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GI pathophysiology Review section Bios E-162b, Dec 5, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "GI pathophysiology Review section Bios E-162b, Dec 5, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 GI pathophysiology Review section Bios E-162b, Dec 5, 2010

2 Overview of the GI system

3 Transit of foodstuffs through the GI system

4 The wall of the GI tract has several layers

5 Sphincters control the transit from one section of the GI tract to the next

6 Bile and pancreatic secretions are emptied at the same point in the duodenum

7 The enteric nervous system regulates GI activity

8 GI hormones also regulate GI activity

9 Gastroesophageal reflux is due to an insufficient closure of the lower esophageal sphincter

10 Hiatus hernias may also cause gastroesophageal reflux

11 Several factors may cause or aggravate GER - Young age - Obesity - Pregnancy - Postural changes after eating - Smoking - Peppermint, coffee, alcohol - Diseases of connective tissue

12 Gastric metaplasia of the esophageal epithelium GER may lead to Barrett’s esophagus

13 Barrett’s esophagus mat lead to esophageal adenocarcinoma

14 The stomach mucosa produces acid, mucus and pepsinogen

15 Several mediators induce acid secretion

16 Peptic ulcers come from an imbalance between acid vs. mucus + HCO3

17 H. Pilori is the most common cause

18 H. Pilori is the most common cause

19 The digestion of carbohydrates Most dietary carbs are polysaccharides Cooper GM. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 2nd edition.

20 The digestion of carbohydrates All carbohydrates are converted to monosaccharides before absorption salivary  -amilase 5% starchMaltose salivary  -amilase 25% starchMaltose pancreatic  -amilase 70% starchMaltose

21 The digestion of carbohydrates Disaccharidases at intestinal villi transform disaccharides in monosaccharides

22 The digestion of fats

23 Types of diarrhea Osmotic Secretory Malabsoptive ie. Lactose intolerance ie. Cholera ie. Celiac disease Inflammatory ie. Chron’s disease High motility ie. Some medications

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