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Policy Analysis Analyzing the Problem Bardach, the eightfold path

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1 Policy Analysis Analyzing the Problem Bardach, the eightfold path
Education Sector Assessments Program Evaluation Analyzing the Process of Policy Making (Politics and Interests) Haddad (national politics) Kemmerer on Sector Assessments (national politics) Alternative ways to think about the relationship between Problem Analysis (research) and Process Informed Dialogue

2 The Eightfold Path Define the Problem Assemble some Evidence
Construct the Alternatives Select the Criteria Project the Outcomes Confront the Tradeoffs Decide Tell your Story

3 Developing an Education Strategy
OECD Mexico Education Strategy Exercise Robert Schwartz

4 Assessing the Performance of an Education System
Assessing the Performance of an Education System. Conducting Education Sector Assessments.

5 Summarize the state or condition of the sector
Sector Analysis Sector Review Sector Assessment

6 Sector Analysis Sector Review Sector Assessment
Identification of sector needs and constraints and opportunities for system improvement Sector Analysis Sector Review Sector Assessment

7 Judgement of the success of programs
Sector Analysis Sector Review Sector Assessment

8 Education Sector Assessments.
A comprehensive review of the performance of an education and human resource development system, with emphasis in the linkages across sub-sector components. Systems-approach. Integrated by sub-sector assessments.

9 “A sector assessment is a detailed analysis of the goals and objectives, status, plans, needs, constraints, and priority target areas with rank ordered recommendations for action in a national education system…all components analyzed interdependently…Objectives of the assessment are too encourage the use of relevant and current information for planning, policy formulation, and resource allocation that will improve efficiency throughout the entire education sector.” (Cieutat and Pigozzi, 2-2).

10 Differs from a needs assessment and from an evaluation in that it is multi-issue, multi-program in scope, not focused on a specific policy or program. Evaluation focuses on a single activity or set of activities. Sector analysis: Summarize the state or condition of the sector Sector review: Judgement of the success of programs Sector assessment: Identification of sector needs and constraints and opportunities for system improvement.

11 Sector assessments have been in existence since educational planning began in the 1950s. They have been supported and popularized by donors. In the 1980s a USAID supported-project (Improving the Efficiency of Education Systems, which began in 1984) sponsored many sector assessments in developing countries, popularizing a particular approach to conducting sector assessments described in Pigozzi and Cieutat’s manual.

12 Beneficiaries/Audiences: Narrow view: Government officials and donors
Broader view: Stakeholders for education reform. Purposes of a Sector Assessment: Baseline Information System Efficiency Constraints Subsector Priorities Synthesis Planning Tool External Assistance Agency Coordination Institutionalization of systems analysis

13 Process of Carrying out a Sector Assessment
Preparation Data Collection Data Analysis Identification of Issues and Contraints Conclusions Recommendations Review “Frequent and careful review of the assessment during its development is an important part of the process. Reviews should occur not only at the end of the assessment but also during the process. They provide an opportunity to ensure that data and their interpretations are correct.” Revision

14 Preparation Definition of the Scope of Work (SOW) Specify: Purpose, task, approach, staffing (level of effort), duration, reporting. Initial Outline Terms of Reference for Consultants Management, institutional coordination. Logistics (transportation, support, access, review coordination) Costs Timeline and schedule

15 Structure of a Sector Assessment
Synthesis Economic and Financial Analysis Overall macroeconomic situation Employment and job creation Emerging needs to support economic growth (Manpower supply and demand) Rates of return Fiscal capacity History, structure and management capacity Pre-Primary Education Primary Secondary Tertiary Technical/Vocational NonFormal Teacher Education Special Studies

16 Each section of the assessment has a comprehensive descriptive section and an analytical section.
Data Sources: Quantitative records Policy documents Existing studies Interviews Special, ad-hoc, studies

17 The descriptive section must address:
Historical setting and cultural context Relevant national goals and objectives Organization and Institutional Structures Existing Programs: teachers, curriculum, materials, evaluation practices, facilities and equipment and costs.

18 Administration in each subsector:
Organization Chart, functions and staffing Supervisory structure Management personnel education and capabilities Supply and demand of management personnel Communication links through subsectors Education and skills of principals Teacher appointment, review, salary and promotion.

19 Students in each subsector:
Enrollments by grade Age distribution Access and capacity (gross and net enrollment) Initial access and criteria Cohort flow Enrollment projections

20 Teachers in each subsector
Numbers by grade and location Distribution by training, experience and specialization Salary schedule Age distribution Student/teacher ratios Teachers teaching

21 Curriculum by subsector
Purposes and content (Intended Curriculum) Scope (national, regional, institutional) Source Instructional materials required and available Teaching methods (Implemented Curriculum) Language of instruction Relevance of the curriculum Student learning (Achieved Curriculum)

22 Assessment systems and research
Facilities Costs and Financing Analysis of Various Sub-sectors: Identify Needs Discuss Plans Examine constraints Highlight Isues Summarize conclusions Formulate recommendations

23 Analytic themes: External efficiency Internal efficiency Access and equity Administration and supervision Costs and financing

24 Utilization of a Sector Assessment
Purposes: answer whether the system meet its goals and if it does so efficiently. “Because equity is a stated goal in almost every educational system, the efficiency analysis must include an analysis of the system’s equity effects since, by definition such systems cannot be efficient if they are not also equitable” (Kemmerer). “The technical component [of sector analysis] is simply one step in an alternative approach to strategic planning; an approach built on inter- and intra-sectoral collaboration and on the collection and analysis of reliable and timely information on system efficiency”

25 Identification of key stakeholders
Purposes of Sector Analysis to Encourage National Dialogue on Education:  Promote national discussion of key educational issues Expand the focus of educational ministries and programs Promote collaborative problem solving Clarify goals Increase accountability Win support for reform Build a forum

26 Steps: Initiation Forming the National Steering Committee Determining the Scope of the Analysis (Scope of Work) Form the subsector teams Form the technical analysis team Collect data Discuss preliminary findings Collect additional data Formulate draft recommendations Discuss draft recommendations Revise and prioritize recommendation





31 Government Government is the most central and essential political actor because the other political actors are “mapped” (or categorized) in terms of their opposition or support to government. External Actors They include: multinational corporations, foreign embassies, international NGOs, and bilateral and multilateral donor agencies. External actors are often the economic fuel for many policy decisions. Social Sectors Social sectors are defined by a general interest or motive that brings individuals together through mass mechanisms. Examples are small farmers, agro-export farmers, urban working class, large landholders, industrialists, or minority groups. Political Parties Their main objective is to shape public policy via selecting candidates to run for office and appointing party loyalists to government positions. Pressure Groups Pressure groups can be labor unions, teacher coalitions, church organizations, business associations, NGOs, or other professional organizations that function to influence public policy.


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