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Integrating Video Communication Processes in Online Courses to Enhance Learning Experience of Deaf Students Simon Ting, Instructional Developer Cathy Clarke,

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Video Communication Processes in Online Courses to Enhance Learning Experience of Deaf Students Simon Ting, Instructional Developer Cathy Clarke,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Video Communication Processes in Online Courses to Enhance Learning Experience of Deaf Students Simon Ting, Instructional Developer Cathy Clarke, Digital Media Specialist Aju Cherian, Instructional Technology Specialist

2 Background notes

3 Techsym 2008 Presentation by Simon Ting, Cathy Clarke, Zach Szafran, Regina Kiperman-Kiselgof  Discussed feasibility of building a video conferencing system  open source software components  web-based framework (work in web browsers)  Demonstrated a proof-of-concept system  video chat (with whiteboard, file sharing, etc)  Remote collaboration (application sharing)

4 System Improvements After 2008  Enhanced system tools  more webcams  better whiteboard & remote collaboration  Integration with IdeaTools  IdeaTools → Course management system  Wowza Media Server  better professional support and secure streaming  Online webcam recorder  saves video directly to server cont’d

5 Video conferencing Remote collaboration IdeaTools → CMS integration Online webcam recording

6 Video Conferencing  Video chat room  up to 16 webcams  mini text chat  Whiteboard  drawing/brainstorming  document display  PowerPoint, Word, PDF, images  File sharing  upload/download files; submit assignments  IM-style text chat

7 Remote Collaboration  Desktop/application sharing  Remote students can  view processes on remote computer  use programs on remote computer  take turn to work (collaborate) on remote computer  TightVNC (+Flash)  open source program (customized)  display desktop of remote computer  reduced display/ full screen TightVNC (+Flash) allows video "broadcast"

8 IdeaTools → CMS Integration  IdeaTools  created at NTID by Simon/Cathy  multimedia authoring & lesson building tools  many NTID faculty familiar with tools  IdeaTools integration  streamlined course management/video chat  create/manage chat rooms in course  one-click video chat; minimal learning curve  access course content in chat rooms  reduce teacher workload and training  Reuse existing online lessons, assignments as is  use familiar tools to create new lessons, assignments

9 Online Video Recording  Record video directly to online course  quick and easy; can record over and over again  WYSIWYG → What You See Is What You Get  Important Project Milestone  Learning activities online mostly text-based  Online recording allows ASL-based learning activities Teachers of the Deaf can now design online activities using ASL to reinforce, evaluate, and document student learning.

10 Remote collaboration Distance learning Online video recording Job search training Teaching education (MSSE) ASL resources

11 Remote Collaboration  "SEVEN DEADLY SINS: A Collaborative Digital Canvas "  Remote team members  NTID students/faculty/alumni from Rochester, NY; Washington, D.C.; New York City; Colorado State  Weekly 3-hour meetings  brainstorm design concept, prep and planning  Final project done in 6-hour online session  shown live on wall TV at ImagineRIT Festival, 2008  showcase RIT as "Innovation University"

12 Distance Learning  " Deaf Theatre History "  NTID-Gallaudet distance learning pilot  two classes in NTID and Gallaudet  spans several weeks in winter 2009  online class meetings once or twice weekly  Online activities include  lectures  team projects/discussions  project presentations  sample Deaf Theatre video broadcasts

13 Online video recording  Video mail  Video homework, discussion boards Job Search Training  Mock interviews  prep students for Co-op job interviews  Remote interviewing system  online job interviews with interpreter support  pilot in fall 2010

14 Teacher Education (MSSE)  Microteaching  prep students for teaching internships  each student prepare/teach two sample lessons  live video recording using two simultaneous videocameras  Action research report  post-internship class activitity  Students report on internship research projects  live video capture of signed PowerPoint presentations  (videos saved/edited as playlists)

15 ASL Resources  Science Sign Lexicon Math Sign Lexicon  Lexicon Builder supports live webcam recording  new word can added, assigned to categories  multiple videos can be recorded/added to each word  videos can be  Signs  Sentences (show usage in sentences)  Notes (linguistic, cultural, etc.)  videos can be captioned  add supplementary picture, text description

16 Other Possible Uses  Online video helpdesk  Math word problem solving  Video brainstorming/pre-writing activities  Video wiki (Translation wiki)

17 Ending remarks Questions/Suggestions?

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