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National Center for Public Health Informatics Reportable Condition Mapping Table (RCMT) Project: Overview March 17 th, 2011 CSTE & CDC ELR Task Force Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "National Center for Public Health Informatics Reportable Condition Mapping Table (RCMT) Project: Overview March 17 th, 2011 CSTE & CDC ELR Task Force Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Center for Public Health Informatics Reportable Condition Mapping Table (RCMT) Project: Overview March 17 th, 2011 CSTE & CDC ELR Task Force Standards Workgroup

2 Agenda Roll Call Welcome RCMT Overview & Content Review Process Overview of NNDSS Overview of CSTE State Reportable Conditions Assessment

3 Ground Rules for Call Be sure to mute your phones *6 Please do not place call on hold Operator assist code is *0 Please go to phConnects for additional info and to post your feedback on the RCMTsphConnects Questions and feedback can also be sent to

4 RCMT – Call for Participation Engage a wide range of stakeholders in review and comment of the RCMTs Include subject matter experts in: –Laboratory medicine –Epidemiology –Infection prevention –Informatics (especially vocabulary standards) –Members of the EHR/LIS vendor community

5 RCMT Outreach Who have we reached out to for participation and expertise? –CDC Programs –CSTE/CDC Joint ELR Task Force –National ELR WG –CSTE –APHL / PHLIP –Public Health Communities of Practice ( VMCoP, Lab Msg CoP, CRSWg, phConnect – Public Health CoP) –HL7 PHER –PHDSC –CDC PHIN Partners –CDC Meaningful Use Advisory Workgroup / MU Community –Vendors, Labs, Implementors

6 RCMT Universe of reportable conditions comprises every condition that is reportable in any jurisdiction. Reportable conditions include those that are nationally notifiable, and those that are not nationally notifiable. The RCMTs include LOINC-to-condition and SNOMED-to-condition mapping tables.

7 Scope of RCMT June 2011 deliverables –Start with NNDs NNDs generally represent conditions that are reportable in jurisdictions that account for at least 50% of the US population List is known Can build on CSTE TIG work –If time is available, move on to non-NNC reportable conditions, prioritized in a similar manner

8 Scope of RCMT Address in subsequent stages –Conditions for which coordination with other initiatives is required (e.g., Cancer, NHSN, Syndromic) –Genetic testing beyond core newborn screening tests

9 RCMT & Meaningful Use Included in the Stage 1 Meaningful Use- Menu Set under Public & Population Health is an Eligible Hospital (EH) “ Capability to submit electronic data on reportable lab results to public health agencies and actual submission in accordance with the applicable law and practice”

10 RCMT: Meaningful Use & ICS

11 RCMT: CSTE /CDC ELR Task Force - Standards Workgroup

12 Original Scope & Purpose of Dwyer NCMT RCMT (author: Jerry Sable, 2004) A pplications – Not application or software. Repositories of facts needed by public health applications for filtering. B reakable – Dwyer tables have information about all the notifiable condition associated lab tests and results. Users could break this or subset for efficient use (e.g. STD subset of Dwyer Table). C ase definitions – Dwyer tables are not laboratory criteria for diagnosing notifiable conditions and cannot be used to confirm cases. All the tests in the Dwyer table are related to notifiable conditions, but the strength of the relationship varies. (e.g., IgG antibody tests  Past infection). D ecision support – Dwyer tables provide facts but does not contain any rules or criteria for ruling in or ruling out various situations. Dwyer table is not a decision support system but could provide facts for a decision support system E LR – Used for filtering the lab test results and routing the lab results to various public health programs. Dwyer table was designed primarily for ELR. F inished – Dwyer tables are not finished or complete. Changes in notifiable conditions list, new lab tests, organism taxonomy updates, medical knowledge updates, Coding system updates (LOINC and SNOMED). So, keeping the Dwyer Table up-to-date is an ongoing project.

13 RCMT - Life Cycle (Maintenance)

14 RCMTs & You Who? –Examples: lab and epi SMEs, jurisdictional staff with operational responsibility for lab messaging or ELR systems. –Familiar with (or want to dive deeply into) LOINC and SNOMED terminology issues related to reporting What? –Review RCMT content and delivery mechanisms and provide feedback When? - Every Thursday between 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Eastern. Meeting info at RCMT site We need you!

15 RCMT Demo Schedule 1)RCMT Content Demo Schedule is available on RCMT phConnect site – 2)10 minutes per condition “Show and Tell” of RCMT and 5 minutes discussion. CDC lab and program SMEs will attend. 3)RCMT content files will be posted in phConnect (RCMT Workgroup) for offline discussion and feedback. 4)Demo Schedule: 1)Nationally Notifiable Condtions a)Bacterial, Viral, Parasitic, Fungal, Non-Infectious Conditions 2)Non-Nationally Notifiable Conditions are not covered in the current demo schedule. We have plan on adding Tuesday calls in May and June, if needed. 5)Any feedback on the demo schedule.

16 Communications How do I provide feedback? 1)Feedback can be provided to phConnect site – 2)Feedback can be privately provided to Can I get reminders about upcoming meetings? Yes, please provide you name and email to Is this open to others who may be interested in participating? Yes, this is an inclusive process but we have limited phone lines so we ask that you convene in central office locations when possible Is there a meeting room for CDC Participants in Atlanta? Yes, this will be posted on phConnects Who will send me communications about the RCMT Communications will typically come from PHINVS

17 RCMT Planning Team CDC CSTE ELR Task Force – Standards Workgroup –Co-Leads (Rita Altamore and Dariuz Shirazi) –CDC SME Staff (Sundak Ganesan) –Task Force Project Manager (Shu McGarvey) CDC Vocabulary Team (PHIN VADS) –Mark Winarsky and Michael Pray RCMT Content –Jerry Sable, Sheila Abner, Sundak Ganesan, Sanjeev Tandon Meeting Logistics / Communication - Vanessa Fernandez, Kaley Smith E-mail RCMT Planning Team: PHINVS@CDC.GOVPHINVS@CDC.GOV RCMT PhConnect Website-

18 Demo Tour of the RCMT PhConnect Online Site

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