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Solow Growth Model: The Steady State

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Presentation on theme: "Solow Growth Model: The Steady State"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solow Growth Model: The Steady State
= 0

2 Effect of Increasing the Investment Rate on the Steady State

3 Speed of Convergence to the Steady State
kss = (A γ/ δ) 1/(1-α) Δk/k = γAk(α-1) – δ = γY/k - δ

4 Predicted Versus Actual GDP per Worker

5 Relationship Between Income per Capita and Population Growth

6 The Malthusian Model Fixed land Decreasing returns to labor

7 Breakdown of the Malthusian Model in Western Europe: KAPITALism

8 The Solow Model Incorporating Population Growth
Δk = γy – nk - δk  kss = [A γ/(n + δ) ] 1/(1 – α) yss = A 1/(1 – α) [γ/(n + δ) ] α/(1 – α)

9 Mortality Transition: Life Expectancy in Developed Countries
Life Expectancy in Developing Countries

10 Fertility Transition: Total Fertility Rate in the United States, 1860–2005

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