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The main idea of the article is to prove that there exist a tester of monotonicity with query and time complexity.

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Presentation on theme: "The main idea of the article is to prove that there exist a tester of monotonicity with query and time complexity."— Presentation transcript:


2 The main idea of the article is to prove that there exist a tester of monotonicity with query and time complexity

3 Consider the task of checking monotonicity of functions defined over partially ordered set S. Suppose that for some distribution on pairs with and for every function where C defends on S only. Then for every and every function for pairs selected according to the same distribution

4 For each 2 functions - the fraction of instances On which - the minimum distance between function and any other monotone function - the probability that a pair selected according to witnesses that is not monotone.

5 Incrementally transform into a monotone function, while insuring that for each repaired violated edge, the value of the function changed only in a few points.

6 - arbitrary monotone function at distance from


8 Claim: Proof: by the definition of CLEAR by the definition of MON

9  Interval of a violated edge with respect to function -  two intervals cross if they intersect in more than one point. example: [2,3], [4,6] 0 1 2 3 4 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 [1,6]

10 Lemma: The function has the following properties: 1. 2. has no violated edges whose intervals cross. 3. The interval of a violated edge with respect to is contained in the interval of this edge with respect to.

11 Define Note: monotone and takes values from 2. 3. We will check the 4 possibilities for : 1. - not possible. Why? 2.- agree on is violated by and. Proves (1) & (3). If cross Contradiction to the monotonicity of CLEAR definition

12 3. - is violated Therefore intersects in one point only -. This proves (2) In case (1) & (3) follows. If not then (1) & (3) follows. 4. - symmetric to case 3.

13 Lemma: given define: Those functions have the following properties: 1. 2. 3.

14 1.The SQUASH operator never adds new violated edges

15 2.Note:

16 3.Note: Why? the distance from to the set of monotone functions is at most the distance to a particular monotone function :

17 We will prove by induction on that for every function the following hypothesis: Base case : In the theorem we assumed - By the definition of detect we get the hypothesis.

18 Lets assume the hypothesis holds for and prove it for :


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