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El Camino de Santiago. ETYMOLOGY Santiago = Sant Iago – Other names of St. James: Jacobus, Jacume, Jaime, Diego, Jacques.

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Presentation on theme: "El Camino de Santiago. ETYMOLOGY Santiago = Sant Iago – Other names of St. James: Jacobus, Jacume, Jaime, Diego, Jacques."— Presentation transcript:

1 El Camino de Santiago

2 ETYMOLOGY Santiago = Sant Iago – Other names of St. James: Jacobus, Jacume, Jaime, Diego, Jacques

3 Compostella – Compos = field – Stella = star – Compostum- cemetery

4 SANTIAGO Who was St. James? – One of the 12 Apostles – Brother of St. John, cousin of Jesus – First of the apostles to become a martyr Beheaded by King Herod Agrippa I in Jerusalem (A.D. 44)

5 Connection between Santiago and Spain? – According to tradition, James had once travelled to Spain with his disciples to spread Christianity. – After his execution, his disciples took his body (including the head) back to Spain.

6 Miraculous Discovery – Emperor Charlemagne Dream of a star-studded road that led across France and Spain to the yet undiscovered tomb – Galician hermit Pelagius (A.D. 812 or 814) Witnessed a bright star hovering over an empty field Started digging  found perfumed body and a note – “Santiago, son of Zebedee and Salome, brother of John, whom Herod beheaded in Jerusalem” – Bishop of Ira Flavia confirmed discovery (A.D. 844)

7 SANTIAGO PEREGRINO/MATAMOROS Peregrino = pilgrim Matamoros = Moor-slayer Spain’s patron saint during: – Crusades (1095-1291) – Reconquista (718-1492) Emperor Charlemagne Spanish_reconquista.gif Spanish_reconquista.gif

8 PILGRIMAGE What is it? – Journey to a sacred shrine or location – Course of life on earth

9 CAMINO de SANTIAGO Bishop Gotescalo made the first pilgrimage to Compostela in 950. Between 12 th -14 th c. Santiago grew in prestige, eclipsing even pilgrimages to Rome and Jerusalem

10 Who were the pilgrims? – Commoners Peasants, “scoundrels,” vagabonds – Clergy: Monks (i.e. St. Francis of Assisi), cardinals, priests – Royalty: John of Gaunt (Britain), King Louis VII (France), King James III (Scotland) – Cultural luminaries: Chaucer’s wife, Sir Walter Raleigh

11 Give me my scallop-shell of quiet My staff of faith to walk upon My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of salvation My gown of glory hope’s true gate And thus I’ll take my pilgrimage. -Sir Walter Raleigh

12 Some reasons for undertaking the pilgrimage: – Spiritual power of the reliquary at Compostela i.e. healing for sickness – Penance – Alternative to temporal punishment French courts sometimes gave convicts the choice between imprisonment and pilgrimage – Tourism

13 TRADITIONS Cleansing ritual before entering the city of Compostela Mount Gozo – Pilgrims raced to the summit – The first to see the spires of the cathedral cried “Mon joie” (My joy!) He would be considered the “king” of the group – Others prayed or sung hymns

14 Shrine of St. James – Kiss his cape – Touch your hat to his head Visit chapels Confession Pilgrim’s Mass COMPOSTELA CERTIFICATE!

15 Discussion Questions Why do you think so many people continue to go on the pilgrimage today? What do you think of the dual representations of St. James? What do you think of the traditions/ myths surrounding Santiago de Compostela? – Do they have to be true in order to give meaning to the pilgrimage?

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