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PowerPoint How-To.  In your PowerPoint you will need to include:  Where your country is located  Geography  History  Government  People-use graphs.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint How-To.  In your PowerPoint you will need to include:  Where your country is located  Geography  History  Government  People-use graphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint How-To

2  In your PowerPoint you will need to include:  Where your country is located  Geography  History  Government  People-use graphs made in Excel  Culture  Sports  Presentation should be 7-10 slides long and around 5 minutes long

3  Cut- Copy and Delete Section  Copy- make a copy of selected text  Paste- Paste copied work to area  New Slide- click the new slide to see the different types of slides  Font- Feel free to play with fonts, however presentation needs to be readable and professional

4  Using Insert Tab you can insert Tables, Pictures, Graphs, Hyperlink, Work Art, as well as other objects. You can also simply copy and paste media if you have it in other sources.  Pictures should relate to content of slide!  Please cite your pictures if you did not take them

5  With this tab you can pick a design for your PowerPoint  You can change the color, fonts, effects, and background styles

6  Animations can make your presentation more fun but they can also be distracting.  You may use these but please limit you animations to no more than five for your entire presentation

7  Your presentation needs to look professional and neat  Please use spell-check you can use this by either hitting F& on your keyboard or going to the Review Tab and hitting the spell check button.  Points will be deducted for misspelled words  Be creative and use plenty of pictures in your presentation  If you need help feel free to ask.

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