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Author: Kang Li, Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng Publisher: INCON 2003 Presenter: Yun-Yan Chang Date:2010/11/03 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Kang Li, Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng Publisher: INCON 2003 Presenter: Yun-Yan Chang Date:2010/11/03 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Kang Li, Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng Publisher: INCON 2003 Presenter: Yun-Yan Chang Date:2010/11/03 1

2  Introduction  Approach  Cache Architecture  Evaluation 2

3  Given a limited silicon resources, what is the best way to implement a packet classification cache?  Determine how to best use the limited resource in three aspects: ◦ Cache’s associativity ◦ Replacement policy ◦ Hash function 3

4  The method used to evaluate the performance of cache is to use trace-driven simulations. ◦ Packet Classification Cache Simulator (PCCS) ◦ Trace data set  Bell Labs  New Zealand  University (OC-3 link) 4 Fig 1. Flow volume in traces

5  The cache memory is an N-way set associative cache, which splits the cache memory into N memory banks.  Each memory bank is a directly mapped cache that is addressable by the output of the hash function. Fig 2. Cache Architecture 5 m: Flow-ID size k: result size N: set associative cache

6  For an N-way set associative cache, every input FlowID selects N memory entries from each memory bank.  Each entry contains an m-bit FlowID and a k- bit classification result.  Classification result is at least 1 bit for a packet filter, but could be multiple bits. Fig 2. Cache Architecture 6 m: Flow-ID size k: result size N: set associative cache

7  Cache associativity ◦ Focus on storage costs on cache.  Direct-mapped  N-way associative  Fully associative 7 Fig 3. Cache associativity

8  Cache replacement ◦ Determines which entry must be replaced in order to make room for a newly classified flow.  LRU (Least-Recently-Used) replacement  LFU (Least-Frequency-Used) replacement  Probabilistic replacement Algorithm: 8 update(state) if (state == 0) h = alpha * h; else h = alpha * h + (1 - alpha); alpha = 0.9 h: recent hit ratio Upon cache miss: update(0) // replace entry with probability h Upon hit miss: update(1)

9 ◦ Performance of different cache replacement algorithms using a 4-way associative cache 9 Fig. 5. Replacement policies using 4-way caches

10  Hash function ◦ A critical component to implementing a cache is the hash function used to index into it. ◦ Traditional hash function, such as SHA-1 hash function, the generation output takes more than 1000 logic operations (Shift, AND, OR, and XOR) using 32-bit word. ◦ To reduce the size of hash function and the latency, we design a XOR-based hash function operates on the packet header, and consumes only 16 logic operations (XOR and Shift). 10

11 11 Fig 6. XOR-based hash function (needs 16 logic operations) SHA-1 hash function (needs more than 1000 logic operations)

12 ◦ Compare the performance with 4-way associative LRU cache. The performance of XOR-based hash function is almost equal to the SHA-1 hash function. 12 Fig. 7. Hash performance using 4-way, LRU cache.

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