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REPRESENTED TODAY BY: Swinburne University of Technology University of Ballarat Sunraysia Institute of TAFE NCS est. 2002 as a specialist centre now a.

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Presentation on theme: "REPRESENTED TODAY BY: Swinburne University of Technology University of Ballarat Sunraysia Institute of TAFE NCS est. 2002 as a specialist centre now a."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPRESENTED TODAY BY: Swinburne University of Technology University of Ballarat Sunraysia Institute of TAFE NCS est. 2002 as a specialist centre now a collaboration of 6 institutes

2 NCS Swinburne Overview Innovation…. Swinburne Sustainability Strategy Course development & delivery Industry & community programs Highlighting… Professional development Zoos Victoria: Skill Up Green City of Whitehorse Ambassadors

3 NCS Swinburne Strategy Swinburne Sustainability Strategy released 2009: Teaching & Learning…..Research…Culture and Stewardship….. People Development…Social & Community Sustainability…Business by 2015 100% of programs have sustainability embedded in learning objectives, content &delivery 50% of teaching, research, support & ancillary staff will have undertaken professional development in sustainability. > 6,000 students enrolled in sust/enviro units 2006  73% staff have a sustainability KPI 3

4 NCS Swinburne & Vet Sector PD Collaborating with TAFE Development Centre providing PD Integrating sustainability into teaching practice Workshops for 450 TAFE staff across 19 institutes 90% -100% of participants agreed/strongly agreed that they will be able to apply the learning in their workplace 4

5 NCS Swinburne Innovative courses Guideline Competency Standards for Sustainability since 2005… Operator: Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Supervisor: Implement &monitor enviro. sustainable work practices Manager :Develop workplace policy & procedures for sustainability building knowledge & skills in VET programs customised units now in > 6 Training Packages 5

6 NCS Swinburne Innovative courses Diploma of Sustainability – 4 core units delivered as dual qual with Dip/Bachelor Grad Cert in Sustainability/Voc Grad Cert – 2 cores + 4 electives Voc Grad Cert Educ. & Training for Sustainability – meeting the need for trained EfS practitioners Diploma of Carbon Management – + Carbon Accounting short course 6

7 NCS SUT Innovation in Industry Skill Up Green supporting Zoos Victoria staff & organisation staff as leaders in sustainability foster a learning culture training in skills for sustainability - Green Team 30 staff best-practice training initiative for related organisations 7

8 Zoos Victoria Green Team Skill Up Green 8

9 NCS SUT Industry & Community City of Whitehorse Sustainability Ambassadors 4 x 2hr training sessions over 6 months day time & evening + workshop series work/community based projects customised learner guides & resources Council aims… leading sustainability activities in community influence change towards eco-friendly living mentor others to save water, energy & wast e ‘Develop and implement a program to support behavioural change and sustainable practices’ from Diploma of Sustainability 9

10 NCS SUT Industry & Community Ambassador Louise - Local Shopping Precinct 11 business involved aimed to increase sustainable practice in business barriers, solutions, incentives, commitment, sharing practice plan, implement & present behaviour change project 10

11 NCS SUT Industry & Community Ambassador Lisa – Community Health Servi ce reduce waste to landfill / reduce contamination of recyclables 55 staff - staff education & clear signage waste inspection audit data forums, events, meetings plan, implement & present behaviour change project 11

12 NCS SUT Industry & Community 12 Positive outcomes over 40 Ambassadors trained accredited + non-accredited training translated for the Chinese Community active in the community – linking business & community new skills & improved chance of return to workforce Swinburne Vice Chancellor’s Sustainability Award & Finalist in LGPro Awards sustainability category

13 13 Sustainable Skills for a Sustainable Future – the UB Approach Craig Hurley Manager National Centre for Sustainability University of Ballarat

14 14 Sustainable Skills for a Sustainable Future TAFE Teacher PD program: Developed by UB TAFE Development Unit (TDU) and NCS – UB 1 year project (2009) 1 teacher from each UB TAFE department (12 participants) Funded one day a week (0.2) Engaged in a range of sustainability PD activities Sustainable Futures @ UB

15 15 Project Objectives: – To embed sustainability in all TAFE courses at UB – Build sustainability teaching capacity – To reduce departmental environmental impacts (energy, water, fuel, waste etc.) – To improve/update departmental sustainability procedures and staff behaviour – to provide each department with a Sustainability Champion – a ‘go to’ person on sustainability issues – To identify opportunities to lead industry (commercial)

16 16 Sustainable Futures activities: > Sustainability Training – 3 nat. accredited sustainability units – Trends in Education for Sustainability – UB Sustainability Policy > Departmental sustainability impacts – Identifying main environmental impacts and strategies to reduce these impacts – Development of Sustainability Action Plan and Departmental Policy > Curriculum – Identify sustainability themes in current curriculum – Identify opportunities to embed sustainability – Explore opportunities to partner with Diploma of Sustainability (Dual qual) Sustainable Futures @ UB

17 17 Project activities: > Specialist sustainability workshops > Sustainable industry event (conference, workshop etc.) > Excursions (Ecolinc, CERES, 7 Star Charity House) > Desktop research of tools, teaching materials/resources etc. > Modelling sustainable teaching practice – Using technology – Blackboard, Elluminate, podcasts, v/conferencing – Raising sustainability issues in class – Water, energy, paper, travel, waste – Promoting sustainability culture at UB Sustainable Futures @ UB

18 18 Outcomes (to date): > UB TAFE now has a sustainability champion in each department > Most courses now include sustainability content and/or generic units > Marketing of Dual Diploma of Sustainability > Improved departmental performance – reduced departmental impacts > Hair & Beauty to become a Green Salon - reviewing courses, procedures and products > Hospitality training kitchen now has recycling and composting – and an on-campus herb garden is coming! Sustainable Futures @ UB

19 19 Outcomes (to date): Building & Construction looking for recycling options (bricks, sawdust, timber) Recycling of waste timber for bird-boxes for Marysville & Kinglake Departments engaging with industry on sustainable industry practices Automotive dept. – best practice environmental procedures (esp. waste, spills etc.). Also looking at future training requirements Sustainable Futures @ UB

20 20 Other positives: Genuine enthusiasm from staff Sustainability now has a profile in the participating departments Environmental Action Plans and Departmental Policies are living documents Sustainability Community of Practice Greatly improved communication and cooperation: – between NCS and departments – between teaching staff and cleaning/facilities staff Sustainable Futures @ UB

21 21 Thank You Craig Hurley Telephone (03) 5362 2684 Manager Email: National Centre for Sustainability University of Ballarat


23 A place to understand what can be achieved Project was initiated to facilitate the adoption of sustainable technologies and practices in the Swan Hill Region Breaking down the barriers between people wanting to build energy efficient homes and the builders who struggle with change

24 A place to understand what can be achieved Lack of interest in new ideas and technology combined with a lack of material knowledge A self determination of what has been done in the past will continue to be good enough Referring to the “extra cost” as a deterrent for customers seeking different solutions and materials

25 Solutions to the barriers The project is focused on changing the behaviour of community and the building Industry Showing people examples of best practice energy efficient design and building practices

26 Solutions to the barriers Leading the provision of innovative training for pre apprentices and apprentices who will take back informed knowledge to employers Influencing the opinions by providing access and advice on energy efficient building practices

27 Innovative Approach Embedding sustainability into all aspects of SuniTAFE Developing a culture of staff embracing sustainability when designing and implementing training Staff taking ownership of research and training associated with embedding sustainability into programs

28 Innovative approach Leading by example and becoming champions

29 Innovative approach Development of “SuniPOD” buildings to provide professional development for trades staff to up skill building design, product knowledge and demonstrate that energy efficient and sustainable bungalows can be produced as part of student learning

30 On Going benefits Buy in and ownership of all staff Increased awareness of Pre apprentices and apprentices across all trade areas of practices and future trends in energy efficiency

31 On going benefits Behaviour change toward design, energy efficiency building practices and sustainability awareness Partnerships with Council, DSE, National Centre for Sustainability centres and community sustainability groups that focus on uptake of practices

32 Project Partners Project funded through

33 Questions? Robert Jardine Sunraysia Institute of TAFE (03) 5036 0222 Craig Hurley University of Ballarat (03) 5362 2684 Kathryn Donnelly Swinburne University of Technology (03) 9210 1923

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