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 Math and Science instruction use many tools.  The first technological tool used for math was the calculator.  The first mechanical calculator was.

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2  Math and Science instruction use many tools.  The first technological tool used for math was the calculator.  The first mechanical calculator was invented around 1642.  The first electronic desktop calculator evolved around 1961.

3  In 1967 Texas Instruments invented the first hand held electronic calculator.  In 1970 the first shirt-pocket-sized electronic calculator was available but expensive.  Also during 1970, the production of mechanical calculators ceased.  The mass production of electronic calculators makes them more affordable.

4  By 1978, solar calculators develop and the size of calculators are as small as a credit card.  Calculators are mostly used in secondary levels of education and above.  Calculator use at the elementary level is still a divided issue.  Texas Instruments Texas Instruments

5  Provides a variety of ways for learners to develop understanding of new and old concepts.  Digital technology, calculators, computers, educational software, and calculator-based laboratories, are some important elements in learning and teaching mathematics.

6  Just Math Tutoring Just Math Tutoring  Free Math Help Free Math Help  Virtual Manipulatives Library Virtual Manipulatives Library  Funbrain Funbrain  Microsoft Math  A Brief Overview Microsoft MathA Brief Overview

7  Increases knowledge and skills in Science.  Improves student attitudes and confidence.  Engages students by inquiry and application, rather than facts, diagrams, definitions, etc.

8  Starbase Arizona Starbase Arizona  Sunwise Sunwise  PBS Teachers PBS Teachers  Google Earth Google Earth

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