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Statics in Depth Markus Götze FAU Erlangen Nürnberg Seminar Advanced C++ Programming 20.06.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Statics in Depth Markus Götze FAU Erlangen Nürnberg Seminar Advanced C++ Programming 20.06.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statics in Depth Markus Götze FAU Erlangen Nürnberg Seminar Advanced C++ Programming 20.06.2011

2 Motivation (1) 2 static int someVar; void incSomeVar(); int main() { incSomeVar(); //... incSomeVar(); //... printf("%d\n", someVar); exit(0); } void incSomeVar() { ++someVar; } Personal flashback → C: Variable whose value must be remembered Global Static Variable

3 Motivation (2) namespace nSpace { inline int retFour() { return 4; } int global1 = 0; int global2; int global3 = 42; int global4 = retFour(); } 3 This may raise some questions: global1 → clear what value does global2 have? when is global3 set to 42? will initialization of global4 even result in a compiler error?

4 Outline 4 Motivation Problems Solutions approaches Conclusion

5 Outline 5 Motivation Problems Order of Construction Compiler/Linker Depended Ordering Race conditions with Dynamic Initialization of Static Variable Solutions approaches Conclusion

6 Problems – Order of Construction (1) Class MyClass; extern MyClass myFourthClass; MyClass myFirstClass(“1”); MyClass mySecondClass(myFirstClass); MyClass myThirdClass(myFourthClass); MyClass myFourthClass(“4“); 6 Objects are created by order of definition, not declaration

7 Problems – Order of Construction (2) class MyClass { private: int i; public: MyClass(int num) { std::cout << "In Constructor" << std::endl; i = num; } 7 one famous static object is std::cout does cout exist when static object MyClass is created?

8 Problems – Compiler/Linker dependant ordering //myClass1.cpp MyClass myFirstClass(); MyClass mySecondClass(); //myClass2.cpp MyClass myThirdClass(); //myClass3.cpp MyClass myFourthClass(); //Makefile myClass: $(CXX) myClass1.cpp myClass2.cpp myClass3.cpp -o myClass 8 Compiler/LinkerOrder Borland C/C++ 5.61, 2, 3, 4 Code Warrior 81, 2, 3, 4 Digital Mars 8.384, 3, 1, 2 GCC 3.24, 3, 1, 2 Intel C/C++ 6.01, 2, 3, 4 Visual C++ 6.01, 2, 3, 4 Watcom C/C++ 124, 3, 1, 2

9 Problems – Race Conditions (1) Especially static members result in race conditions The following example will show what can go wrong in detail: 9 int calculateResult() { static int result = calculateSomething(); return result; } int calculateResult() { static bool result_computed = false; static int result; if (!result_computed) { result_computed = true; result = calculateSomething(); } return result; } If one thread will be pre-empted after having set result_computed to true, next thread will pass if-block and see uninitialized variable

10 Problems – Race Conditions (2) class MyClass {...} ; int calculateResult() { static MyClass myClass; return myClass. calculateSomething(); } 10 class MyClass {...} ; int calculateResult() { static bool myClass_constructed = false; static MyClass myClass; // uninitialized if (!myClass_constructed) { myClass.constructed = true; new(&myClass) myClass; atexit(DestructmyClass) } return myClass.calculateSomething(); } as before, myClass could be used before it has been initialized additionally, myClass could be double-constructed and double-destructed

11 Problems – Race Conditions (3) class MyClass {... } ; int calculateResult() { static MyClass mC1; static MyClass mC2; return mC1.calculateSomething() + mC2.calculateSomething(); } 11 class MyClass {... }; int calculateResult() { static char constructed = 0; static uninitialized MyClass mC1; if (!(constructed & 1)) { constructed |= 1; new(&mC1) MyClass; atexit(DestructmC1); } static uninitialized MyClass mC2; if (!(constructed & 2)) { constructed |= 2; new(&mC2) MyClass; atexit(DestructmC2); } return mC1.calculateSomething() + mC2.calculateSomething(); } one bitfield for both _constructed variables multiple RMS-operations on the same data-structure still race conditions here

12 Problems – Race Conditions (4) int calculateResult() { lock(); static int result = calculateSomething(); unlock(); return result; } 12 Proposition: put computation in a synchronized block Problem: What if calculateSomething() somewhere somehow calls calculateResult() ? → the thread already has the lock, may enter the critical section and once again see an uninitialized object result

13 Outline 13 Motivation Problems Solutions approaches Conclusion

14 Outline 14 Motivation Problems Solutions approaches Avoid statics when possible Singletons Schwarz Counter Fight race-conditions Conclusion

15 Solution approaches – Avoid Statics Generally speaking, avoid static when you can! Use references as parameters instead of global variables 15 static MyClass myClass; void someFunc() { myClass.doSomething(); } int main() { //... someFunc(); } void someFunc(MyClass *myClass) { myClass->doSomething(); } int main() { MyClass myClass; someFunc(&myClass); }

16 Solution approaches – Avoid Statics Generally speaking, avoid static when you can! Change global objects to stack objects within main (kind of a hack) We gain full control over lifetime, but have to use all global variables by pointer Loss in efficiency Inconvenient syntax 16 //main.cpp #include "MyClass1.h" #include "MyClass2.h" int main() { MyClass myClass; p_myClass = &myClass; p_myClass->doSomething(); return 0; } //MyClass1.h class MyClass1 { //... void doSomething() {...} }; extern MyClass1 *p_myClass1;

17 Solution Approaches – Singleton (1) Looking back at techniques we already learned, one idiom lets us gain control over lifetime Singleton! Let‘s look back for a short moment: 17

18 Solution Approaches – Singleton (2) class MyClass { public: MyClass &getInstance() { static MyClass instance; return instance; } private: MyClass(const MyClass &other); MyClass &operator =(const MyClass &other); } 18 Meyers Singleton Object is created first time getInstance() is called → we have control over creation time of object we still do not have control over destruction time; only guarantee: „during process shutdown“ This may lead to Dead Reference Problem local static object -> race conditions!

19 Solution Approaches – Singleton (3) class MyClass { public: MyClass &getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new MyClass(); Infrastructure::register(instance,...); } return *instance; } private: static MyClass *instance; MyClass(const MyClass &other); MyClass &operator =(const MyClass &other); } 19 Alexandrescu Singleton

20 Solution Approaches – Singleton (3) 20 Alexandrescu Singleton This singleton can be made thread-safe by providing the GetLongevity methods, the programmer can specify the relative destruction order Downsides: a lot of effort if new Singletons are inserted into the system „easy to get it wrong“ errors are very hard to detect inline unsigned int GetLongevity(MyClass *) { return 2; }

21 Solution Approaches – Schwarz Counter (1) //MyClass.h class MyClass{...}; extern MyClass *p_myClass; class MyClass_init { private: static int init_count; //zero-initialized public: MyClass_init(); ~MyClass_init(); }; static MyClass_init myClass_init; // file static scope 21 myClass_init has file static scope (anonymous namespace), so there will exist as many variables as files that include MyClass.h only one init_count namespace { MyClass_init myClass_init; } //anonymous namespace

22 Solution Approaches – Schwarz Counter (2) //MyClass_init c'tor und d'tor MyClass *p_myClass; MyClass_init::MyClass_init() { if (++init_count > 0) return; p_myClass = new MyClass; // other needed initializations } MyClass_init::~MyClass_init() { if (--init_counter > 0) return; delete p_myClass; // other destruction } 22 use a reference count to gain control over time of destruction this needs to be made thread-safe (like Alexandrescu Singleton)

23 Solution Approaches – Schwarz Counter (3) // OtherClass.h #include "MyClass.h" class OtherClass { private: MyClass myClass; public: //... }; 23 Classes must be declared before objects or members of that type can be declared, meaning: MyClass.h is included above class definition of OtherClass Declaration of MyClass_init will therefore always happen before any OtherClass object is created since construction order is reversed for destruction, MyClass_init will always be destructed after OtherClass

24 Solution Approaches – Schwarz Counter (4) Special Case: class C wants to make use of MyClass without containing any instance of it For example: Class wants to use I/O without containing a stream object 24 //C.h //... class C_init { private: static int init_count; public: C_init(); ~C_init(); }; static C_init C_init;

25 Solution Approaches – Schwarz Counter (5) //C_init c'tor and d'tor #include "C.h" #include "MyClass.h" static MyClass_init *minit; C_init::C_init() { if (++init_count > 1) return; minit = new MyClass_init; } C::init::~C_init() { if (--init_counter > 0) delete minit; } 25 C_init is declared higher in file than any declaration of C, so C_init constructor will be called before C constructor That guarantees that MyClass will be initialized by MyClass_init before any C constructor

26 Solution approaches – Fighting race conditions (1) Going back to race conditions 26 MyClass &getInstance() { static MyClass myClass; return myClass; } MyClass &getInstance() { static bool __bMyClassInitialized__ = false; static byte __myClassBytes__[sizeof(MyClass)]; if (!__bMyClassInitialized__) { new(__myClassBytes__) MyClass(); __bMyClassInitialized__ = true; } return *reinterpret_cast (__myClassBytes__); } two or more threads could see __bMyClassInitiliazed__ is false and go on to construct it

27 Solution approaches – Fighting race conditions (2) Best solution here: use a spinlock 27 MyClass &getInstance() { static int guard; // zero-initialized spin_mutex(&guard); lock_scope lock(smx); static MyClass instance; return instance; } use of spinlock is costly, but only if: high degree of quarrel guarded section is long both cases here are tolerable

28 Outline 28 Motivation Problems Solutions approaches Conclusion

29 Outline 29 Motivation Problems Solutions approaches Conclusion

30 Static objects bring along very serious problems! Hence avoid them where you can! If you must use them, remember to solve the two problems for your very special problem Construction order Thread safety Possible solutions to these problems may be Singletons, Schwarz Counter Suitable lock mechanisms, for example spinlock 30

31 Thank you for your attention Questions? 31

32 References Matthew Wilson “Imperfect C++, Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming” Stephen C. Dewhurst “C++ Gotchas, Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design” Stanley B. Lippman “C++ Gems” 08/85901.aspx Object.htm Florian Krautwurm „C++ Design Patterns: Singleton in Detail“ 32

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