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Week 1, thursday, jan 14  Introductions  Topic: What good is educational psychology?  Assignments  Read, Brophy, J. (2010). Motivating students to.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 1, thursday, jan 14  Introductions  Topic: What good is educational psychology?  Assignments  Read, Brophy, J. (2010). Motivating students to."— Presentation transcript:

1 week 1, thursday, jan 14  Introductions  Topic: What good is educational psychology?  Assignments  Read, Brophy, J. (2010). Motivating students to learn. Chapter 1. Student motivation: The teachers’ perspective.  Other? the one five o

2 goal of te150: to see better  The goal of TE150 is to help you see better: specifically, to better see your students.  What does it mean “to see better”? the one five o

3 recognition vs. perception  John Dewey, educational philosopher Recognition is perception arrested before it has a chance to develop freely...In recognition we fall back, as upon a stereotype, upon some previously formed scheme.... Recognition is too easy to arouse vivid consciousness. In contrast, in perception although we may be looking at something very familiar, there is an act of reconstructive doing: and consciousness becomes fresh and alive. - Dewey (1937), Art as Experience, pp. 52-53 the one five o

4 to see better To see better is  perception, re-seeing  to see the familiar as unfamiliar, the ordinary as strange  to appreciate (to increase in value) the one five o

5 how to see better Q: Describe an example where you learned to see better. How did this happen? the one five o

6 what do you see? what makes this painting compelling? the one five o Hopper (1942) “Nighthawks”

7 examples of seeing better  Example: see Hopper’s Nighthawks  Example: listen to Grammy nominees  Example: look at classroom pictures and videos the one five o

8 what makes it compelling?  2010 Grammy nominees 2010 Grammy nominees  Top songs of the decade Top songs of the decade

9 how to see better  refrain from easy & quick “recognition”  take time  pay attention to details and nuance  compare your perception with others  get practice & experience  have ideas, the explore them * the one five o

10 the experience of perception  is the experience of learning

11 ideas & constructs as lenses  idea: concept, a way of seeing something, a suggestion for how to proceed  construct: a concept created in scholarly disciplines to facilitate perception and understanding the one five o

12 ideas & constructs as lenses  The responsibility of formal education is to introduce students to the constructs of the disciplines  The responsibility of the student is to… the one five o

13 ideas & constructs as lenses  The responsibility of the student is to take in, consider, and to see with the idea  Only then can they say they understand the idea.  It is up to them to judge the value of the idea based on what they could see with it.  This perspective on teaching and learning is inspired by Dewey’s philosophy of pragmatism. the one five o

14 What do you see? the one five o

15 What do you see?

16 what good is ed psych?  Who is Richard Mayer?  Background on the article  Q: According to Mayer, what lenses does ed psych offer? the one five o

17 example  Movie: Stand and Deliver  Jaime Escalante and his East LA AP Calculus class  Clips  14:00 pos & neg numbers  19:50 quiz, desire  25:00 the chair  34:00 algebra problems the one five o




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