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Finding and managing information for your doctorate (including Endnote): part 1 David Heading and Laura Jeffrey.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding and managing information for your doctorate (including Endnote): part 1 David Heading and Laura Jeffrey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding and managing information for your doctorate (including Endnote): part 1 David Heading and Laura Jeffrey

2 Part 1 overview Keyword searching Managing information - Introduction to Endnote Break Advanced searching and limiting options Endnote and Word Accessing information

3 Find resources on information literacy practices among researchers in higher education

4 What is the first thing you would do? Ask: What is it for? What do you want me to do with it? How much information do I need?

5 Define your information need Background Basic facts/ definition In depth secondary information Critical responses Data Primary material

6 How to search Effective searching should – Reduce the time spent looking for information – Maximise the quality and appropriateness of results Keyword – Part 1 Advanced search options – Part 1 Related material – Part 2 Citations and references – Part 2

7 Keyword searching Opening up your search – Synonymsbutterfly OR lepidoptera – Alternative spellingsorgani?ation will find organisation and organization – Word stemseducat* will find education, educational, educationalist, educating Terminology and symbols are database and catalogue specific


9 Keyword searching Narrowing your search – ProximityEuropean within # Presiden* – Phrase searching“Truth and Reconciliation Commission” – Additional keywords AND Chile – Excluding irrelevant resultsNOT South Africa


11 Examining the impact of teenage crime in the inner city youth juvenile adolescen* OR AND OR AND NOT teen* crim* “inner city” truan* ( theft OR “anti-social shoplift* thief) behavio?r” cit* London Examining the impact of teenage crime in the inner city cit* crim* youthadolescen* “anti-social behavio?r” London

12 Keyword strategy hands-on write a research question connected to your subject in the box at the top identify the keywords within your title / question and write these at the start of the rows write synonyms next to each keyword Use wildcards, truncation symbols where possible

13 Advanced search options Narrow results either before or after you search Limit to location, format, subject area, date range, document type etc. Database or catalogue specific

14 Advanced Searching Hands-on Choose a database or catalogue Enter your search strategy Try and limit your results before and after you search

15 Which resource? known item OR resource discovery introductoryOR in-depth subscription OR freely available full text OR bibliographic current OR historic/non-recent generic OR subject-specific primary OR secondary

16 Finding the right tool for the right job Thorough assessment of what available: Google Scholar Manageable number of results: subject specific database such as IBSS Full text journal articles: Jstor Most up to date research: Science Direct Primary material: EEBO Popular commentary: Nexis UK

17 Accessing Print Resources Borrow 40 books for up to 6 months Renewals and recalls Copy service and postal loans for p-t students For print not in stock – Ask if the library can purchase itpurchase it – Use Document Delivery Service and check to see if your department covers costsDocument Delivery Service – SCONUL Access allows you to visit and borrow from other institutions SCONUL Access

18 Accessing Electronic Resources Use library web pages Sign in off campus Use to find out if we have access Double check the catalogue if negative result or use resources in tandem if no option Make use of Document Delivery Service or SCONUL Access if we don’t


20 Accessing Resources Hands-on Look at what is available at other institutions in print using COPAC or WorldCat Try accessing e-resources from references- only database using ConneXions Look at Document Delivery options for your department Look at the information about SCONUL Access if you are not already a member

21 Summary Spend a little time thinking about – what sort of information you need and how you are going to search – what sort of resources you want and how you will access them and you will save time by having a more relevant and useful set of results Endnote saves you time and improves quality and consistency of citations and references

22 Part 2 Using citations and references Finding related material Styles of referencing in Endnote Keeping up to date with new research Same time next week Book online at

23 Evaluation Please fill in the evaluation form at to give us feedback on today’s session. Thank you.

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