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Platinum Sponsor :. Introductions Annie Moon “Zizzlinger” Eric Epstein “Pop Tarts” Gita Gidwani “Clorox Anywhere” Jessica Zazworsky “Quaker Oatmeal to.

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Presentation on theme: "Platinum Sponsor :. Introductions Annie Moon “Zizzlinger” Eric Epstein “Pop Tarts” Gita Gidwani “Clorox Anywhere” Jessica Zazworsky “Quaker Oatmeal to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Platinum Sponsor :

2 Introductions Annie Moon “Zizzlinger” Eric Epstein “Pop Tarts” Gita Gidwani “Clorox Anywhere” Jessica Zazworsky “Quaker Oatmeal to Go” Jimmy Bennett “Mandarin Oranges” Steve Dumas “Pop Tarts”

3 Agenda Competition Overview Competition Basics Important Points Website Overview Calendar Q&A

4 ANNUAL KELLOGG MARKETING COMPETITION Test your marketing prowess, get hands-on marketing experience to talk about in interviews, and HAVE FUN! What is it? Teams of students market real products to the Kellogg student body in a creative way. The competition involves: 1.Developing a Marketing Plan 2.Promotion period 3.Final "selling" event during a Kellogg TG. (You’ll be at TG anyway, might as well have a chance at winning fame and fortune!) What’s the objective?

5 WHAT DOES IT INVOLVE? The Team 4-5 students per team No former marketing experience necessary 13 products from various companies Product assignment is random Create awareness and demand for your product through posters, emails, and MANY more creative tactics. The Product The Promotional Campaign Develop Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP) and present it to a panel of professors, students, and marketing professionals The Marketing Plan Have fun “selling” your product at a Kellogg TG You could win bragging rights and prizes! The Final Event


7 What’s In It For You? It’s a chance to run an end-to-end marketing campaign for real consumer products Go head to head against your fellow classmates for prizes and bragging rights It’s something to talk about in your marketing interviews It’s a LOT of fun



10 COMPETITION BASICS: Brand Strategy: STP 4Ps: –Product –Price –Promotion –Placement The Plan The Budget System Each team gets 100 Bid Points for its Promotions –Relationship marketing –Wild Postings/Guerilla marketing –Interactive marketing Each team gets another 100 Bid Points for “selling event” at TG –In-store circulars –Booth placement –Product sampling and other promotion tactics Each Team gets reimbursed for $150 for out of pocket expenses THE PLAN AND THE BUDGET SYSTEM

11 COMPETITION BASICS – The “Selling” Event The Promotions The Plan Design Execution Student Body Feedback AKMC Committee Revenues Event Execution 50 Points possible Grand Prize Special Awards 100 300 TOTAL POSSIBLE: THE JUDGING SYSTEM

12 EXPECTATIONS OF CONDUCT $150 “security” deposit required Must get approval for promotional material before public view Refrain from using images, language or innuendos which would be inappropriate, distasteful, or adult in nature (keep it PG – kids come to TG too!) –In years passed, several teams were impacted by administration cracking down on “inappropriate” campaigning. Remember that there are prospectives and companies visiting Kellogg all the time Post and promote only what, where, and how you were authorized to post and promote (honor code applies) Respect yourself, your classmates, our visitors, and your school You are encouraged to share your marketing plans with your sponsors after the competition. Make us proud!

13 OVERVIEW OF WEBSITE The source of Competition Information: Questions may also be emailed to any of the following people: Annie Moon: amoon2008 Eric Epstein: eepstein2008 Gita Gidwani: ggidwani2008 Jessica Zazworsky: jzazworsky2008 Jimmy Bennett: jbennett2008 Steve Dumas: sdumas2008

14 CALENDAR Deadline for Application Submission of Teams Saturday, October 6 th, 2007, before Midnight, Email: Announcement of Accepted Teams Sunday, October 7 th, 2007, by midnight Mandatory Kickoff Meeting and Product Assignments Tuesday, October 9 th, 2007, 12:15 PM Deadline for Contacting Product Managers Friday, October 12 th, 2007, 5pm STP Marketing Plan Presentations Wednesday, October 24 th, 2007, 9am Promotional Materials Due Tuesday, October 30 th, 2007, 5pm Campaign Launch (i.e., hang up promotional materials) Thursday, November 1 st, 2007 All Promotional Materials Must be Removed Wednesday, November 7 th, 2007, 5 pm Final Event: “Sell” Your Product at Kellogg “Mega Mart” TG Friday, November 9 th, 2007, 5:00 - 7:30 pm

15 2007 AKMC Team Application You know you’re the best – now prove it by applying: Answer the following questions (please limit total length to two pages, not including roster page): 1)Introduce your team to us and help us understand why your team should be selected to participate in AKMC. 2)What is your favorite brand? In your response, please include an analysis of why it is successful. Complete the following team roster: Remember, this is a marketing competition – feel free to get creative! Email your application and team roster to Steve Dumas (sdumas2008@kellogg Make sure file is <2MB in order to ensure delivery Materials are due on Saturday, Oct. 6 th before Midnight! Team Name NameEmailPhone Team ContactJustin Timberlakejtimberlake2009847-123-4567 Team MemberBritney Spearsbspears2009847-123-4568 Team MemberBeyoncébknowles2009847-123-4569 Team MemberJennifer Lopezjlo2009847-123-4560 Team MemberKevin Federlinekfed2009847-123-4561

16 Q&A Thanks for coming!

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