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Investigating English Literacy Practices In Residential Colleges Assoc.Prof Dr.Hazita Azman UKM-GUP-KRIB-6/2008 Research Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigating English Literacy Practices In Residential Colleges Assoc.Prof Dr.Hazita Azman UKM-GUP-KRIB-6/2008 Research Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigating English Literacy Practices In Residential Colleges Assoc.Prof Dr.Hazita Azman UKM-GUP-KRIB-6/2008 Research Workshop

2 ESZ Objectives To expose students of the significance of English language in their daily life in campus. To boost the confidence level amongst students to converse in English in all their activities at the residential colleges. Source: * Kolej Dato’ Onn

3 Research Objectives To investigate the types of English literacy practices individuals engage in, their purposes and meaning in relation to the development of English language proficiency To identify the types of literacy texts (genres) that are mostly used for these events and to determine their value in relation to the development of English language proficiency To study the types and range of valuing placed on different types of literacy events/practices and purposes in the ESZ events in view of English language enhancement. To find out the students’ view of the extent to which the ESZ project has impacted on their English literacy development and practices.

4 Research design ESZ project activites English literacy acquisition investigation: Types of literacy activities Relationship between literacy activities and English language proficiency Findings and Recommendations: Guidelines for Language Literacy based activity & Literacy environment enhancement

5 Research Milestone Discussion in Langkawi Determining parameters Research design: NOT ACTION RESEARCH Pilot questionnaire Phase 1 Oct-Dec 08 Data collection from colleges: Questionnaire Interview Document analysis Photo/video Data analysis Phase 2 Jan-June 09 Report of findings Recommendations and further plans for ESZ Phase 3 Jul-Sept 09

6 Research methods: Data collection Semi structured focus group interviews Participant observation Artifact collection (literacy environment) Student Profile (personal/family/education (literacy) background, self-assessment of English literacy, literacy events/practices and literacy environment at home/college/faculty/around campus/others, etc.)  Recorded Literacy events analysis (video/photos and oral/written accounts)  Assessment of English language and literacy competency

7 Research Site Three colleges were chosen for this study: 1)Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi* 2)Kolej Dato’ Onn 3)Kolej Hussein Onn *30 respondents from Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi were used for piloting of the questionnaire. 100 respondents from each colleges (2) and (3) for the actual study.

8 The questionnaire designed has six sections: Section A-Personal Background Section B- Language Repertoire Section C- Literacy Practices Section D- English Speaking Zone (ESZ) Section E- English Speaking Zone and Literacy Practices Section F- Student’s views of ESZ

9 Pilot study: Reliability and Validity of the questionnaire Section B Section C

10 Section D Section E Section F

11 Actual study: Number and gender of Respondents Total of the Respondents= 200 respondents Sec A

12 Self perception: Students’ Language Repertoire 1. I can speak in English Sec B

13 Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

14 2. I can read in English Sec B

15 3. I can write in English Sec B

16 Literacy Practices Types of English Language Practices that students most often engage in * The most significant practices that the students have (Pre-ESZ) Sec C 1)

17 Sec C 2) Types of English Language Practices that students sometimes engage in

18 English Language practices: Most English language practices in real world are media-use related: e.g television, internet, games. Reading is mainly for academic purposes. Low frequency use of English for assignments. Low frequency use of English for non- academic reading and writing events.

19 About ESZ Attitudes and Awareness about English Speaking Zone Sec D 1)

20 ESZ and English Literacy Practices 1) Reading Sec E

21 After ESZ, I am now more proficient reader in English: Sec E

22 ESZ and English Literacy Practices 2) Writing Sec E

23 After ESZ, I am now a more proficient writer in English: Sec E

24 ESZ and English Literacy Practices: Generally students find that they engage in more variety of texts (reading) for specific purposes. Generally students are required to write for different types of purposes. While many are sure that they have improved in terms of frequency in use of English, many are still not sure if they have improved in terms of literacy proficiency.

25 Students’ View of the English Speaking Zone 1)Language Skills that have improved due to ESZ in using English Sec F

26 2) For which purposes for using English do you think you have significantly improved in due to ESZ Sec F

27 3 ) Sec F

28 Students’ View of ESZ in relation to English Language development: Majority feel that ESZ have helped them feel comfortable in using English Majority feel that most improved skill is speaking and the ESZ events have mainly built their confidence for social purposes. However majority still need further boost of confidence and hope to be more proficient speakers who are fluent and more accurate (see next table)

29 Aspects that the students feel they need further help in relation to English proficiency Sec F

30 Feedback To Colleges: Analysis of ESZ activities carried out at residential colleges (Kolej Tun Hussein Onn) NoTypes of activitiesRelated English language practices 1Public Speaking “Money is dirtier than sex” Based on their general knowledge; the students are required to give their opinions, views 2Movie Marathon “Remember the Titans” View and review 3Table Games (Scrabble, monopoly, Boggle, Vocable) Using dictionary 4English classes group work Formal learning

31 1Scrabble using dictionary group work 2Name Hunt General knowledge (about KDO) Vocabulary 3Group Discussion General knowledge (Malaysian issues today) 4Charades (GUESSS? Proverb) Speaking group work Kolej Dato’ Onn

32 5Dream College Group work Speaking skills 6Group Sketch Speaking skills

33 Guideline for ESZ activity design Identify Project objective and performance outcome: What Language behaviours to be demonstrated? What knowledge to be evident? What level of achievement to be targeted? Identify related Language and Knowledge input: What type of source? How many? How much? What level? Identify related Language skills needed to support performance: Linguistic competency for accuracy Language learning strategies for information processing Language communication skills for fluency and appropriacy Critical reading and writing skills Genre-based literacy skills Conversational skills Language of critique Language of persuasion Metaphorical language Identify related non-language skills needed to achieve output: Critical thinking Creative thinking Persuasive language Interviewing skills Team work skills Project management skills Telephone skills Critiquing skills

34 Sec F

35 Challenges in carrying out study: From JAKSA and College Staff: Guarded Co-operation Lack of value given to research effort Nearly no participation from beyond the three colleges we approached. Could the unanimous YES to ESZ be true to certain zones only???

36 That’s all folks! Thank you for your kind attention

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