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CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b1 TIGER Map of the Area Dr. Levine’s House.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b1 TIGER Map of the Area Dr. Levine’s House."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b1 TIGER Map of the Area Dr. Levine’s House

2 CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b2 TIGER Attribute Data

3 CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b3 Some Useful Fields FIDField ID Number LENGTHLength of full extent FNODEIntersection of “start” of street TNODEIntersection of “end” of street FENAMEStreet name (root) FRADDR# of first house on RIGHT side TOADDL# of last house on LEFT side ZIPRZip code of RIGHT side

4 CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b4 How to Find an Address 1.Find the records for the appropriate street. (There may be more than one.) 2.Find the particular record whose address range includes your house number. 3.Decide “left” or “right” based on parity. 4.Interpolate. 23

5 CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b5 But Apply Georgian’s First Law Don’t process the data yourself; get someone else to do it (of data processing)

6 CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b6 Limitations of Geocoding Mapquest says Dr. Georgian lives here Dr. Georgian says he lives here Whom do you believe?

7 CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 9b7 Why Is It Wrong? FRADDR3179 TOADDR3297 FRADDL0 TOADDL0 Where is Dr. Levine’s House? (#3299)

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