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Galen Doser Kimberly Doyle Soham Ghosh Matthew Marsh.

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Presentation on theme: "Galen Doser Kimberly Doyle Soham Ghosh Matthew Marsh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galen Doser Kimberly Doyle Soham Ghosh Matthew Marsh

2  Implement Space Weather Observatory at RIT  Set up antennas on campus to get a 3- dimensional view of the particles in the ionosphere  Collect data, interpret what is happening  Collaborate with other space weather monitoring systems and figure out how to anticipate a space weather storm

3  By the end of MSD I the antennas will be placed throughout the RIT campus and the Command Center will be functional and analysis of system will have begun  MSD II will focus on the Command Center. It will become fully operational and will be capable of interacting with other systems monitoring space weather

4  Weather resistant cover for antennas  Antenna obstructions  Setting up a command center  Interpreting data, finding correlations  Linking into other systems monitoring space weather

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