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Student-Faculty Conference Chemistry Wednesday April 6 th, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Student-Faculty Conference Chemistry Wednesday April 6 th, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student-Faculty Conference Chemistry Wednesday April 6 th, 2011

2 Committee Members Faculty Theodor Agapie Assistant Professor of Chemistry Geoffrey Blake Professor of Planetary Science Professor of Chemistry Jeffrey Mendez Chemistry Laboratory Instructor Douglas Rees Professor of Chemistry Undergraduate Option Rep Brian Stoltz Professor of Chemistry Executive Officer of Chemistry Students Eva Nichols Junior, Student Chair Theresa Geiger Senior Megan Jackson Sophomore Theodore Koenig Junior

3 Discussion Topics Ch 21 abc Ch 14 Bi/Ch 110 Writing Requirement Senior Thesis

4 Ch 21 abc IssueRecommendation Many students of different math and QM backgrounds take this class Split into two tracks? Better advertise Ch125 as an alternative for more advanced students Course is intimidating for some students Ch 21a: emphasize importance of QM before hard core math Decrease amount of class time spent on derivations; focus on helping students understand Implement planned recitations by the TAs to supplement lecture (in addition to office hours) Make better distinction between necessary material and supplementary material

5 Ch 21 abc, continued IssueRecommendation Course material is not well motivated; students have difficulty appreciating importance Implement a simple computational problem/project to motivate study of topics Include numerous examples of real-world applications Course is discontinuous from one term to another Increase collaboration between professors teaching each term Continue work on computational project across all three terms Previous SFC suggestion: employ course coordinator? Course material is not interactive Incorporate (or increase use of) Mathematica and/or chemical computation software Explain how to use it

6 Ch 14 IssueRecommendation The goal of the first half of the course is unclear Comprehensive review of the course is needed Perhaps add kinetics? Level of the first half of the course is too low (repeat of high school chemistry) Follow textbook more closely rather than depending solely on class notes Ch14 does not excite student interest in Ch15 (analytical lab course) Incorporate new information into the class (i.e. from recent literature) Include more examples of real- world applications in analytical chemistry and why students should care Advertise Ch15!

7 Bi/Ch 110 IssueRecommendation Class information is disorganized and expectations are not clear Follow textbook chapters more closely? Class needs reorganization and better structure (revise syllabus) Audience is too varied (premeds, bio, bioE, and chem students). Each group is either bored or confused Consider splitting into two tracks (with varying degrees of organic chemistry rigor)? Class does not properly equip chemistry majors to succeed on exams or in other courses Enhance the organic chemistry aspect by providing supplemental reading/exercises?

8 Writing Requirements IssueRecommendation Current system not effective at producing confident writers Encourage students to take scientific writing classes while freshmen or sophomores Misconception: chemistry majors must take Ch91. Make it more widely known which classes satisfy the requirement, i.e. in the “How to Survive Your Major” document

9 Senior Thesis IssueRecommendation Few students complete a senior thesis Make undergraduates aware of this opportunity starting as freshmen, not just as juniors/seniors (through Chem Club, etc.) Remind advisors about this opportunity Advertise the senior thesis seminars more widely Make students excited to do a Senior Thesis!

10 Questions/Comments? Ch 21 abc Ch 14 Bi/Ch 110 Writing Requirement Senior Thesis Thank you!

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