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National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering John J. McGrath Division Director: Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems Steven H. McKnight Division Director: Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation ASME IMECE 2009 Orlando, Florida ASME IMECE 2009 Orlando, Florida Overview of Engineering Directorate, CBET & CMMI Divisions at NSF
Presentation Outline Directorate for Engineering (ENG) Overview Priorities, Budget & Funding Opportunities NSF and The Stimulus Package (ARRA) CBET Division Overview CMMI Division Overview
Directorate for Engineering FY 2010 Emerging Frontiers in Research & Innovation (EFRI) Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) Office of the Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director Program Director for Diversity & Outreach Office of the Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director Program Director for Diversity & Outreach Senior Advisor Nanotechnology Senior Advisor Nanotechnology Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) $29M $765M $132M $192M $160M $96M $156M
NAE Grand Challenges Make Solar Energy Economical Provide Energy from Fusion Provide access to clean water Reverse-engineer the brain Advance personalized learning Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure Engineer the tools of scientific discovery Develop carbon sequestration methods Advance Health Informatics Engineer Better Medicines
Directorate for Engineering 5 Presidential Priorities Energy and climate Cyber-infrastructure Nanotechnology Convergence of biology and the physical sciences/engineering Innovation Crosscutting priorities Increasing support for high-risk/high-return research Tripling the number of GRFs Increasing support for early investigators
Directorate for Engineering 6 FY 2010 NSF Initiatives Climate Change Science Program National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Networking and Information Technology R&D Climate Research Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) Science and Engineering Beyond Moore’s Law (SEBML)
Directorate for Engineering 7 Other ENG Investments Sustainability RE-ENERGYSE: REgaining our ENERGY Science and Engineering Edge, in collaboration with Dept. of Energy Bioeconomy Innovation
Directorate for Engineering 8 Budget and Trends FY 2009 Budget American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) FY 2010 NSF Budget Proposal pressures and trends
Directorate for Engineering 9 NSF Budget Summary NSF FY 2008 Actual FY 2009 Request FY 2009 Omni-bus FY 2009 plus ARRA FY 2010 Request Amount$6.065$6.854$6.490$9.492$7.045 Change over FY 2008 n/a13.0%7.0%56.5%16.2% Dollars in billions
10 Dollars in millions. Totals may not add due to rounding. NSF Research and Related Activities (R&RA)
Directorate for Engineering 11 NSF Budget ($B) ARRA
Directorate for Engineering 12 ENG and SBIR/STTR Budgets ($M)
Directorate for Engineering 13 Funding Rates for Competitive NSF Awards, 2005–2009
Directorate for Engineering 14 Mean Award Size, 2005–2009
Directorate for Engineering 15 ENG Unsolicited Proposal Submissions
Directorate for Engineering 16 ARRA Priorities for NSF Increase success rate for highly meritorious research proposals Emphasize support for early investigators No new solicitations Additional funding for two prior solicitations: Major Research Instrumentation (2 nd round) Academic Research Infrastructure
Funding Opportunities
Core programs Exploratory research Collaborative/interdisciplinary areas Crosscutting and NSF-wide programs
ENG Core Programs ENG Divisions Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Broadening Participation
Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program Supports junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher- scholars through outstanding research excellent education integration of education and research Encourages women, members of under-represented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply $80M invested each year for 425 new awards ENG awards are ≥$400K for 4 years Deadlines vary by directorate; ENG proposals due July 22, 2009 ENG Contact Sharon Middledorf ENG Contact Sharon Middledorf
Broadening Participation Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers Graduate Research Fellowships for Women Graduate Research Supplements
Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) Opportunity to increase the diversity of researchers through research support early in their careers Encourages support of under- represented groups, engineers at minority-serving institutions, and persons with disabilities BRIGE awardee Stephanie Luster-Teasley (L) and NC A&T students Desiree Gordon and Patrick Onochie discuss preliminary research for the development of controlled-release polymers for environmental remediation. Credit: North Carolina A&T State University.
Funding Opportunities Core programs Exploratory and urgent research Collaborative/interdisciplinary areas Crosscutting and NSF-wide programs
Exploratory and Urgent Research Early-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) - High-risk, exploratory, transformative research Began Jan. 1, 2009, Up to $300K over two years Approved by Program Officer- not panel review Grants for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) - Research of great urgency with regard to data, facilities, or equipment, such as research on disasters Up to $200K over one year Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI)
Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Supports higher-risk, higher-payoff opportunities that: Are potentially transformative Address a national need or grand challenge Topic areas for FY 2009 are: BioSensing and BioActuation: Interface of Living and Engineered Systems (BSBA)- 12 awards Hydrocarbons from Biomass (HyBi)- 8 awards New topic areas announced in Spring $25M investment for 4-year awards at $500K per year Each year: Letters of Intent due in Oct.; preliminary proposals due in Dec.; invited full proposals due in April EFRI Web site: EFRI Sohi Rastegar EFRI Sohi Rastegar
Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Initiatives FY07 Auto-Reconfigurable Engineered Systems (Burka, Hamilton) Cellular & Biomolecular Engineering (Heineken, Wellek) FY08 Cognitive Optimization & Prediction (Demir, Heineken) Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructures (Hamilton, Schultz) FY09 Hydrocarbon from Biomass (Regalbuto, Burka, Hamilton, Schultz) BioSensing and Bioactuation (Esterowitz) FY10 Renewable Energy Storage (RESTOR) (Esterowitz, Bergman, Wesson) Science in Energy & Environmental Design (SEED) (Hamilton)
Funding Opportunities Core programs Exploratory research Collaborative/interdisciplinary areas Crosscutting and NSF-wide programs
ENG Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Research Engineering Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Engineering Education and Centers Industrial Innovation and Partnerships
ENG Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Proposals Must attract funding from at least two divisions of the NSF, with primary funding from ENG. Are usually submitted by a team of 2–4 investigators. Typically $300–500K for up to three years, although awards up to $1M are considered. Submission deadline: December 7, 2009 See submission guidelines at
Engineering Education and Centers Deputy Director for Engineering Centers Lynn Preston Deputy Director for Engineering Centers Lynn Preston Deputy Director for Engineering Education Sue Kemnitzer Deputy Director for Engineering Education Sue Kemnitzer Division Director Allen Soyster Division Director Allen Soyster Bioengineering Vacant Bioengineering Vacant Microelectronics Systems and Information Deborah Jackson Barbara Kenny Microelectronics Systems and Information Deborah Jackson Barbara Kenny Nanoscale Science and Engineering Deborah Jackson Barbara Kenny Nanoscale Science and Engineering Deborah Jackson Barbara Kenny Civil Infrastructure John Daniels Civil Infrastructure John Daniels Senior Staff Associate Win Aung Senior Staff Associate Win Aung ERC Diversity and Pre-College Education Mary Poats ERC Diversity and Pre-College Education Mary Poats Research Experiences for Teachers Mary Poats Research Experiences for Teachers Mary Poats Research Experience for Undergrads Esther Bolding Research Experience for Undergrads Esther Bolding Engineering Education Sue Kemnitzer John Daniels Engineering Education Sue Kemnitzer John Daniels Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education Mary Poats Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education Mary Poats Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institutes Mary Poats Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institutes Mary Poats International Research and Education in Engineering Win Aung International Research and Education in Engineering Win Aung Cross-Directorate Programs Sharon Middledorf Cross-Directorate Programs Sharon Middledorf Earthquake Engineering Vacant Earthquake Engineering Vacant
Engineering Centers Engineering Research Centers 15 in operation, including 5 new for 2008 Funding for 10 years 2-year process from solicitation to funding FY2010 solicitation is underway Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers 6 of 10 are engineering 2007 solicitation to establish a Center for the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology
NSF Directorate for Engineering32 Engineering Research Centers FY 2010 awards will be made in the following topic areas: Complex, coupled physical civil infrastructure systems under stress Energy systems for a sustainable future Transformational engineered systems — open category with topic chosen by the proposing ERC team ~$13M to fund 2–4 awards Letters of Intent due May 15, 2009; preliminary proposals due July 15, 2009 invited full proposals due Jan. 12, 2010 ENG Contact Lynn Preston ENG Contact Lynn Preston
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Rathindra DasGupta Glenn Larsen Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Rathindra DasGupta Glenn Larsen Partnerships for Innovation Sara Nerlove Partnerships for Innovation Sara Nerlove Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry Donald Senich Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry Donald Senich Small Business Partnerships Joe Hennessey Small Business Partnerships Joe Hennessey Industrial Innovation & Partnerships Division Director Kesh Narayanan Division Director Kesh Narayanan AAAS Fellow James Brown AAAS Fellow James Brown Academic Partnerships Donald Senich Academic Partnerships Donald Senich Advanced Electronics Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Materials Biotechnology Civil Infrastructure Systems Energy and the Environment Fabrication and Processing Technology Health and Safety Information and Communications Quality, Reliability and Maintenance System Design and Simulation Advanced Electronics Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Materials Biotechnology Civil Infrastructure Systems Energy and the Environment Fabrication and Processing Technology Health and Safety Information and Communications Quality, Reliability and Maintenance System Design and Simulation Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Cheryl Albus Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Cheryl Albus Biotechnology and Chemical Technology Thomas Allnutt, Vacant, Cynthia Znati Biotechnology and Chemical Technology Thomas Allnutt, Vacant, Cynthia Znati Electronics Juan Figueroa, Murali Nair, William Haines Electronics Juan Figueroa, Murali Nair, William Haines Information Technology Errol Arkilic, Ian Bennett Information Technology Errol Arkilic, Ian Bennett Special Topics James Rudd, George Vermont Special Topics James Rudd, George Vermont
Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) Current Programs supporting academic-industry partnerships - Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) - Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) - Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) - Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) IIP supports a wide spectrum of Technology Areas - Advanced Materials - Manufacturing - Civil Infrastructure Systems - Chemical-Based Technologies - Energy and Environment - Biotechnology - Electronics - Information-Based Technologies
Funding Opportunities Core programs Exploratory research Collaborative/interdisciplinary areas Crosscutting and NSF-wide programs
Selected Crosscutting and NSF-wide Opportunities Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)
NSF-wide Education Programs Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) ~20 awards each year Pre-proposals due in March, full proposals due in Sept. Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) ~20 awards each year Letters of Intent due in May, full proposals due in June Graduate Research Fellowships (GRF) ~1,000 fellowships awarded each year Engineering and interdisciplinary proposals due in Nov. each year
CBET FY 2009 $202Million** 4 Clusters 17 Programs 17 Program Directors 17 Staff Members 3,539 Proposals BES (FY 2006) $52 Million 8 Programs 8 Program Directors 575 Proposals CTS (FY 2006 ) $71 Million 8 Programs 8 Program Directors 1,465 Proposals CBET Reorganization & Merger History* **Includes ARRA*Just completed third year
* * *
41 Current CBET Research Clusters Chemical, Biochemical & Biotechnology Systems Research aimed at processing and manufacture of products of economic importance by effectively utilizing chemical resources and renewable resources of biological origin. Supporting programs Catalysis & Biocatalysis Chemical & Biological Separations Process & Reaction Engineering
Current CBET Research Clusters Bioengineering & Engineering Healthcare Research at the interface of engineering and life science aimed at improving healthcare. Supporting programs Biomedical Engineering Biophotonics Biosensing Biotechnology, Biochemical and Biomass and Biomass Research to Aid Persons with Disabilities with Disabilities Backman, Northwestern
Current CBET Research Clusters Environmental Engineering & Sustainability Research on innovative biological, chemical, and physical processes used alone or as components of engineered systems to restore the usefulness of polluted land, water, and air resources. Nanotechnology and health. Supporting programs Energy for Sustainability Environmental Engineering Environmental Implications of Emerging Technologies Emerging Technologies Environmental Sustainability Ke, Clemson
Current CBET Research Clusters Transport & Thermal Fluids Supports fundamental advances in transport processes enabling new technological solutions to understand pressing issues in energy, the environment, manufacturing, health care, and other fields. Supporting programs Combustion, Fire & Plasma Systems Plasma Systems Fluid Dynamics Interfacial Processes & Thermodynamics & Thermodynamics Particulate & Multiphase Processes Processes Thermal Transport Processes Processes Desjardin, SUNY Buffalo
CBET: Well-Aligned with National Priorities CBET Foci External Priorities
CBET Serves a Diverse Community Dominated by ChE & ME Significant BME & Environmental Chemistry (MPS), Math/Physics (MPS), ECE (ECCS) ChE ME BME Civil Math/ Phys Med Aero EnvE Chem Bio ECE Ag MatSci
NSF and ENG Level Activities ADVANCE BRIGE Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) Petascale Applications (PetaApps) Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) WATERS GRS CAREER MRI Building Engineered Complex Systems (BECS)
Most Funding Is Devoted To Your Ideas (FY06-FY09) 75% 25%
44% New Balance Between New and Previous Principal Investigators
Single Investigators And Teams Are Valued Multiple Investigator (#s) Single Investigator (#s) Very Similar for $
CBET Funding Rate Comparison for Research Awards 51 Funding Rate
Emphasize Four Thematic Research Areas Energy, Water, Environment & Sustainability Integration of Life Sciences with Engineering Nano-scale Science and Engineering Systems & Multi-Scale Modeling Engineering
Future Directions Examples of Broad Opportunities Sustainable Systems: Energy, Water, Environment Renewable Energy, Water, Climate Change Bio-Economy Partnerships with DOE, USDA Healthcare Neural Engineering, Cellular & Tissue Engineering Minimally Invasive Diagnostics & Therapeutics Exo-skeletal Robotics, Sensory Organ Augmentation Health Effects of Nano-materials Partnerships with NIH, FDA Materials & Manufacturing
Issues Seek Community Awareness & Input Strengthen Ties with ASME No More ARRA Funds CBET Seeking to Reduce Proposal Numbers Mechanisms being discussed (# of Windows, Virtual Panels, Letters of Intent, etc) Sharper Focus of Program and Division Share Program & Division Strategies with PIs & Panelists Emphasis on Innovation - Discovery AND Potential Translation to Practice
CMMI Steven McKnight Division Director
CMMI FY 2009 $232.6 Million** 4 Clusters 20 Programs 18 Program Directors 17 Staff Members 2,923 Proposals CMS (FY 2006) $88.4 Million 12 Programs 10 Program Directors ~1400 Proposals DMI (FY 2006 ) $66.1 Million 7 Programs 7 Program Directors 1,126 Proposals CMMI Reorganization & Merger History* **Includes ARRA*Just completed third year
The CMMI Research Community: Awards Made M.E.
Current CMMI Organization Division Director Steven McKnight Deputy Director George Hazelrigg Division Director Steven McKnight Deputy Director George Hazelrigg Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Cerry Klein Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Cerry Klein Nano Manufacturing Shaochen Chen Nano Manufacturing Shaochen Chen Material Processing and Manufacturing Mary Toney Material Processing and Manufacturing Mary Toney Control Systems Suhada Jayasuriya Control Systems Suhada Jayasuriya Dynamical Systems Eduardo Misawa Dynamical Systems Eduardo Misawa Engineering Design and Innovation Christina Bloebaum Engineering Design and Innovation Christina Bloebaum Operations Research Robert Smith Operations Research Robert Smith Service Enterprise Systems Cerry Klein Service Enterprise Systems Cerry Klein Sensors and Sensing Systems Shih Chi Liu Sensors and Sensing Systems Shih Chi Liu Mechanics and Engineering Materials Mechanics and Engineering Materials Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructures Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Design Geomechanics and Geotechnical Systems John Daniels Geomechanics and Geotechnical Systems John Daniels Materials and Surface Engineering Clark Cooper Materials and Surface Engineering Clark Cooper Mechanics of Materials Glaucio Paulino Mechanics of Materials Glaucio Paulino Nano/Bio Mechanics Vacant Nano/Bio Mechanics Vacant Structural Materials and Mechanics Lawrence Bank Structural Materials and Mechanics Lawrence Bank Civil Infrastructure Systems Dennis Wenger Civil Infrastructure Systems Dennis Wenger NEES Joy Pauschke NEES Joy Pauschke Geotechnical Engineering John Daniels Geotechnical Engineering John Daniels Hazard Mitigation and Structural Engineering M.P. Singh Hazard Mitigation and Structural Engineering M.P. Singh Infrastructure Mgmt. and Extreme Events Dennis Wenger Infrastructure Mgmt. and Extreme Events Dennis Wenger AAAS Fellow Phil King AAAS Fellow Phil King Manufacturing and Construction Machines and Equipment George Hazelrigg Manufacturing and Construction Machines and Equipment George Hazelrigg Interdisciplinary and Cross-Divisional Activities Bruce Kramer Interdisciplinary and Cross-Divisional Activities Bruce Kramer Program Support Mgt. Betty Person Program Support Mgt. Betty Person
59 Current CMMI Research Clusters Advanced Manufacturing Research leading to transformative advances in manufacturing and building technologies, with emphases on efficiency, economy, and sustainability Supporting programs Manufacturing and Construction Equipment Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Materials Processing and Engineering Nanomanufacturing
60 Current CMMI Research Clusters Mechanics and Engineering Materials Research aimed at advances in the transformation and use of engineering materials efficiently, economically, and sustainably Supporting programs Geomechanics and Geomaterials Materials and Surface Engineering Mechanics of Materials Nano/Bio Mechanics Structural Materials and Mechanics
61 Current CMMI Research Clusters Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructures Research to advance fundamental knowledge and innovation for resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure and distributed infrastructure networks Supporting programs Civil Infrastructure Systems NEES – Ops and Research Geotechnical Engineering Hazard Mitigation and Structural Engineering Infrastructure Mgt. and Extreme Events
62 Current CMMI Research Clusters Systems Engineering and Design Research on the decision-making aspects of engineering, including design, control, and optimization Supporting programs Control Systems Dynamical Systems Engineering Design and Innovation Operations Research Sensors and Sensing Systems Service Enterprise Systems
Future Directions for CMMI Future Directions for CMMI Influence of Community and Context NRC / NAS / NAE National Initiatives Interagency Studies, Workshops, And Coordination
Future Directions for CMMI Future Directions for CMMI Influence of Community and Context NRC / NAS / NAE National Initiatives Interagency Studies, Workshops, And Coordination Emerging areas of opportunity Areas of critical need (big contributions possible) Disciplinary research (core programs) Cross-disciplinary advances (clear opportunities)
Selected CMMI Supported Worships: Setting Future Research Agendas Workshop: Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing (RAM): Identifying the Future of Freeform Processing: March 2009 Workshop on Energy Efficiency via Better Materials and Manufacturing; June 2009 Humanitarian Service Science and Engineering Workshop; October 2007 The Cell as a Machine: Mechano-, Controls, Systems Engineering Approach to Cell/Molecular Biology; January 2008 Healthcare Engineering and Health Services Research: Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers; April 2008 Workshop Series: Interdisciplinary Design as an Instructional Discipline, 2008-2009 Engineering Complexity in Aerospace Systems (w/DARPA), September 2009 Neuromechanical Engineering, September 2009
Future Directions Broad Opportunities Novel materials, processes, and manufacturing technologies Engineering biology Simulation-based engineering and science Engineering applied to service-based enterprises and the human dimension Innovative product and complex system design – underlying theories of design
Research Challenges for Simulation-Based Engineering and Science Software engineering challenges may hinder broader use Visualization of simulation outputs can advance understanding Links between physical and system level simulations are weak Treatment of uncertainty is inadequate Appropriate algorithms, software and data are needed Training of engineers and scientists is crucial
Proposal Submissions What We (and Reviewers) Want to Know What are your research and educational objectives? This is what directs your proposal to the appropriate program What is your approach? Outline — just a few sentences What is the specific research contribution you will make to the knowledge base (the intellectual merit)? If successful, what will be the benefit to society (the broader impact)?
12 Steps to a Better Proposal 1. Know yourself - strengths/weaknesses 2. Know the program from which you seek support 3. Read the program announcement and GPG 4. Formulate clear and appropriate research and education objectives 5. Develop a viable plan 6. State your objectives up front in your proposal 7. Frame your project around the work of others
12 Steps to a Better Proposal 8. Grammar and spelling count 9. Format and brevity are important 10. Know the review process 11. Proof read the proposal before you submit it 12. Submit your proposal early and proof read it after you submit it Writing a good proposal takes common sense and effort—it’s not magic
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