Physicist Meteorologist Physicist Seismologist Test Engineer Aerospace Tester Astrophysicist Environmental Health Specialist

15 Employment Settings Research: Includes technicians, researchers, and technologists. Also incorporates laboratory work and the education of peers.

16 Sample Occupational Titles Associated With Research Medical Products Designer Nuclear Physicist Radiological Laboratory Director Stratigrapher Technical Consultant Aerodynamist Astrophysicist Biophysicist Science Laboratory Technician College/University Faculty Forensic Scientist Physicist Research Scientist Seismologist Test Engineer Satellite Data Analysis

17 Employment Settings Education: Includes classroom instruction, curricula development, research, writing, administration, program management, and lecturing. Teaching and research positions at colleges and universities require an advanced degree. Most other teaching positions require appropriate certification.

18 Sample Occupational Titles Associated With Education Administrator Admissions Evaluator Author/Writer Career Counselor College or University Professor Financial Aid Director Guidance Counselor Health Educator Lecturer Primary School Teacher Program Manager Residence Hall Director Secondary School Teacher Student Affairs Professional Text Writer Medical Librarian

19 Employment Settings Health Services: Includes healing, both physical and mental, hospital/doctor’s office services, and some technician positions. Most physician and counseling positions require the completion of a certification or advanced study program.

20 Sample Occupational Titles Associated With Health Services Dentist Genetic Engineering Researcher Medical Laboratory Technician Physician Dietitian/Nutritionist Health Officer Health Physicist Biophysicist Medical Librarian Pharmacy Technician Medical Illustrator Mortician Nurse Physical Therapist Medical Products Designer Radiological Laboratory Director Medical Physicist

21 Other Occupational Settings For Physics And Astronomy Majors Aircraft & instrument manufacturers Information technology companies Chemical manufacturers Production facilities Defense manufacturing companies Testing labs Health care facilities Research/Development departments Educational institutions Scientific journals Electrical equipment companies Technical consulting firms Engineering firms Government Agencies

22 Strategies For Developing Skills To Get The Job You Want Pursue an excellent academic record Obtain part-time, summer, or internship work experience Volunteer with service and counseling organizations Become fluent in a foreign language Obtain an advanced degree and/or certification in order to perform substantive counseling work Obtain a minor in an additional area of interest (i.e. Language, business, education) Develop strong writing and speaking skills

23 Strategies For Developing Skills To Get The Job You Want Develop strong quantitative and statistical skills Become comfortable working with people from different backgrounds and cultures Acquire sales experience Become active in peer mediation groups if available Secure leadership positions in campus or community groups Obtain teaching certification Shadow the work of a professional

24 Books & Web Resources Books Alternative Careers in Science: Leaving the Ivory Tower by Cynthia Robbins Roth Web Resources Health Physics Employment Opportunities /radinf/jobs.htm /radinf/jobs.htm Curious About Astronomy http://curious.astro.cornell. edu/aboutus.php http://curious.astro.cornell. edu/aboutus.php

25 Resources For More Information USC’s Department of Physics and Astronomy Career Center Library Physics and Astronomy Related Websites College of Arts and Sciences Career Development Program

26 Career Center Contact Information University of South Carolina Career Center 6th Floor, H. William Close Building (BA Building) Columbia, SC 29208 Phone: (803) 777-7280 On-call counseling without an appointment: M - F, 1:00 am - 4:00 pm (Summer and holiday hours may differ, please check the website at



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