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Medical Student Research Extra and Intramural Funding Opportunities October 26, 2010 Ginny L. Bumgardner MD PhD FACS Associate Dean for Research Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Student Research Extra and Intramural Funding Opportunities October 26, 2010 Ginny L. Bumgardner MD PhD FACS Associate Dean for Research Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Student Research Extra and Intramural Funding Opportunities October 26, 2010 Ginny L. Bumgardner MD PhD FACS Associate Dean for Research Education

2 Objectives 2  Funding Basics  Intramural: 2011 COM Scholarship  Extramural: HHMI, Sarnoff, Doris Duke  Student Perspective: HHMI, AOA, CCTS  Pelatonia Fellowship/Financial Aid Office  Landacre Honor Society

3 Research Funding Basics  Find a Research Mentor  Research Funding Sources for Medical Students  Apply to Multiple Funding Sources!  Applications are competitive  Intramural funds are limited  Prepare a timeline to meet application due dates  Prepare a high quality application 3

4 Research Funding Opportunities  BE ALERT to funding opportunities  Weekly MD2B emails  Medical Student Research Program Website Listings  Department specific opportunities  Center specific opportunities (CCTS, CCC-Pelotonia)  National Associations in specific areas (e.g., American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, ….)  Resources for Information  Research Mentors and laboratory team  Websites of Professional Medical Associations  Other medical students  BE AWARE of Scholarship Commitments 4

5 Research Funding Basics - Continued  Application Sections  Candidate  personal statement, biosketch  Mentor  letters of recommendation, biosketch,  Research Plan  Training Plan  Learning objectives, experimental duties, timeline  Institution  Research Environment  Research Compliance  IRB/ILACUC protocol approval 5

6  Tips  Lists of previous mentors  Current opportunities

7 Medical Student Research Website 7

8 8 Look for…  Dates Posted  Deadlines  Links

9 2011 Medical Student Research (MDSR) Scholarship Application 9  Funding Sponsors: Roessler/Bennett/ Barnes/Watts  Phased Application Submission  Phase 1: Dec 10, 2010  Phase 2: Jan 14, 2011  Application Materials  NEW to 2011 Application  Award Notification:  April 1 st, 2011

10 Phased Application Submission Phase I documents due DECEMBER 10 th, 2010  Eligibility: Hypothesis Driven Research  Discovery  Basic Science  Clinical Science  Educational Research  Research Ethics Research etc.  Phase I documents include:  Medical Student Research Scholarship Cover Page  NIH Biosketch of Student  Mentor/Mentee Commitment: Signed student & mentor compacts  Research Compliance: IRB/ILACUC Protocols  Categorization of Research Project  Alternative Funding Form 10

11 2011 Medical Student Research Scholarship Application Phase I Cover Page 11

12 Phased Application Submission - Continued  Phase II documents due JANUARY 14 th, 2011  Documents include:  Phase II Cover Page  Mentor Letter  Abstract  Research Plan  Environment and Resources  Experimental Duties & Timeline  References  NIH Biosketch of Mentor 12

13 2011 Medical Student Research Scholarship Application Phase II Cover Page 13

14 2011 MDSR Application  Phase I  Research mentor, title of project, timeline (short or long- term LOA), categorization of research.  Signatures necessary (if taking LOA, need approval from Deans Clinchot or Lynn)  IRB/ILACUC protocols: You should be added to the research protocol in an amendment to an existing protocol.  No IRB/ILACUC protocol approval = no review  Phase II  Mentor letter: Share with mentor guidelines listed on page 9 of MDSR Application  Research plan: Limit to 3 pages 14

15 COM Roessler Scholarship Awards 2004-2010 On average about 50 awards per year

16 New to 2011 IRB/ILACUC Approval required for review Alternative Funding Information Phased application process 16

17 HHMI Fellowships 17  Overview  OSU COM HHMI Medical Fellows:  Rebekah Browning  Rebecca Cawley  Handouts  HHMI slide presentation posted to Med Student Research Program website

18 HHMI Medical Research Fellows Program  WHO:  Medical, Dental and Veterinary Students  Applicant is responsible for selecting a research mentor  WHAT:  Basic, translational, and applied research  One year of full-time research  *special topic-joint initiative on retinal degenerative diseases  WHERE:  Any academic or nonprofit research institution in US (not NIH)  WHEN:  Application due January 11, 2011  BENEFITS:  Annual stipend of $28,000  $5,500 allowance for research enrichment (e.g., travel), health-care, education related expenses.  Loan deferment available 18

19 HHMI Research Scholars Program-”Cloisters”  WHO:  Medical, Dental and Veterinary Students  Mentors & Scholars project chosen after acceptance into program  WHAT:  Research conducted at NIH in Bethesda, MD  One year of full-time research  WHEN:  Application due January 10, 2011  BENEFITS:  Annual stipend of $28,000  Health, dental, vision insurance, furnished on-campus housing, parking, moving expenses reimbursed  Additional funds for travel, books, courses 19

20 Research Scholars 207 applicants from 94 schools 42 accepted from 29 schools Medical Fellows 274 applicants from 74 schools 74 accepted from 27 schools Applications from all qualified candidates are welcome and women and under-represented minorities are encouraged to apply. Females and under-represented minorities are proportionately represented among awardees to both programs. HHMI PROGRAM STATISTICS (2010-2011)

21 Medical Student Research Program Internal Review for HHMI, Sarnoff etc  Assistance with internal review of HHMI and Sarnoff applications  Internal review due date November 30 th, 2010  E-mail to Kelly Dillon, Program Coordinator at

22 Student Perspective  HHMI  Rebekah BrowningMD PhD  Rebekah CawleyMed 3  AOA  Rohit MitalMed 2  CCTS  Emily Nurre MD/MPH

23 Carolyn Kuckein Student Research Fellowship: Keys to a Successful Application & Summer  Find a lab that suits you  Meet with the PI and lab members early on  Determine your goals  Understand what your role will be  Do your homework and ask questions!  Work with the PI to create a project that interests you Rohit Mital

24 My Project CARDIOPROTECTION OF CRITICAL Ca +2 HANDLING PROTEINS IN SUPER ANTIOXIDANT MICE Rohit Mital, Debra Wheeler, and Richard Gumina (advisor) Division of Cardiovascular Medicine College of Medicine, The Ohio State University


26 Antioxidant Overexpression Rohit Mital

27 Langendorff Apparatus (Ex Vivo) Rohit Mital

28 Infarct Size (Ex Vivo) Rohit Mital

29 How did the Kuckein Fellowship Benefit Me?  First authorship of a manuscript  Podium presentation at upcoming AMA-MSS Interim Meeting in San Diego, CA  Travel Reimbursement from AOA (Up to $1000)  Assistance and support from Dr. Sheryl Pfeil & Eileen Mehl Rohit Mital

30 Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)  T1 Training Grant  Full tuition for a degree in Masters of Public Health in Clinical Investigation (completed in one year) + monthly stipend so that you can also do research throughout the year  Can complete training between your 2nd and 3rd year or between 3rd and 4th year.  It is best to identify a mentor and project before the application process (due in December).  This project does not necessarily have to be clinical research- can be more translational and, in some cases, even basic science. 30 Emily Nurre

31 CCTS T1 Training Grant  My project was an elaboration of a project that I worked on during the summer of my 1st and 2nd year in medical school. The project focuses on gene therapy for neurological diseases - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy. We work with a mouse model.  A great experience if you are interested in clinical or translational research!  Curriculum includes biostatistics, epidemiology, study design analysis, etc.  If interested, start thinking of a project in advance! 31 Emily Nurre

32 Other Speakers  Jeff Mason  Pelotonia Medical Student Fellowships  Sam Matheny  Financial Aid Tips and Advice

33 Pelotonia Fellowship Program Director: Jeff Mason Chair: Gustavo Leone, PhD Co-Chair: Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD Mission Programs Jeff Mason-Director Apply at Where does the money come from? Can I participate in the ride? In its first two years, the bike ride Pelotonia raised an incredible $12 million. 100% of this money goes directly to life saving cancer research here at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. 25 undergraduate student slots  Available to undergrads in every field  1 year competitive stipend ($12K) 16 graduate student slots  Available to grad students in every field  Post candidacy  2 year competitive stipend (~$25K)  Grad fees & tuition paid 2 medical student slots  One year dedicated research apprentice 12 postdoctoral slots  Internal and external candidates  2 year competitive stipend Vision- To provide funding to the next generation of cancer researchers so that one day we may live in a cancer free world. Overview- Cancer is a complicated disease, and developing cures takes a multi-disciplinary approach. The goal of the Pelotonia Fellowship Program is to fund the best OSU cancer student/scientists, regardless of their area of study, who can contribute to the field of cancer research and who have the potential to become successful independent researchers. OSU Colleges funded Pelotonia is a grassroots bike tour that is available to everyone; young or old, athletic or not. There are rides available from 23 to 180 miles. If you can not ride, consider helping support this event as a virtual rider or volunteer. For more information about the ride: Additional programming  Annual Symposium  International Internships

34 What is Landacre Honor Society?  An honor society for medical students who have shown excellence in medical research  Leadership  Kate Pollard, President  David Clever, Vice President  Emily Nurre, Secretary  Kevin Horn, Treasurer  Mina Makary & Rohit Mital, Officers  Dr. Ginny Bumgardner, Advisor  Kelly Dillon, Med Student Research Program Coordinator

35 How Can I Join Landacre?  Applications are sent to all med students in February/March  Research performed as a student at OSUCOM, resulting in:  Authorship of a journal article,  poster presented at a national conference, or  an abstract competitively reviewed and accepted for an oral or poster presentation at a national conference OR  A competitive research grant from a national organization  Present at OSUMC Trainee Research Day  April 7, 2011

36 What Can Landacre Do For Me Now?  Attend Landacre events  Abstract & Grant Writing Info Session  Week of November 15 th  Journal Club  Poster & Oral Presentations Info Session  Apply for a leadership position in Landacre Research Interest Group  Applications will be sent at the end of this week


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