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The lack of efficacy among voters today (II) Sandra M. Emerson PLS 205.

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Presentation on theme: "The lack of efficacy among voters today (II) Sandra M. Emerson PLS 205."— Presentation transcript:

1 The lack of efficacy among voters today (II) Sandra M. Emerson PLS 205

2 Introduction Importance of public involvement in republic Structure of government that is deliberately complex.

3 Literature Review Demographic factors: Age Gender Ethnicity Behavioral factors: Education attainment Income Party affiliation Religious activity.

4 Methodology ANES 2008 Female, HS educated white and mid 40s. ∑ Efficacy

5 Is Gender a Factor?

6 Other Demographic factors? Not Significant Age Ethnicity Significant but not strong: religion and political party Republican norm highest

7 Behavioral Factors Education √ Income √ Efficacy with education r =.216 ** P=.000 Efficacy with Income r=.171 ** p =.000

8 General Model Ŷ efficacy = Male +β* Education +β* Income R 2 =.057 not robust

9 EDUCATION and EFFICACY Relationship between efficacy and years of education using quadratic (curve) model.

10 Findings Gender matters with efficacy but so might education. Need 1.More concise ANES questions 2.Qualitative approach to phenomena

11 Questions

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