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3 Areas of Reading Deficiency Other Common Long Vowels Complex Consonants Abstract Vowels Other Common Long Vowels- student is struggling with words that contain the long a sound: ace, ae, ai, etc… Plan of Intervention: I will introduce new elements in each sort as well as returning to previously examined features as a base for comparison. This ensures that earlier learnings are reviewed. For example, the focus one week may be a long a, with aCe, ai, ay. After knowing that skill has been mastered, I would move on to the long e with several different patterns—ea, ee.

4 Areas of Reading Deficiency Complex Consonants- Student is struggling with complex consonants/triple-blend letters. Plan of Intervention- I will target spelling variations for final /k/, /ch/, and /j/. I will also focus on the hard and soft c and g and silent consonants. Triple-letter blends are another area of focus for Henry. He is having trouble with /qu/ and /shr/. Other examples of triple letter blends include: /th/+/r/, /s/+/t/+/r/.

5 Areas of Reading Deficiency Abstract Vowels- Abstract vowels are vowels other than those influenced by r that are neither long nor short. This is often the last feature to be mastered at the within word stage. Plan of Intervention- I will highlight a new word element by contrasting it with what Henry already knows—namely, short and long vowel patterns. I will have Henry compare words with the same sound but different patterns (caught, raw, talk). I may even have Henry compare words with the same pattern but different sounds (foot and moon).

6 Examples of Abstract Vowels and Other Common Long Vowels… Abstract Vowels oo– bloom, boom, boost, cool, hoot, loom, loop ew/ou—blew, met, new, screw, croup, you, youth oy—coy, joy, soy, joy, boy oi—boil, coil, loin, toil, soil, point, void, foil, coin au—caught, cause, fault, fraud, gauze, haul, sauce Other Common Long Vowels ea—beach, bead, beak, beam, sea, steal, teach ie—brief, chief, field, grief, neice, piece, shreik, thief ow—blown, bow, glow, know, low, mow, own ue—blue, clue, sue, true, flue, due, cue, glue ui—bruise, cruise, fruit, juice, suit

7 More Examples of Abstract Vowels and Other Common Long Vowels Abstract Vowels al—all, bald, claw, drawn, hawk, jaw, law, paw, pawn, straw wa—swab, swan, swap, was, waft, walk, watch, watt, want aw—bawl, fawn, gnaw, jaw, law, slaw, sprawl, thaw, yawn, draw Other Common Long Vowels ew---blew, crew, dew, drew, screw, flew, yew, threw, stew y—by, cry, shy, spy, try, why, shy, pry, cry, dry igh—high, light, sight, thigh, tight, might, flight, fright, sigh

8 Areas of Deficiency Affect the Following Essential Reading Components… Fluency VocabularyComprehension

9 Review: Other Common Long Vowels ee, ea, ai, ay Complex Consonants /th+r/, /s/+/t/+/r/ Abstract Vowels Compare words with same sounds but different letters: caught, raw, talk Other area’s student is struggling: Reads too slow Decodes words slowly Comprehension Has trouble with 4 th grade text 2 nd grade text is his independent level 3 rd grade text is his instructional level 4 th grade text is his frustrational level

10 Activities for Struggling Reader BINGO: The student is given a BINGO card that has different common long vowel patterns—ee, ea, ie, ai, ay, open a, igh, ice, etc…The student is also given a stack of BINGO cards that have pictures on them and each picture contains a common long vowel pattern that is located on their BINGO card. Reading Checkers: Reading Checkers is a game where a checker board (from an old game) is constructed so that velcro words that contain abstract vowels are placed throughout the board. Abstract vowel words included are: tooth, sound, crawl, short, stew, crow, spool, salt, etc…The game is played like traditional checkers.

11 “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free” Frederick Douglas Reading is fundamental to function in today's society. It is our jobs as teachers to do whatever it takes to help a struggling reader become a fluent reader.

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