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Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer, change of phase, and thermodynamics
Conceptual Physics Notes on Chapter Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer, change of phase, and thermodynamics
Temperature All matter—solid, liquid, and gas—is composed of continuously jiggling atoms or molecules. Because of this random motion, the atoms and molecules in matter have kinetic energy When a solid, liquid, or gas gets warmer, its atoms or molecules move faster The increased movement causes an increase in heat
Thermometer The first “thermal meter” for was invented by Galileo in 1602 The familiar mercury-in-glass thermometer came into widespread use some seventy years later. Mercury thermometers are being phased out because of the danger of mercury poisoning We express the temperature of some quantity of matter by a number that corresponds to its degree of hotness or coldness on some chosen scale. Nearly all materials expand when their temperature is raised and contract when their temperature is lowered. Most thermometers measure temperature by means of the expansion or contraction of a liquid, usually mercury or colored alcohol, in a glass tube with a scale.
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Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
This is going to be a REVIEW of last years chemistry class. However, we are going to look at this from a PHYSICS perspective.
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
All matter is composed of “jiggling” atoms. This matter has kinetic energy (Ch.8). This kinetic energy causes an effect we call warmth or TEMPERATURE. Cold objects have Less kinetic energy. Hot objects have More kinetic energy.
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
Most objects expand when it gains energy and contracts when it losses energy. A Thermometer is a good example. Celsius Scale Fahrenheit Scale Kelvin Scale Celsius Scale – named in honor of astronomer Andres Celsius (1701 – 1744). Fahrenheit Scale - named in honor of German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686 – 1736). Kelvin Scale - named in honor of British physicist Lord Kelvin (1824 – 1907).
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
The energy that transfers from one object to another because of a temperature difference between them is called HEAT. Note: Matter DOES NOT contain heat. Matter contains ENERGY in the form of heat. The grand total of all energies inside a substance is called INTERNAL ENERGY. A substance that does not contain heat, still contains internal energy (atoms vibrating).
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
Measurement of Heat The most common unit of heat is the CALORIE. The calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C. IMPORTANT: Calorie and calorie are both units of energy. Calorie is the Food version.
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
Specific Heat Capacity Different objects have different capacities for storing internal energy. Aluminum foil cools very rapidly…food in container does not! We call this Specific heat capacity.
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
Applications This leads to increased “jiggle” of atoms which tend to move apart. The result is EXPANSION of the substance. Bimetallic strip … Thermostat Bridge Gaps Jar lids
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
Conduction, Convection, Radiation Conduction The direct transfer or movement of warmth and energy from one molecule to another molecule by collision. Convection The organized motion or movement of large groups of molecules based on their relative densities or temperatures. Radiation The method by which the sun's energy reaches the earth
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
Newton’s Law of Cooling Newton's Law of Cooling states that the rate of change of the temperature of an object is proportional to the difference between its own temperature and the ambient temperature (i.e. the temperature of its surroundings).
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
Global Warming & the Greenhouse Effect Earth’s atmosphere is transparent to solar energy. This traps the energy…the greenhouse effect.
Temperature, Heat, Heat Transfer
Global Warming & the Greenhouse Effect This is good in that it helps heat the earth. HOWEVER…to much heating leads to global warming.
Chapter 16: Temperature and Heat
Temperature is a fundamental quantity which characterizes the physical state of a substance. In the microscopic statistical theory, we understand temperature as the average energy per degree of freedom of motion of the substance. Heat is an interaction between two objects, particularly the flow of energy from one object to another. When two objects are placed in thermal contact (so that heat is able to flow from one to the other), heat will flow until the temperatures of the two objects are the same. Then the two objects are in thermal equilibrium.
Temperature Scales Celsius – water freezes at 0 °C and boils at 100 °C
Fahrenheit – water freezes at 32 °F and boils at 212 °F Kelvin - water freezes at K and boils at K. But how do we determine the equal divisions between these calibration points? Absolute Zero – the lowest possible temperature: K = – °C TK = TC
Thermal Expansion Most substances expand when heated. They expand in all dimensions Conceptual Checkpoint 16-3: A washer has a hole in the middle. As the washer is heated does the hole (a) expand, (b) shrink, or (c) stay the same? Hint, what happens to the piece cut out to make the hole?
Water is special! Water is an exception to the rule. Between 0 and 4 °C it contracts. Above 4 °C it expands. Water is most dense at 4 °C. Precurser to fact that ice floats! (most solids sink in their own liquid) Thermal Expansion.
Thermometers & Thermostats
Use the expansion of Hg to define a temperature scale. Use the differential expansion of two dissimilar metals to make either a thermometer or a thermostat (temperature activated switch)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient
Any linear dimension L of a solid object with expand (or contract) with temperature changes. If L is the length at temperature T0, then L(T0 +DT) = L + DL DL = a L DT (DL/L) = a DT a is the coefficient of linear expansion a itself can be a function of temperature a(water) < 0 for 0º C < T < 4º C a(Cu) = 17·10-6 / (º C) 1degree Celsius change causes a fractional expansion of 17 parts per million.
Thermometers & Thermostats
Use the expansion of Hg to define a temperature scale. Use the differential expansion of two dissimilar metals to make either a thermometer or a thermostat (temperature activated switch) s0 = unheated common length R = radius of curvature of heated metal A s = Rq = heated length of metal A R+dr = radius of curvature of heated metal B s+ds = (R+dr)q = length of heated metal B ds = q dr = s0(1+aBDT) - s0(1+aADT) ds = s0 ( aB -– aA )DT ds = differential thermal expansion of metals A& B.
Absolute Zero Ideal Gas Law (Chapter 17)
Constant Volume Gas-Thermometer. Keep the reference level fixed = fixed gas volume. Adjust height as temperature of gas is varied Pressure of gas = r g h Pressure curves extrapolate to a common zero pressure at a common temperature T = C = -460F
http://chemed. chem. purdue. edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch4/gaslaws3
H2 & N2 at 0deg C CO2 at 40deg C
Heat Heat Q is the energy transferred between one object and another due to temperature differences. Heat is measured in calories (cal). 1 cal = J A Calorie (C) is a kilocalorie. Salad oil: 8.6kC / kg 8.6 kC /litre=36·106 J/litre Gasoline has only slightly greater energy density Mechanical energy can be converted into heat. Examples?
Solar Energy & Agriculture
The solar flux is 1 kW/m2. The atmosphere absorbs about ½, we lose ½ for night time, the growing season is ½ the year, ½ the days are cloudy. Modern agriculture is about 3% efficient at turning solar energy into plant chemical energy. Assume ¼ of this can be recovered in a seed oil (sunflower, etc), convertible to diesel. Total yield of 1 hectare: 100m x 100 m (1000 W/m2) (104 m2) (1/2)4 (0.03) (1/4) 1 Cal/s Gasoline consumption 1 gallon/person/day 1 gallon oil/day 34,000 Cal/day = 0.4 Cal/s We could power all of our vehicles on bio-diesel, But modern agriculture uses 1 gallon of fossil fuel to make 1 gallon of bio-diesel. Need a non-fossil fuel dependent agriculture.
Specific Heat If you add heat to a substance its temperature will increase. But how much? That depends on the specific heat of the substance. Q = mcDT Q = heat added m= mass c = specific heat DT = change in temperature Water has a very large heat capacity; a lot of energy transfer (heat) is required to change its temperature. This has a major impact on the climate. Water: c = 1.0 cal /(ºC g) = 1.0 Cal /(ºC kg) It takes one calorie to raise the temperature of 1 gm of water by 1 degree Celsius (use this to define 1 calorie).
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
Conservation of energy can be broadened to include thermal energy Work done on system by non-conservative forces = heat = thermal energy added to system Rub your hands to warm them (work done by friction). 1 calorie = 4.18 Joule
Specific Heat, values Table 16-2 Substance Specific Heat [J / (kg K)]
Specific Heat [cal/(kg K)] Water 4186 1000 Ice 2090 500 Air 1004 240 Gold 129 31
Walker Problem 29, pg 530 1.0-g lead pellets at 75 °C are to be added to 180 g of water at 22 °C. How many pellets are needed to increase the equilibrium temperature to 25 °C?
Conduction There are three ways in which heat can be transferred from one object to another: Conduction – when two objects are in physical contact. k = thermal conductivity Q = heat transferred A = cross sectional area t = duration of heat transfer L = length DT = temperature difference between two ends In a hot oven the air and the metal rack are at the same temperature, but which one feels hotter and why?
Thermal Conductivities, Table 16-3
Metals have high thermal conductivity, most electrical insulators also have low thermal conductivity. Air is a great insulator, except that large air spaces allow heat flow by convection. Substance Thermal Conductivity: k W / (m K) Gold 291 Glass 0.84 Water 0.60 Wood 0.10 Air 0.023
Convection and Radiation
Convection – when heat is carried by a moving fluid Heat house with radiator Gulf stream transports Heat from Caribbean to Europe Cold air inside window (in winter) sinks, creates convection = cold draft Radiation – when electromagnetic waves (radiation) carry heat from one object to another. Example: heat you feel when you are near a fire Example: Heat from the sun Formation of frost (ice) at night, T(air) > 0ºC, but surface temp drops below 0ºC.
Black Body Radiation Any object heated to a temperature T (on an absolute scale) radiates Electromagnetic Energy (light) with total power: P = e s A T4 0<e<1 = emissivity = property of material s = 5.67 ·10 –8 W/(m2 K4) A = surface area of object Peak wavelength occurs at l = (5.1·10-3 m ·K ) / T (Chap 30) Early triumph of quantum theory (M. Planck) to predict Power and wavelength equations, including the values of the constants, with just one free parameter (now called Planck’s constant). If the surroundings have temperature TS, then the net power radiated is P = e s A [ T4 - TS4] Dark, dry, night, TS = 3 K, Black body radiation cools the surface faster than conduction can transport heat from the ground or air. Frost can form even if air temperature > 0C.
Linear Dimension & Area
A disk has radius r. Which is true: The circumference of the disk is 2pr and the area is pr2 The circumference of the disk is pr2 and the area is 2pr
Thermal Expansion A metal disk of radius r = 5.00 cm and thickness d=1.00mm is heated such that every linear dimension expands to times its original length. What is the fractional change fC=(2pr’)/(2pr) in the circumference of the disk? 0.999 1.001 1.002
Thermal Expansion A metal disk of radius r = 5.00 cm and thickness d=1.00mm is heated such that every linear dimension expands to times its original length. What is the fractional change fA=(pr’2)/(pr2) in the area of the disk? 0.999 1.001 1.002
Heat Engines, Heat Pumps, and Refrigerators
Spring, 2009 Heat Engines, Heat Pumps, and Refrigerators Getting something useful from heat Lecture 7
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Heat can be useful Normally heat is the end-product of the flow/transformation of energy remember examples from lecture #4 (coffee mug, automobile, bouncing ball) heat regarded as waste: as useless end result Sometimes heat is what we want, though hot water, cooking, space heating Heat can also be coerced into performing “useful” (e.g., mechanical) work this is called a “heat engine” Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Heat Engine Concept Any time a temperature difference exists between two bodies, there is a potential for heat flow Examples: heat flows out of a hot pot of soup heat flows into a cold drink heat flows from the hot sand into your feet Rate of heat flow depends on nature of contact and thermal conductivity of materials If we’re clever, we can channel some of this flow of energy into mechanical work Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Heat Work We can see examples of heat energy producing other types of energy Air over a hot car roof is lofted, gaining kinetic energy That same air also gains gravitational potential energy All of our wind is driven by temperature differences We already know about radiative heat energy transfer Our electricity generation thrives on temperature differences: no steam would circulate if everything was at the same temperature Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Power Plant Arrangement
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Power Plant Arrangement Heat flows from Th to Tc, turning turbine along the way Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Engine Nomenclature
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Heat Engine Nomenclature The symbols we use to describe the heat engine are: Th is the temperature of the hot object (typ. in Kelvin) Tc is the temperature of the cold object (typ. in Kelvin) T = Th–Tc is the temperature difference Qh is the amount of heat that flows out of the hot body Qc is the amount of heat flowing into the cold body W is the amount of “useful” mechanical work Sh is the change in entropy of the hot body Sc is the change in entropy of the cold body Stot is the total change in entropy (entire system) E is the entire amount of energy involved in the flow Spring 2009 Lecture 7
What’s this Entropy business?
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 What’s this Entropy business? Entropy is a measure of disorder (and actually quantifiable on an atom-by-atom basis) Ice has low entropy, liquid water has more, steam has a lot Spring 2009 Lecture 7
The Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 The Laws of Thermodynamics Energy is conserved Total system entropy can never decrease As the temperature goes to zero, the entropy approaches a constant value—this value is zero for a perfect crystal lattice The concept of the “total system” is very important: entropy can decrease locally, but it must increase elsewhere by at least as much no energy flows into or out of the “total system”: if it does, there’s more to the system than you thought Spring 2009 Q Lecture 7
Quantifying heat energy
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Quantifying heat energy We’ve already seen many examples of quantifying heat 1 Calorie is the heat energy associated with raising 1 kg (1 liter) of water 1 ºC In general, Q = cpmT, where cp is the heat capacity We need to also point out that a change in heat energy accompanies a change in entropy: Q = TS (T expressed in K) Adding heat increases entropy more energy goes into random motionsmore randomness (entropy) Spring 2009 Lecture 7
How much work can be extracted from heat?
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 How much work can be extracted from heat? Th Hot source of energy Qh heat energy delivered from source externally delivered work: W = Qh – Qc Qc heat energy delivered to sink conservation of energy efficiency = = W work done Qh heat supplied Tc Cold sink of energy Spring 2009 Q Lecture 7
Let’s crank up the efficiency
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Let’s crank up the efficiency Th Let’s extract a lot of work, and deliver very little heat to the sink Qh W = Qh – Qc In fact, let’s demand 100% efficiency by sending no heat to the sink: all converted to useful work Qc efficiency = = W work done Qh heat supplied Tc Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Not so fast… The second law of thermodynamics imposes a constraint on this reckless attitude: total entropy must never decrease The entropy of the source goes down (heat extracted), and the entropy of the sink goes up (heat added): remember that Q = TS The gain in entropy in the sink must at least balance the loss of entropy in the source Stot = Sh + Sc = –Qh/Th + Qc/Tc ≥ 0 Qc ≥ (Tc/Th)Qh sets a minimum on Qc Spring 2009 Lecture 7
What does this entropy limit mean?
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 What does this entropy limit mean? W = Qh – Qc, so W can only be as big as the minimum Qc will allow Wmax = Qh – Qc,min = Qh – Qh(Tc/Th) = Qh(1 – Tc/Th) So the maximum efficiency is: maximum efficiency = Wmax/Qh = (1 – Tc/Th) = (Th – Tc)/Th this and similar formulas must have the temperature in Kelvin So perfect efficiency is only possible if Tc is zero (in ºK) In general, this is not true As Tc Th, the efficiency drops to zero: no work can be extracted Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Examples of Maximum Efficiency
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Examples of Maximum Efficiency A coal fire burning at 825 K delivers heat energy to a reservoir at 300 K max efficiency is (825 – 300)/825 = 525/825 = 64% this power station can not possibly achieve a higher efficiency based on these temperatures A car engine running at 400 K delivers heat energy to the ambient 290 K air max efficiency is (400 – 290)/400 = 110/400 = 27.5% not too far from reality Spring 2009 Q Lecture 7
Example efficiencies of power plants
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Example efficiencies of power plants Power plants these days (almost all of which are heat-engines) typically get no better than 33% overall efficiency Spring 2009 Lecture 7
What to do with the waste heat (Qc)?
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 What to do with the waste heat (Qc)? One option: use it for space-heating locally Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Overall efficiency greatly enhanced by cogeneration
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Overall efficiency greatly enhanced by cogeneration Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Pumps Heat Pumps provide a means to very efficiently move heat
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Heat Pumps Heat Pumps provide a means to very efficiently move heat around, and work both in the winter and the summer Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Heat Pump Diagram Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Pumps and Refrigerators: Thermodynamics
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Heat Pumps and Refrigerators: Thermodynamics Just a heat engine run backwards… Th Hot entity (indoor air) Qh heat energy delivered delivered work: W = Qh – Qc Qc conservation of energy heat energy extracted efficiency = = W work done Qh heat delivered (heat pump) Tc Cold entity (outside air or refrigerator) efficiency = = W work done Qc heat extracted (refrigerator) Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Pump/Refrigerator Efficiencies
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Heat Pump/Refrigerator Efficiencies Can work through same sort of logic as before to see that: heat pump efficiency is: Th/(Th – Tc) = Th/T in ºK refrigerator efficiency is: Tc/(Th – Tc) = Tc/T in ºK Note that heat pumps and refrigerators are most efficient for small temperature differences hard on heat pumps in very cold climates hard on refrigerators in hot settings Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Example Efficiencies A heat pump maintaining 20 ºC when it is –5 ºC outside has a maximum possible efficiency of: 293/25 = 11.72 note that this means you can get almost 12 times the heat energy than you are supplying in the form of work! this factor is called the C.O.P. (coefficient of performance) A freezer maintaining –5 ºC in a 20 ºC room has a maximum possible efficiency of: 268/25 = 10.72 called EER (energy efficiency ratio) Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Example Labels (U.S. & Canada)
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Example Labels (U.S. & Canada) Spring 2009 Lecture 7
Announcements and Assignments
Heat Engines Spring, 2009 Announcements and Assignments Chapter 3 goes with this lecture HW #3 due Thursday 4/23: primarily Chapter 2-related problems: (show work or justify answers!); plus Additional problems (on website) Remember that Quizzes happen every week available from Thurs. 1:50 PM until Friday 7:00 PM three attempts (numbers change) the better to learn you with Spring 2009 Lecture 7
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