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8:30 - Welcome! 8:45 - Cohort logistics – house keeping 9:45 - Supervision 11:30 - Communication & Planning 12:00 - Lunch.

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2 8:30 - Welcome! 8:45 - Cohort logistics – house keeping 9:45 - Supervision 11:30 - Communication & Planning 12:00 - Lunch

3  P -24 Assignment Overview  Student Acclimation – needs & wants!  Student start dates in your school …what works best?  Communication & Black board  Student – Faculty Supervision

4  Ongoing collaborative relationship between supervisee and supervisor that leads to improved functioning of the supervisee and the client.  Developmental Model of Supervision

5  Supervisor’s distinctive manner of approaching and responding to trainees.  Emphasizes the interpersonal or relationship aspects of supervision.

6  Work products  Professional standards  Personal growth and development  Evaluation of work performance

7  Team Supervision  Shadow Supervision  Paired Supervision  Necessary components:  Mutual trust & respect  Making time for quality interactions Developing a continuum of supervision…

8 Practicum On-Site Supervisor Clinical Faculty 1 st year as supervisor – 5 years exp. Review supervisor guidelines Review student-as-supervisee Completion of full year as supervisor Participation in one of two cohort mtg. Completion of minimum yearly points

9 Active Clinical Faculty – 500 points Inactive Clinical Faculty – 200 Points Student supervision 400“Brown bag” group mtgs. 50 each Cohort meeting attendance 50 50 Present at cohort meeting 50 50 Article for VASP newsletter 50 50 Host a regional cohort meeting 50 50 1 st year student support - 25 per event 25 points per event Other: Why Points? Isn’t being a supervisor enough?!

10  Spring meeting date  Regional cohort meetings  Blackboard

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