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WHERE SELLERS COMPETE JOBBID.COM Michael Amorozo Gordon Liu Dylan Horkin.

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Presentation on theme: "WHERE SELLERS COMPETE JOBBID.COM Michael Amorozo Gordon Liu Dylan Horkin."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHERE SELLERS COMPETE JOBBID.COM Michael Amorozo Gordon Liu Dylan Horkin

2 VISION Craigslist meets eBay Designed to make it easy for people to find others for specific jobs, or alternatively, for people to get work Buyers can list products/services they need Sellers compete by offering lower prices or better services Buyer is given a list of offers and can choose Example: Bob needs someone to paint his house, and won’t pay more than $50 Steve will paint it for $40 Mark will do the same job for $30 Roger will both paint the house and reshingle the roof for $100 Filter listings by location/distance Automatic filtering of illegal entries based on key words Rating of buyers and sellers (to ensure workers get paid and buyers get what they pay for)

3 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE Apache MySQL PHP HTML Components Web server / PHP (web page itself) Database Account management Listing interaction Content filtering Sample Content, Categories, etc. Location based filtering Ads

4 CHALLENGES AND RISKS Infrastructure Front end needs to sync up with the back end If they’re at different degrees of completion, you don’t know whether your code is working or not. Interdependence between modules Possible to create mock-up webpages, but the user: can’t test the webpage until the database is ready, and can’t test the database until there is content to put in it Legal concerns unwanted “services” minimum wage exploitation

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