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REFUGEES Last updated May 2015. It is night. You have packed only what you can carry.

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Presentation on theme: "REFUGEES Last updated May 2015. It is night. You have packed only what you can carry."— Presentation transcript:

1 REFUGEES Last updated May 2015

2 It is night.

3 You have packed only what you can carry.

4 It is unsafe for you to stay where you are.

5 You must move quickly.

6 You don’t know what the future will hold.

7 You know you may never be able to return.

8 Photo credit: Caritas Internationalis

9 Photo credit: Oliver White / Caritas Australia

10 You travel at night, avoiding the main roads.

11 You eat what you can find.

12 You travel in constant fear.

13 After days or weeks of walking you arrive at a refugee camp.

14 Photo credit: Catholic Relief Services

15 The camp is crowded.

16 Photo credit: Caritas Internationalis/ CLMC J. Khoury

17 There is never enough food or water to go around.

18 You cannot work.

19 You may be here for months.

20 Photo credit: Caritas Internationalis

21 You may be here for years.

22 Photo credit: Catholic Relief Services / Neil Deles

23 Imagine if it were YOU.



26 FACTS There are many reasons people are forced to flee their homes: War Persecution Famine Violence Natural disasters Fear

27 A person uprooted by conflict will remain displaced for an average of 17 years. Photo credit: Paul Jeffrey / ACT-Caritas

28 More then 16.7 million people around the world have been forced to flee their home and their country. Photo credit: Caritas Internationalis

29 It is also estimated that there are more than 33 million internally displaced people in the world. Photo credit: Caritas Australia

30 10 million people are considered ‘stateless’: that is, they have no country that recognises them as citizens. Photo credit: Oliver White / Caritas Australia


32 CARITAS AUSTRALIA’S RESPONSE Caritas Australia is the Catholic agency for international aid and development. With your support we are able to work with refugees and internally displaced people, helping people rebuild their lives and future by providing:

33 Photo credit: Paul Jeffrey / ACT-Caritas Water and sanitation

34 Photo credit: Ryan Worms / Caritas Internationalis Health programs

35 Photo credit: Paul Jeffrey / ACT-Caritas Psychosocial Support

36 Photo credit: Paul Jeffrey / ACT-Caritas Agriculture

37 Photo credit: Oliver White / Caritas Australia Education

38 Photo credit: Laura Sheahan / Caritas-ACT Livelihoods

39 Photo credit: Caritas Australia Food


41 Photo credit: Caritas Internationalis God of Hope, We pray that refugees never lose hope of finding a more secure future.

42 Photo credit: Joseph Mirgichan / Caritas Australia We pray that refugees will encounter an outstretched hand of welcome.

43 Photo credit: François Therrin We pray that refugees will experience fraternal solidarity and the warmth of friendship.

44 Photo credit: Catholic Relief Services We pray for those devoting their lives to helping refugees, that they will find strength in your love.

45 Photo credit: Oliver White/ Caritas Australia We pray for ourselves, that we will recognise Jesus Christ in those whom seek refuge.

46 Photo credit: Caritas Internationalis We pray for justice and an increasing commitment to peace, the indispensable condition for all authentic progress. Amen


48 LEARN MORE! TAKE ACTION! Use our education resources to explore the issue of refugees and displacement further and take action! Syria Middle East Crisis Climate Refugees Secondary Refugee lesson activities Refuge Quiz



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