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Jennifer Tansey 9/29/11. Introduction / Background A common type of condenser used in steam plants is a horizontal, two- pass condenser Steam enters the.

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1 Jennifer Tansey 9/29/11

2 Introduction / Background A common type of condenser used in steam plants is a horizontal, two- pass condenser Steam enters the condenser through an inlet at the top of the condenser and passes downward over a horizontal tube bundle The tube bundle is made up of individual tubes through which a cooling medium circulates to condense the steam Typically the tubes in the top half of the tube bundle are the “cold,” first pass and the tubes in the bottom half are the “warmer,” second pass

3 Problem Description The objective of this project is to analyze the tube configuration in a bundle to determine the best arrangement of tubes for the maximum amount of heat transferred to the circulating water The six configurations shown will be analyzed The dark blue denotes the first pass tubes and the light blue denotes the second pass tubes

4 Methodology / Approach In order to successfully analyze the six tube configurations, the following approach will be adopted: Establish a function for the heat flux in the system Determine the change in temperature for the first pass tubes Determine the change in temperature for the second pass tubes (circulating water exit temperature) Numerically model the six configurations using a RANS approach Compare and analyze the analytical and numerical results

5 Resources Required and Expected Outcomes Thermodynamic and heat and mass transfer text books, published articles and journals will be used in establishing the governing equations for the project Software that supports RANS modeling will be used to model the tube configurations Microsoft Office will be used for post-processing From this study, the optimal tube arrangement of the six cases analyzed for a two-pass condenser will be determined Additionally, conclusions will be drawn about the effect of tube configurations in a bundle on the amount of heat transferred from downward steam on horizontal tubes in a condenser under vacuum conditions

6 Milestones / Deadline List MilestoneCompletion Date Submit Proposal9/27/11 Create Equation for Heat Transfer in Tubes10/1/11 Perform Analysis for Cases10/15/11 First Progress Report10/21/11 Model the Cases11/5/11 Second Progress Report11/11/11 Analyze Results from Numerical Modeling11/19/11 Compare Analytical and Numerical Results11/26/11 Final Draft12/2/11 Final Report12/16/11

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