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5 Time and Introduction Module (L9-L10) Time and Introduction test Review Chinese IAB (IA +IB)

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1 5 Time and Introduction Module (L9-L10) Time and Introduction test Review Chinese IAB (IA +IB)

2 Step 1 Step 2 Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3 To exit Adobe Click Allow

3 Please click on page 5 to find Module Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Guide is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area. Where is e-Textbook?

4 Telling time from picture 一点半 yi dian ban – 1:30 Review Q1

5 Telling time from picture 十点五分 shi dian wu fen - 10:05 Review Q2

6 Telling time from picture 六点二十五 liu dian er shi wu - 6:25 Review Q3

7 Telling time from picture 一点 yi dian – one o’clock – 1:00 Review Q4

8 Telling time from picture 三点 san dian – 3:00 Review Q5

9 Put the words into correct order. 我 / 走 / 先 / 了 = 》我先走了 wo xian zou le I need to go first. 先 to do something first; 走 to walk 了 ending word to mean the action completed. Review Q6

10 Put the words into correct order. 五分 / 差 / 十点 / 现在 => 现在差五分十点。 (xian zai cha wu fen shi dian) Now it is five minutes to 10 o’clock. Review Q7

11 Telling time from picture 四点半 (si dian ban) 4:30 Review Q8

12 Telling time from picture 差 一 刻八 点 (cha yi ke ba dian) 7:45 It is fifteen minutes to eight o’clock. Review Q9

13 Telling time from picture (liang dian yi ke) 两点一刻 2:15 Review Q10

14 Read the following sentence and select the correct response to match the sentence. 你现在在中国工作吗? (ni xian zai zai zhong guo gong zuo ma) Are you working in China now? => 不,我在美国读大学。 (bu, wo zai mei guo du da xue) No, I am studying at college in America. Review Q11

15 Put the words into correct order. 你 / 时间 / 有 / 吗 / 现在 => 你现在有时间吗? (ni xian xai you shi jian ma) Do you have time now? The above questions may show as “fill in the blank” in test. Review Q12

16 Put the words into correct order 我 / 成都 / 喜欢 / 最 => 我最喜欢成都。 (wo zui xi huan cheng dou) I like Cheng Dou best. Review Q13

17 Put the words into correct order. 在 / 工作 / 中国 / 你 / 现在 / 吗  你现在在中国工作吗? (ni xian zai zai zhong guo gong zuo ma) Are you working in China now? Review Q14

18 Put the words into correct order. 你 / 熟悉 / 环境 / 带 / 约翰 / 一下 / 公司 => 你带约翰熟悉一下公司环境。 (ni dai yue han shu xi yi xia gong si huan jing) You give John a tour about company. The above question may show as “fill in the blank” area in test. Review Q15

19 Read the following sentence and select the correct response to match the sentence. 你去过哪里? (ni qu guo na li) Where have you been (before)? => 我去过上海、成都还有香港 (wo qu guo shang hai, cheng dou hai you xiang gang) I have been to Shanghai, Chengdou and Hong Kong. Review Q16

20 Read the following sentence and select the correct response to match the sentence. 你为什么喜欢成都呀? (ni wei shen me xi huan cheng dou ya) Why you like Chengdou ? => 因为我喜欢吃川菜。 (yin wei wo xi huan chi chuan cai) Because I like to eat Sichuan style cuisine. Review Q17

21 Review Q18 Fill in the blank 办公室有 考试的卷子。 上周 shang zhou – last week => 办公室有上周考试的卷子。 (ban gong shi you shang zou kai shi de juan zi) There are a testing paper for last week in the office.

22 Fill in the blank 我先走了, 见。 一会儿 yi hui er – a while, a very short time => 我先走了,一会儿见。 (wo xian zou le, yi hui er jian) I need to go first. See you later. Review Q19

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