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May 13, 2015. Where We Came From Change of Direction  FY 09 22 Claims $326,671.38 in Claims Premium Cost Up.

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Presentation on theme: "May 13, 2015. Where We Came From Change of Direction  FY 09 22 Claims $326,671.38 in Claims Premium Cost Up."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 13, 2015

2 Where We Came From



5 Change of Direction  FY 09 22 Claims $326,671.38 in Claims Premium Cost Up

6 Significant Restructure  County Commission Involvement Fall 2010  Restructured Highway Department Safety Team in January 2011  County Commission Adopted Resolution in April 2011  Began to change the Safety “Culture” at Highway Department

7 Safety Incentive Concept  Accountability for yourself !  Accountability for each other !  Our purpose is to promote safety awareness and thus minimize injuries to our employees.

8 The Nuts and Bolts…  Foreman are expected to meet weekly with crews for safety briefings  Monthly meetings are held with Safety Committee  Quarterly department wide safety meetings are held

9 The Incentives:  If entire crew is injury free for 1 Quarter, crew receives ½ day off.  If one member of crew has reportable injury, entire crew does NOT receive ½ day off.  Individual receives 1 day off for 1 year of being injury free plus additional “goodies”

10 The Cost:  Average daily compensation: $200  Average number of eligible employees: 50  4 – ½ days equates to 2 full days plus extra full day for yearly incentive  3 X $10000/day = $30,000  Additional “goodies” = $5,000  Total Cost to County = $35,000

11 The Reward:  Significant decrease in Claims  Significant decrease in Cost  Significant improvement in Loss Ratio

12 Where We Are



15 Overview of Results



18 Questions?

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