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Vera Denzer, Institute for Geography, University of Leipzig Urban heritage tourism: up-to-date modes of memory for tourists.

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Presentation on theme: "Vera Denzer, Institute for Geography, University of Leipzig Urban heritage tourism: up-to-date modes of memory for tourists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vera Denzer, Institute for Geography, University of Leipzig Urban heritage tourism: up-to-date modes of memory for tourists

2 Structure of the paper 1.Indroduction 2.The construction of cultural heritage and the heritage industry 3.Modes of perception by tourists - Tourist gaze - Tourist peformances 4.Results of the pilot study Leipzig 5.Conclusion 1. Introduction

3 Culture heritage “Heritage is inherently a spatial phenomenon. All heritage occurs somewhere and the relationship between heritage object, building, association or idea and its place may be important in a number of way” (Graham/Ashworth/Tunbridge 2000:4). Heritage is defined by using the past as a resource for the present (Graham/Ashworth/Tunbridge 2000:11). Heritage is both a cultural and an economic good and is commodified as such (Graham/Ashworth/Tunbridge 2000:5). 2. The construction of cultural heritage

4 Paulinum (inner city university campus at the Augustusplatz, Leipzig) 2. The construction of cultural heritage

5 2. The Pauline Church The Pauline Church with the Augusteum (Postcard about 1920) (entnommen: Schmidt et al. 2005)

6 2. The Pauline Church (Rosner 1992: 47) Demolition of the University Church ( 30. Mai 1968)

7 2. The Pauline Church Steel gable installation by the artist Axel Guhlmann (in front of the main university building)

8 Paulinum (Design from the office of Rotterdam architect Erick van Egeraat 2004 ) 2. The construction of cultural heritage

9 Aspects which are important to create commemorative places 2. The construction of cultural heritage (1) Different groups of people and actors reinterpret and reconfigure physical-material spaces in different ways. (2) The process of commemoration goes hand in hand with the process of oblivion/repression. (3) These processes are always linked with issues of power.

10 Tourist gaze “the emphasis is upon solitude, privacy, and a personal, semi-spiritual relationship with the object of the gaze“ * romantic gaze “communal activity“ “Series of shared encounters“ “Gazing at the familiar“ * Principal point: to take part in something and to share collective gaze “Communal activity“ ”Series of brief encounters“ ”Glancing and collecting different signs“ * spectatorial gaze “Solitary“ “Sustained immersion“ ”Scanning and active interpretation“ * anthropological gaze “Collective organization“ “Sustained and didactic“ “Scanning to survey and inspect“* environmental gaze looking at objects with awe, like a believer looking at a sacred site ** e.g. important buildings like cathedrals reverential gaze trying to reconstruct certain aspects of media events in situ ** e.g. historic novels mediatised gaze Looking for the authentic, everyday life, off the beaten track of tourism *** everyday life gaze Some kind of anti-collective gaze, opposedto mass tourism with a strong will to distinction the gaze on others *Urry 1992, Ap. 22; ** Urry 2002; ***Popp 2009, p. 47 3. Modes of perception by tourists

11 Tourist performances *Urry 1992, Ap. 22; ** Urry 2002; ***Popp 2009, p. 47 3. Modes of perception by tourists The term performance “incorporates ideas of active bodily involvement, physical activity and gazing ” (Perkins and Thorns 2001: 185). Producing cultural heritage „is not a one-way process with the tourism operators in complete control of the image making (Ek et al. 2008: 192 by reference to Massey 1995, see Perkins and Thorns 2001). Aspects of processuality, living heritage as well as emotional, non-visual types of perception are thereby being discussed in the context of performative turn (see Ek et. al. 2008: 125).

12 Methodology Results from research project with master students Guided expert interviews standardised survey (N=106) (incl. Photograph association) location of survey in Leipzig, city-centre 4. Results of the pilot study

13 The Leipzig-Tourist ?! For how long will you stay in Leipzig? Absolute frequencypercent validPassing through21,9 Weekend43,8 One day2220,8 Long weekend1413,2 two to four days (except weekend) 3936,8 One week1817 Other76,6 SUM106100 Mode of arrival* Absolute frequencyPercent validWith family65,7 Tour group1110,4 Friends2321,7 In pairs4340,6 Alone2220,8 SUM105100 *One invalid case; just one response per person allowed **multiple answers allowed Which mode of travel do you prefer? Absolute frequencypercent validI plan my own itinerary and i want to be free of any time constraints 6864,2 I prefer to travel in guided tour groups1615,1 I prefer travelling with friends in a small group2220,8 SUM106100 For which reasons did you come to visit Leipzig? ** Answers Percent of valid cases NPercent valid answers with "yes" The city as a whole4828,7%45,3% Relatives53,0%4,7% Education21,2%1,9% Culture159,0%14,2% Friends1810,8%17,0% Surroundings, landscape 63,6%5,7% Appointment 31,8%2,8% Shopping53,0%4,7% clubbing, scene42,4%3,8% Part of an offer/ round trip 42,4%3,8% Curiosity106,0%9,4% A specific place53,0%4,7% A specific event1810,8%17,0% Other2414,4%22,6% SUM167100,0%157,5% How did you become aware of Leipzig? ** Answers Percent of valid cases NPercent valid answers with "yes" Internet1712,9%16,2% Magazines64,5%5,7% Newspaper64,5%5,7% Friends/Aquain tances 5037,9%47,6% Guidebook118,3%10,5% Other4231,8%40,0% SUM132100,0%125,7% 4. Results of the pilot study

14 Tourist Gaze - typ 4. Results of the pilot study

15 Places of interest - Highlights Which places of interest have you visited yet (in Leipzig)? Places of interestSum Other58 St. Nicholas Church/Friedenssäule54 Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall)51 Gewandhaus39 Marktplatz (Market Square)36 St. Thomas Church36 Augustusplatz33 Monument to the Battle of the Nations30 Opera25 Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall)24 Leipziger Neuseenland16 Museum der bildenden Künste (Museum of Fine Arts) 13 Zoo Leipzig13 Bundesverwaltungsgericht (Federal Administrative Court of Germany) 9 Museum in der Runden Ecke9 Baumwollspinnerei6 Stadtgeschichtliches Museum6 Zeitgeschichtliches Museum6 Grassi-Museum5 N=106 each category 4. Results of the pilot study

16 Important aspects for tourist experiences *Urry 1992, Ap. 22; ** Urry 2002; ***Popp 2009, p. 47 3. Modes of perception by tourists Authenticity Atmosphere Location Historically important places Nikolai Church + Pillar of Peace

17 Reasons to visit Leipzig “For which reasons did you come to visit Leipzig?” (multiple answers allowed, no hints) “Which topics do you associate with Leipzig? Please name three topics.” (multiple answers allowed, hints allowed) Reasons to visit Leipzig + Topics associated with Leipzig * *in percent, in relation to „Reasons to visit Leipzig“ every set of bars add up to 100% 5. Conclusions

18 What will last? Wordcloud “What do you keep in mind of Leipzig?“* *maximum 3 answers per subject 5. Conclusions

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