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Fast Pitch Pitching for Dummies

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1 Fast Pitch Pitching for Dummies
ASA SOFTBALL Fast Pitch Pitching for Dummies


3 What To Look For Preliminaries Feet
- both feet on the ground and within the 24” length Male Pivot foot in contact with the pitcher’s plate Non Pivot foot in contact with or behind the pitcher’s plate Female Both feet in contact with the pitcher’s plate

4 What To Look For Preliminaries Hands Shoulders
Apart, ball in pitching hand or glove/mitt Take the signal (or appear to take it) Bringing the hands together for 1-10 seconds Shoulders In line with 1st and 3rd base

5 What To Look For Preliminaries Male Female
If the pitcher starts with the non pivot foot behind the pitcher’s plate, a step backward may be taken before, simultaneous with, or after the hands are brought together The pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitcher’s plate at all times prior to the forward step Female Both feet must remain in contact with the pitcher’s plate prior to the forward step

6 Start of The Pitch Starts with the separation of hands after they have been brought together Step Not more than 1 step Female Must be forward simultaneous with the delivery inside the 24” length of pitching plate Male - Must be forward simultaneous with the delivery


8 Pivot Foot Female Pushing off and dragging the pivot foot in contact with the ground is required. If a hole has been created the pivot foot may drag no higher than the level plane of the ground. Male Pushing off and dragging the pivot foot in contact with the ground or If both feet are in the air, the toes of the pivot foot must be pointed downward

9 Leaping An act by the pitcher when both feet become airborne on the initial move and push from the pitcher’s plate.




13 Crow Hop The act of the pitcher who steps, hops or drags off the front of the pitcher’s plate, replants the pivot foot, thereby establishing a second impetus (or starting point), pushes off from the newly established starting point and completes the delivery



16 The Delivery Must be delivered in a underhand motion
Release and follow-through of the hand and wrist must be forward past the vertical line of the body Hand shall be below the hip Wrist not farther from the body than the elbow Delivered from the throwing arm side of the body (not behind the back or between the legs)




20 The Windup May use any windup provided:
No motion to pitch is made without immediately delivering the ball No rocker action is made The pitcher does not stop or reverse the forward motion The pitcher does not make more than one revolution of the arm in the windmill motion (anything less than two revolutions)


22 May use any windup provided:
The pitcher does not continue to wind up after taking the forward step or after the ball is released


24 Infractions by the Pitcher
Deliberately dropping, rolling, bouncing, etc., the ball from the pitching position to prevent the batter from striking it Applying any foreign substance on the ball (powder resin or Gorilla Gold may be used) Licking the fingers prior to contact with the ball Wearing any item on the pitching hand, wrist, forearm, elbow or thighs which the umpire judges to be distracting


26 Legal – Band aide not on contact point
Illegal – Tape on contact points


28 Illegal – Nothing on pitching hand, wrist, forearm, elbow or thigh that is distracting

29 Failing to release the ball 20 seconds after it has been returned from the catcher
Throwing to a base while a foot is in contact with pitching plate after taking the pitching position Any defensive player taking a position in the batter’s line of vision Any defensive player takes a position in foul territory (except the catcher)


31 The catcher being outside the lines of the catcher’s box when the the pitch is released
When the catcher returns the ball to any defensive player other than the pitcher (except after a strikeout, putout made by the catcher or to play on a base runner)


33 You Make The Call

34 Legal

35 Legal – Still!

36 Illegal – Leap

37 Illegal – Leap

38 Inconclusive – Can’t see hands

39 Illegal – Leap

40 Legal

41 Illegal – Replants; crow hop

42 Illegal-legal-illegal

43 Illegal – Rocking action

44 Illegal – Double Touch

45 Illegal – Hands never come together

46 Legal – Takes signal with hands apart

47 Illegal - Steps on pitching plate with hands together

48 Illegal – Takes signal behind pitching plate; walks through pitch

49 Legal

50 Legal

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