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Quantum-Cloning Valerio Scarani - Chapter Three. Context 1982 Wooters and Zurek Nature 1982 Dieks Asher Peres ph/pdf/0205/0205076v1.pdf

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Presentation on theme: "Quantum-Cloning Valerio Scarani - Chapter Three. Context 1982 Wooters and Zurek Nature 1982 Dieks Asher Peres ph/pdf/0205/0205076v1.pdf"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantum-Cloning Valerio Scarani - Chapter Three

2 Context 1982 Wooters and Zurek Nature 1982 Dieks Asher Peres ph/pdf/0205/0205076v1.pdf ph/pdf/0205/0205076v1.pdf No classical error correction! (but Q Error Corr. possible, Shor) No classical teleportation! (but Q Teleportation possible, see next chapter) Imperfect Quantum Cloning

3 The Classical Copier Source + Blank → Source + Copy X + B → X + X Y + B → Y + Y … + B → … + … the outcome does not depend on B! The procedure is independent of the source: is the operation below a copier? D + B → D + D X + B → X + D Y + B → ? Is the copier affected by the act of copying X+B+C → B+B+C’ ?

4 Quantum Transformations How does one transform a Quantum State? | ψ> → | ψ’> 1.Evolution: affect it with dynamics Smooth (& probability preserving = ) e.g. Schroedinger equation (differential eqn.) 2.Measurement: ask a question to the system Sudden (& probability preserving) e.g. The measurement postulate (projective) 3.Can the two be reconciled?

5 No-Cloning Theorem Show using unitarity or conservation of probability |V>|B> =|VB> → |VV> |α >|B> =|αB > → |αα > Compare and Show using linearity (homework)

6 Imperfect Copying The copier that does not work at all is unitary! The copier that is unitary does not work! There must be an “optimal” copier Fidelity of cloning: did we get what we want? Trivial (random) cloning gives F=3/4 Optimal (Buzek-Hillery) cloning gives F= 5/6

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