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“LEADS”: Leadership Enhancement And Development System.

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Presentation on theme: "“LEADS”: Leadership Enhancement And Development System."— Presentation transcript:

1 “LEADS”: Leadership Enhancement And Development System

2 For once, it’s all about YOU.

3 LEADS is… Designed to identify leadership traits and potential Intended as a professional development resource Comprised of feedback from a variety of observers (a “360-degree multi-rater assessment”) Confidential LEADS is not a performance evaluation

4 Participation is voluntary for both raters and participants Participants complete a self-assessment Observers do not have to be associated with Mizzou If participant elects to do so, they can repeat their assessment over time

5 Getting Started 5

6 Getting Started 6

7 LEADS Roles 7

8 LEADS: Rater Types 8

9 LEADS Enrollment 9

10 Enrollment Email 10 Participant receives email (shown below) asking him/her to click on a link to invite the raters.

11 Identifying Your “Raters” 11 Participant identifies each rater, designates their relationship and enters their email address. (The email address does not have to be a University account.)

12 Inviting Your “Raters” 12

13 Beginning Your Self-Assessment 13 Participant is sent an email inviting them to complete a confidential self-assessment. Participants are allotted two weeks to complete this assessment.

14 Self-Assessment 14

15 Self-Assessment 15 Each question set area closes with an “open-ended” response opportunity to enter comments about the area being rated for the participant.

16 Raters’ Process 16 Raters receive an email (shown below) indicating that they have been identified as someone who can help the participant better understand his/her leadership qualities. A link is provided for the survey and if raters choose to participate they are given two weeks to complete the questionnaire.

17 Raters: Accept or Decline Invitation 17 Raters will have the opportunity to participate in the survey or decline to participate.

18 Rater’s Assessment 18

19 Confidentiality/Anonymity 19 All rater responses are anonymous Three raters in each category are strongly encouraged There are exceptions, i.e., Supervisor & Mentor

20 20 As in the self-assessment, each section concludes with an opportunity for comments. The LEADS results report will include all comments provided for the participant’s review (identities will be anonymous except in cases where the group contains only one possibility [supervisor, for example]). Rater’s Assessment

21 Question Categories 21 Personal Qualities/Characteristics Competencies – Skills, Knowledge and Abilities Organizational Effectiveness Teamwork & Collaboration Customer Service Transformational Change Management

22 Values and Scales 22 Always Very Frequently Occasionally Rarely Very Rarely Never Rating scales offered in the question series: Not Applicable

23 23 Values and Scales


25 Results Reports: Overview of Output 25

26 26 Values and Scales For purposes of analysis, these ratings are converted into numeric values so that further calculations may be performed. These can be useful in identifying opportunities for development or utilization of strengths.

27 Output example 27 Numeric averages by question area and rating group Strengths = scores >80 Areas for development = scores <50

28 Output example 28 Average scores, bar chart format

29 Comparisons 29 Display of participant’s “self score” and combined scores of all other raters.

30 Comparisons 30 Some items will reflect a harsher “self” score than the ratings received from observers It is realistic to see some items scored in the lower end of the scale Measure: Self Score External Scores (All Other Raters Combined) Strengths = scores >80 Areas for development = scores <50 The participant demonstrates a strong commitment to excellent customer service. 80.0097.78 The participant communicates relevant information to others. 60.0097.78 The participant readily shares credit for success.60.0097.78 The participant conducts meetings effectively.20.0095.56 Strengths = scores >80 Areas for development = scores <50

31 Comparisons 31 Others will reveal areas perceived as strengths by the participant, but may actually be an opportunity for development Measure: Self Score External Scores (All Other Raters Combined) Strengths = scores >80 Areas for development = scores <50 The participant demonstrates enthusiasm regarding the organization. 100.0068.89 The participant demonstrates self-confidence.100.0073.33

32 Comparisons: “Dissonance” Scores 32 Areas of strong difference are sorted in order to highlight particular items on which the viewpoint of the participant and that of their raters was especially divergent. Measure: Self Score External Scores (All Other Raters Combined) Strengths = scores >80 Areas for development = scores <50 Dissonance Value The participant demonstrates enthusiasm regarding the organization. 100.0068.8931.11 The participant demonstrates self-confidence.100.0073.3326.67

33 Reflection time…. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER:

34 Where were you surprised the most? What did you already know?

35 Identify your areas for development (ratings approaching or below 50 = “less than occasionally”) Which items reflected the biggest difference between your own ratings and those of others around you? Are the areas for development different from what you expected?

36 LEADS Advisors: A Coaching Resource 36 helpful to have a professional “third party” review the results of the assessment (positive and negative feedback)

37 The Coaching Model 37 Conduct an assessment (LEADS) Establish principles of the coaching relationship Debrief the results Develop action plan/personal development plan Implement action plan Assess results

38 LEADS Advisors: A Coaching Resource 38  May also assist participants in developing strategies to identify or improve areas revealed in the LEADS assessment.  The LEADS advisor is aware of other campus resources that are available to support participants.  All meetings with the LEADS advisor are confidential.


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