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1 Budget Study Session FY 2011-12 Library Follow-Up May 27, 2011.

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1 1 Budget Study Session FY 2011-12 Library Follow-Up May 27, 2011

2 2 Library Department Overview Mission Statement The Glendale Public Library provides services, materials and activities to enrich life, foster literacy, inspire intellectual curiosity and stimulate the imagination. –Strategic Goals: Provide free and equal access to literary and cultural programs and services, and to information resources through a variety of technological and print formats. Impact Glendale’s youth through a variety of programs and services. Contribute to a dynamic arts and culture community. Contribute to a vibrant downtown and to distinct neighborhoods. Provide civic spaces for community activities. Preserve Glendale’s history.

3 33 Library General Fund Budget Adopted Budget FY 2010-11 Proposed Budget FY 2011-12 Increase/(Decrease) Salaries$4,073,064$3,981,556($91,508) Hourly Wages 962,143962,1430 Overtime5,8315,8310 PERS476,665654,787178,122 Benefits722,2361,031,055308,819 M&O2,084,9032,134,72949,826 Capital Outlay 000 Sub Total $8,324,842$8,770,101$445,259 Net Proposed Reductions ($486,139)($486,139) Total $8,324,842$8,283,962($40,880)

4 44 Library General Fund Program Budget Proposed Budget FY 2011-12 Essential$7,923,112 Priority433,277 Discretionary413,712 Sub Total $8,770,101 Net Proposed Reductions ($486,139) Proposed Budget $8,283,962

5 Guiding Principles in determining levels of service Avoid reducing service to the point of ineffectiveness Maximize service at fewer sites by focusing on where there is the greatest need Consider geographic distribution of library sites and proximity to Central Library Explore alternative uses for sites Minimize reductions to book and materials budgets Account for anticipated reductions in State Library funding Pursue partnership opportunities with other City departments Continue to streamline existing functions Continue to develop improved service delivery through technology Avoid layoffs of salaried personnel 5

6 6 Library Department Overview Performance Measures LibraryOpenHours09/10Circulation09/10Circulation% Circulation Per Hour Gate Count Gate Count09/10 Gate Count % Gate Count Per Hour Central60/Week775,26959%258526,95053%176 Brand36/Week149,59811%8379,7868%44 Montrose35/Week115,1279%66134,07314%77 Pacific Park 34/Week71,3285%4294,25810%55 Adams Square 36/Week66,7825%3750,8175%28 Casa Verdugo 34/Week55,8854%3338,9594%23 Grandview32/Week46,1604%2929,8103%19 Bookmobile39/Month26,6822%5727,5363%59 Chevy Chase 11/Week5,912-115,6201%10 Total278/Week*1,312,743100%616987,809100%491 * Total number of open hours does not include Bookmobile.

7 Library Summary of Proposed Reductions 7 Program/Function - Bookmobile & Central Library Proposed Bookmobile (Current Budget = $66,560) $ 48,249 Community Events, Bookmark Contest & Film Program $ 5,850 Librarian Position – Central Library Reference Department -Vacant $ 67,556 Library Technician Position – Acquisitions - Vacant $ 56,569 Department Efficiencies & Reference Desk Service Model Change $ 73,772 Total (3% of Library Budget) $251,996 Program/Function - Casa Verdugo & Chevy Chase Casa Verdugo Branch Library (Current Budget = $301,370) $ 129,408 Casa Verdugo – Library Supervisor Position - Vacant $ 80,878 Chevy Chase Branch Library $ 23,857 Total (2.8% of Library Budget) $234,143 Total Proposed Reductions (5.8% of Total Budget) $ 486,139

8 8 Library General Fund Service Level Impact Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library: Transfer management of Chevy Chase Branch Library to the Community Services and Parks (CSP) Department for community rental programming. In cooperation with CSP continue to provide library service based on an browsing/self service collection of materials and volunteer availability to conduct programming. Potential for relocation of Brand Studios during renovation. Casa Verdugo Neighborhood Library: Closure of library as we know it but continue as a temporary location for Brand Library during 18 – 24 month renovation. Maximize service at other libraries by transferring salaried staff and book budget. At end of Brand Library renovation consider site for expansion of Fire Station 26 or reopen neighborhood library. Eliminate CIP funding for library upgrades. Bookmobile: 30 year old bookmobile does not meet pollution standards and will be de- commissioned by the State at end of year. Relinquish $320,000 in depreciation funding for new bookmobile and instead request $70,000 for retrofitted vehicle to accommodate some level of mobile service to pre-schools, elementary schools, and/or to homebound residents. Absorb costs of new service. Programs: Discontinue Tuesday Film Program, Bookmark Contest for children, Tree House Tales, and outreach at community events including Unity Fest, Cruise Night, etc. Central Library: Reopen Central Library until 9:00 p.m. (Monday-Thursday). Achieve through reorganization, rescheduling of staff, and transfer of salaried staff from closed sites. Enhance books and materials budget to serve a greater need. Consolidate internal support functions in light of lost positions. Adjust public desk service from 3 to 2 person model. Implement efficiencies recommended by an internal audit of the Technical Services Department.

9 Library Chevy Chase Library 2007/2008 –$52,161 budget 2008-2009 –Recommended closure. Not approved by council but budget eliminated. –Absorbed costs as a new model of service was developed –Full-Time Position moved to another Branch ($25,890) –Branch remained open 18 hours per week 2009/2010 Partial Funding for Chevy Chase Restored –$30,829 budget – Council reinstates budget based on new model of service with focus on children’s services and development of rental venue to support library operations –Council approves CIP ($300,000) for remodel efforts to support model of service, reduction of book collection and to accommodate rental opportunities –Reduced hours from 18 to 11 per week –July-Dec 2009 - Analyzed collection and identified19,000 items to be sold. Criteria based on circulation, condition, and accuracy. 60-65% of the collection had not circulated in five years. Total collection size is approximately 12,000 –September 2009 – Book sale earned $7,700 9

10 Library Chevy Chase Library (continued) 2010/2011 –Budget Reduced to $23,857 –Continued minimal level of library service. Hourly staff only. Library programming supported by volunteers. –CIP: Kitchen remodeled. Carpet and Furniture project ready to go to bid. City- wide budget uncertainty stalled remodel. 2011-2012 –Proposed: Details about library presence to be determined in cooperation with Community Services and Parks. Concept based on a browsing library (self- checks). Programming when volunteers are available, but limited to two programs per month. 10

11 Library General Fund – Reduction Alternatives 11 Neighborhood Library Hours (Savings $76,779) –Reduce All Neighborhood Libraries from 5 to 4 Days a Week - 33 hours Reduction ($70,223) Montrose ($14,513) Adams Square ($20,312) Pacific Park ($15,986) Casa Verdugo ($9,540) Grandview ($9,872) –Chevy Chase – Open Saturdays Only (Savings $6,556) –Retain Book Budget

12 Library General Fund – Reduction Alternatives Brand Library Hours (Savings $28,819) –Reduced Brand Library Hours from 5 to 4 days per week Savings - $28,819 12

13 Library General Fund – Reduction Alternatives Central Library Reductions –Friday Closure (Savings $140,224) Reduction of 8 hours Hourly Wages - $98,891 Utilities - $41,333 –Sunday Closure (Savings $86,916) Reduction of 4 hours Hourly Wages - $64,416 Utilities - $22,500 13

14 14Library Questions and Comments

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