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Catie Sosniecki, Sarah Dombrovski, Lauren Rakowski.

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Presentation on theme: "Catie Sosniecki, Sarah Dombrovski, Lauren Rakowski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catie Sosniecki, Sarah Dombrovski, Lauren Rakowski

2  “a birth defect is an abnormality of structure, function, or metabolism present at birth that results in physical or mental disability or is fatal”  1 in 33 babies is born each year in U.S. with a birth defect  20% of total infant deaths is caused by birth defects  Most common are heart defects

3  Costs of birth defects  reducing disabled population  Stereotypes

4  Adjusting to psych-social environments  Self-esteem of disabled people  Quality of life

5  Abortion  Genetic Screening/fetal genetic tests  In-vitro fertilization

6  Withholding medical treatment  Sterilization

7  State funding  NGOs  FDA and EPA  Accutane

8  Developing countries:  Intellectual property law  Patent laws  Infrastructure

9  Extremely controversial issue  Politically:  Happy medium  Ethically:  Personal needs met  Socially:  Disabled still stigmatized and stereotyped

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